Elsa is adorable. Joyce, I am a big fan of your analysis. I am also a big fan of your animals.

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I am quite certain ANY educated statistician would agree there was algorithmic manipulation, I.e. a computer hack in the 2024 election after reviewing this data. The data is INCOMPATIBLE with REALITY!

Harris WON!! Just look at what these computer analysts have found!

UPDATE ‼️. Nathan, the computer analyst that uncovered this algorithmic manipulation says AUDITS of the PAPER BALLOTS are needed. If you want to fight Trump, please watch this video then SHARE:


Then please DONATE!

👉 Call your election officials, local & statewide, your Secretary of State (your state), your state Attorney General, your local registrars, CALL/EMAIL them and DEMAND they do AUDITS of the PAPER BALLOTS (and compare to the Election Day & early voting results).

~ Election Truth Alliance

This is our BEST shot. Thank you!

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> "I am quite certain ANY educated statistician would agree there was... a computer hack in the 2024 election... Harris WON!!"

Trump's win is certainly inconceivable if one expects a rational assessment from the American voting populace. He's a convicted felon, for heaven's sake. But from all indications, a rational assessment by the voters is not what we got. (And tell me how he can still be getting 40% "approval" at this point, when realistically he should be getting more like 10% -- next to nothing.)

But even if Harris won, as you say, what's to be done about it?

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If there's election interference & fraud involved, attorneys can file a lawsuit for an investigation. That's all I can think of.

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Did you see our party tonite? They did nothing…NOTHING when Al Green stood up and caused good civil disobedience!

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They should have followed him out.

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Yes! All of them should have left right behind him.

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Think about it. That would have appeared like surrender and that’s just what they want. “We are not going anywhere” is a stronger message.

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I couldn't make myself watch - not any of it. I figure I can get what I need to know tomorrow from the talking heads.

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It would have been more powerful if the Dems had taken a similar stance and stood up as Mr. Green did at different intervals throughout the speech, interrupting Trump until they were escorted out. The constant and continued disruptions would have been epic!

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I’m sure that Dems would rather have been anywhere else!

They remained, civil, but held up their resist signs. Otherwise people watching would only hear trumps divisive rants… lie after lie!

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Absolutely. Why not? Litigation is the reason for the season!

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DC Cougar, if you listen to these videos that Marla posted, you will see that there is indeed something that could be done about it. If it's proven beyond any doubt (and I believe it will be) that Harris won, Trump's occupying the White House is null and void. He will have to be removed. Not predicting how this will happen, but if we do not pursue exposing what has occurred, there is likely no chance there will ever be an election again. This is very serious and it might be the only way left to save our democracy.

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Denial is not just a river in Egypt, but it does help people get through trying times -- as long as it's temporary.

Harris-Walz came amazingly close considering the circumstances, which included President Biden's unwillingness to stand aside long before that disastrous debate. The other circumstances were in play long before 2024, including at the top the Electoral College, the Citizens United decision (2010), campaign finance in general, mainstream media coverage, the right-wing media, and the racism, sexism, and abysmal ignorance of too much of the electorate.

Ongoing denial isn't going to help us deal with any of it.

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I agree that it was a better night to spend with animals we like than those running the country. I love the puppy pics. Elsa is so cute together with her big sister Bella.

I am wondering how I would go about filing a class action suit that Trump has allowed Musk to see our private data in Social Security and my mom's in medicare? I have been harmed if he wrongly says that my mom should not get the services she is getting, and I will be wronged if he lowers my social security rate, and right now that by firing people it will be harder to get social security when we start applying for it.

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Agreed, Julie. A ninety-nine minute bloviation of bool-sheet. Good night to hang with chickens et al. The world going to the dogs sure beats America going to the hogs.

Here is a short-form (😉) of last night's state of the union address with the Democratic Party response. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XriXDtfqCg Oldie but goodie.

Seriously, to you, Ms Vance* (oops), take as much time as needed, the struggle ahead -- for Burkean conservatives, too -- will be long and hard. G-D bless you, Ma'am. Thank you, again, Julie.

