I hadn’t even thought about us being entitled to see this trial happening in real time - we the people are the ones he put in grave danger by giving others access to these boxes of documents he stole. We deserve to watch him go down, or see for ourselves why he DOESN’T go down. Thanks Joyce for calling it to Chief Justice’s attention. I hope he has an open mind about this.
I hadn’t even thought about us being entitled to see this trial happening in real time - we the people are the ones he put in grave danger by giving others access to these boxes of documents he stole. We deserve to watch him go down, or see for ourselves why he DOESN’T go down. Thanks Joyce for calling it to Chief Justice’s attention. I hope he has an open mind about this.
It would be interesting to watch, especially to keep an eye on Aileen. But it's also a political tinderbox. I would not want to be a juror in this trial if I had to deal with news cameras showing my face to the whole country.
I hadn’t even thought about us being entitled to see this trial happening in real time - we the people are the ones he put in grave danger by giving others access to these boxes of documents he stole. We deserve to watch him go down, or see for ourselves why he DOESN’T go down. Thanks Joyce for calling it to Chief Justice’s attention. I hope he has an open mind about this.
I sent a personal letter to the Justice requesting it. No phone comment line at the Supreme Court, snail mail only.
Supreme Court of the United States
1 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20543
Send a letter?
Just noticed the comment below. @Marlene, pleased to meet you!
The judge won't see it. It will be filed away as an ex parte communication from a non-party to the case trying to influence the outcome of the case.
It would be interesting to watch, especially to keep an eye on Aileen. But it's also a political tinderbox. I would not want to be a juror in this trial if I had to deal with news cameras showing my face to the whole country.
They could have cameras but keep only the jurors hidden.
The jurors in the oJ Simpson trial were never shown on camera for that trial. ......
And that reason right there might put the kibosh to cameras. Remember the secrecy around the jury in the sexual assault case earlier.
Thank you, Annamarie. I will write today.