"...there’s no way to convey the nuance like letting people watch the trial. Most courtroom proceedings are open to the public. Americans shouldn’t be excluded from the most important national courtroom because they can’t be physically present..."
Will public pressure work, and upon whom? Do we write our congressman, to the Chief Justice,…
"...there’s no way to convey the nuance like letting people watch the trial. Most courtroom proceedings are open to the public. Americans shouldn’t be excluded from the most important national courtroom because they can’t be physically present..."
Will public pressure work, and upon whom? Do we write our congressman, to the Chief Justice, or to the 11th Circuit? Snail mail, Twitter, FB, email? If you think letters would work, informing us to whom and where to address them might put us to good purpose and get them thinking.
"...there’s no way to convey the nuance like letting people watch the trial. Most courtroom proceedings are open to the public. Americans shouldn’t be excluded from the most important national courtroom because they can’t be physically present..."
Will public pressure work, and upon whom? Do we write our congressman, to the Chief Justice, or to the 11th Circuit? Snail mail, Twitter, FB, email? If you think letters would work, informing us to whom and where to address them might put us to good purpose and get them thinking.
I hope Joyce reads your comment, Bonnie, and answers your good questions.