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Perfect antidote to what’s about to happen. I’ll be hugging my dogs 🥰

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Beautiful Bella looks a bit old. The treasure of time with our animal friends is precious. I had to put down one of my longtime cats and I still in sadness a month later.

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I feel for you, Bill. Our cat died a natural death at age 20-½ 14 years ago and I sill miss him. I'm not sure I have words for what I'm feeling right now, but it's something to do with the way a good pet takes over your heart.

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I have 6 more cats that rule here.

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That cat picture is of Babe that I found a few years ago on a cold winter day new born and fortunately I heard him crying and now he thinks no, he knows I’m his mother and father.

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As well he should. You have done the work of both.

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He eats his food quickly then mooches on the other plates and I now need to stand guard in the kitchen.

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"...takes over your heart." and keeps it forever. My first Scottish Terrier, Dougall, shows up periodically in my memory, in my conversation, and in my favorite dog stories. After 50 years, he still makes me laugh when I remember some of the odd ball things he has pulled. If I have to be autopsied after I die, the coroner is going to have a hell of a time rounding up all the Scotties that spring from my heart. :-))

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Oh Sandra…we’ve had 3 Scotties over the years (and drove from CA to GA to pick up 2 in a borrowed motor home!) 2 out of the 3 were delightful. Our poodle mix just died in Sept , only 11 …..still grieving and see him everywhere. We all have similar stories,, right?!❤️

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What still shows up almost daily is the most frequent commands what went with each dog. "Move, Dougall." Took him a while to understand that human feet took precedence in the human's house. Or, "Are you coming, Duncan?" "It's not dinner time yet, Angus." None of the names used actually match the dog I'm talking to. Somehow they get the message but I do wonder why I don't call them all Dougall and be done with it.

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I saved a perfect photo,of my sweet kitty as I grabbed the important things while evacuating from the Eaton fire. At least I have the photo.

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So sorry for your loss of a member of your family. I have cats too and I will hug them tonight!

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You need another cat! Or two.

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I’m snuggling my cats!

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Joyce - Thanks so much for providing support, encouragement, and sanity in this time of chaos and uncertainty. Thanks for sharing the love with us. 🤗💙🇺🇸🇺🇦👏

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Omg, the Bella + Elsa portrait is so cute! Thank you for the puppy intermission❤️!

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Make someone happy,

Make just one someone happy.

Make just one heart the heart you sing to.

One smile that cheers you,

One face that lights when it nears you.

One (person) you're everything to.

Fame, if you win it,

Comes and goes in a minute.

Where's the real stuff in life to cling to?

Love is the answer,

Someone to love is the answer.

Once you've found (them),

Build your world around (them).

Make someone happy.

Make just one someone happy

And you will be happy too.

--- "Make Someone Happy" from the Broadway musical "Do-Re-Mi," Songwriters: Jule Styne / Adolph Green / Betty Comden. Make Someone Happy lyrics © Stratford Music Corporation, Stratford Music Limited

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I can just hear Jimmy Durante singing that sweet song. Thanks for posting all the words! :)

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I have no desire to watch that prolific liar speak. Waiting for you Joyce to sum it up.

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I must. I’m waiting for someone to toss something at him. When you understand him you realize everything he says is a lie. To find the truth just reverse the lie.

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He is the most divisive person ever in that office. He is spending hatred time I steady of unity efforts.

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Elsa was my mom’s name. A war bride from Denmark. My father proposed to her at the little mermaid statue. After knowing her 3 weeks. He lived that adventure and romance his entire life. There’s now four grandchildren that look like her. Thank goodness.

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Oh Jan, thank you for sharing your parents’ sweet love story. So wonderful! 💖 You must miss them so much. Hugs!

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Wonderful! Grandchildren are the whole reason we're here, no? I hope you live to see their children.

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Thank you. Not going to watch. Just want to see how the Democrats show up and then turning off! Hope they call out liar every time he tells a lie! I thought about a drinking game but knew I’d be full on drunk about 5 minutes into his “address”!

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Thanks Joyce. Lots of bad weather your way. Stay safe. Thanks for the pictures.

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Thank you, puppies, chickens and, most importantly, Joyce!

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Is Bella happy with her new sister? They’re sure cute together! ❤️

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Joyce, I am trying to get the word out to Congress and others that they are ignoring Musk's Asperger's. They don't seem to understand his neurodiverse brain and how it affects what he does. He has mind blindness, context blindness, lack of empathy, etc. All these are clearly evident in his behavior. It would be really good to have experts begin to help the American people and political leaders understand Asperger's, which is why he is the most dangerous person that could be put into a government position of power and control. Can you help get this kind of information out there?

Barb Hawkins

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I hate to be negative here but casting aspersions like this on people with Aspergers (which is not some highly specific "disease" but rather a neurological condition with a range of symptoms and effects) even someone like Elon Musk, does a huge disservice to a fairly large population of impacted people

The condition can be controlled with a variety of therapies and I doubt any of us have any idea if Musk, assuming that is a condition he has, had been treated or not. To diagnose someone from afar even if you are a highly trained medical or psychiatric professional is foolish at best, potentially dangerous at worst.

Even if we assume the worst possible diagnosis for Musk, making this an accusation gathers all the other people on this spectrum into the range of people who would with ill intention cast that net over all people with the symptoms

I think this kind of kindergarten diagnosis should be contained as the risks are far worse than the benefits.

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I understand your concern Jon. Public perceptions of powerful individuals have rolling consequences which is why President FDRoosevelt wrnt yo such great lengths to hide his physical disability, However, Musk is not an elected politician. He has chosen to put himself in the global spotlight and is making life and death decisions over millions of other’s lives. If it is a legitimate action to broadcast the fact that the present POTUS as an adjudicated rapist and so is effectively greenlighting the expansion of global sexualised violence, opening up a discussion on Musk’s obvious emotional handicaps should be seen as a helpful weapon in the armoury needed to fight against these men’s cruel crimes.

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I really do appreciate your comment here. I am certainly aware of the absolute repulsive of Musk's positions and actions. If we confined ourselves to criticisms of what he has done and how it is adversely affecting this country I would be 1000% behind that ( as many of my posts here have said).

What I don't agree with is using a person's medical or mental condition as a sidedoor way to bring criticism against him when that approach could lead to parallel attacks on innocent people with the same conditions, especially when the conditions have little if anything to do with the criticisms. In fact it might be clear that some people would feel sympathy for Musk who suffers from these issues.

We should keep our criticism to what he is doing and leave the analysis as to why aside, especially when it brings in issues like Asbergers.

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It is fascinating living through a time where the increasing interconnectedness of all things is serving to expose every action and past deed to the light. This is forcing all of us to be as clear and honest as possible. It is also constantly challenging for one’s unconscious bias and perconceptions. Public discussion of Musk as possiblly displaying Asperger’s (or not) could also eventually better educate a global audience about this complex condition.

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Lack of empathy fits right in to Magnuts. They consider it an advantage.

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Do appreciate your word " Magnuts!!

Mind if I borrow it ???

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Agree. Thank you

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We lost our last doggo this past summer. Sometimes I think having another would really help right now.

But I promised we would wait at least a year.

But Elsa is so beautiful! Love the chickens a lot!

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I'm so sorry about your dog!

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Well the vet said she was ancient so she lived a long, good life!

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I get it. I euthanized one of my cats on Feb 7. His mother was my muse,if you will

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In addition to hanging out with our dogs, cats, chickens, Bishop Barber, cofounder of the Poor People's Campaign, will give an alternative address tonight at 9pm, for those that are interested. https://www.youtube.com/live/FiJ_a7zHFQI?si=S2zhkIs-xaeMAXig

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I have a 9 month old shepherd named Sheriff Bart. Elsa looks identical to him

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There is also this:

‪50501: The People’s Movement‬ ‪@50501movement.bsky.social

Boycott the SOTU! Watch the People’s State of the Union instead. ❤️‍🩹🤍💙


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Thank you! Much preferred choice to see sweet puppy and you pictures. Here is the balance again. Stay safe tonight and tomorrow during this latest weather storm, all!!! And stay strong!

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