Yes! Biden is our President. Thank you all who voted for him.

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ONLY Joe Biden could have won both Georgia and Arizona as well as all of the Democratic leaning states. Also, these states' four Senators provide the Democrats with control of the US Senate. Let that sink in for a moment! I must say, with a deep bow of gratitude to Stacey Abrams as well ...

President Biden is the perfect leader for our imperfect time

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Joe Biden is not a perfect leader now or at any other time. Biden took a long nap in 2015 and didn't wake up until 2020 when, as the principal avatar of the Democratic elite, he emerged to take the nomination away from another Progressive candidate who had already paved the way for a 70-something guy with white hair to become the Dem nominee ("Oh, I've known such grief! C'mon, man! I deserve this!"). A few more stumbles on a stage or the stairs of Air Force 1 or inscrutable pronouncements like "God save the Queen" will continue to cause voters to lose confidence in him. There is a distinct possibility that, if he wins the election, he will die in office and leave us with a largely inexperienced v-p to succeed him, unless of course he dumps Harris in 2024. Any way I look at it, Biden's optics are not good. (I fully expect to be slammed for saying thus, but sometimes things just need to be said.)

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Joe Biden doesn’t claim to be perfect, now or ever. He actively supports democracy, individuals’ rights, and sensible gun safety laws. In contrast, Republicans actively work against people’s rights: enacting abortion bans which deny healthcare to pregnant people, attacking trans kids, threatening teachers and librarians, making sure mass murders have access to the most lethal guns possible and generally wasting time disparaging by drag queens and other nonsense. Gov. DeSantis even picked a fight with Disney to the financial detriment of Florida residents.

My first choice in 2020 was Elizabeth Warren. Having said that, I’m glad Joe Biden won in 2020 and hope he has a successful run in 2024. I fail to see any benefit to disparaging Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. They are working to keep democracy alive. The Republicans are a nightmare.

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I stated that Pres. Biden "is the perfect leader for this time;" I did not say he "is a perfect leader." Otherwise, I so agree with your post, Valerie in SoCal; I had the first Elizabeth Warren yard sign in my town, in late 2019. I tend to support candidates with my values in the Dem primary.

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Frederick, I am new at posting on Substack and maybe I did something wrong -- I completely agree with your post. It was the first sentence of Shel Keitel’s comment that triggered mine. Sorry for any confusion. Peace.

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I appreciate your sentiment Valerie in SoCal! And NOW I see you addressed Shel's comment, and not my feeling about Joe Biden.

My error. You are credited with a "hit" (in baseball terminology) response with your comment (imho) 😀

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Hi Shel, You've sold your Berkshire Hathaway stock, huh? C'mon man I deserve this.

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I have no clue what this means, but thanks for noticing.

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I'm sorry, a little obscure. Berkshire Hathaway is one of the most successful investment companies. Its decision makers are Warren Buffet 92 years old and his partner 99. I can't own even one share of BH, over my head. But if I could I would bet my financial future with these two nonagenarians. I was teasing you about your assumptions on aging.

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I agree the A stock is unaffordable. But brk.b stock is affordable.

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Dear Shel, I have been worrying all afternoon that my answer to you was too short/clipped and thus rude and insensitive. If I offended you, please accept my sincere apology. Mostly I loved what your post said.

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Not to worry. No offense taken. A younger, more culturally attuned mind probably would have caught the BH reference.

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Not to worry. Thx for your explanation (a younger, more culturally aware mind might have caught the BH reference), and I was not in the least offended, other than to be reminded that ageism is a real thing that I experience almost daily, even though I was only befuddled rather than offended by your comment. Thx again for your keen sensitivity to one of my many daily senior moments. 🙃

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Feel better?

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Let us do all we can to keep him there. The Republicans are trying to do all kinds of unjust laws, statues, and more crap to keep all our votes from being counted. Did you hear that they are trying to stop the mail in votes? Unbelievable.

My only solution is asking the Almighty to step in. So, let us remain in prayer.

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Plus a kind willingness to engage with folks who believe otherwise, to understand why they would vote for anyone else. And counter nonsense: I keep asking people if they doubt Berkshire Hathaway's future because Warren Buffett is 92 years old and his partner is 99.

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This is a good question! Unfortunately, too many USians think the government = the president and if anything happens to the president, the government is kaput. Those of us who remember, or have read about, the assassination of JFK and the death of FDR very early in his 4th term know better. This is not to say that the president doesn't matter: #45 was well on his way to ruining the country and probably would have finished the job if he'd been re-elected. But it's worth keeping in mind that it wasn't him alone. He came out of a system, and a major political party, that had been rotting for decades. We're working on repairing the system, but the major political party is still rotten. I hope we can make that clear to people who think Biden is too old or Harris isn't qualified or they've never voted for a Democrat before and they're not going to start now.

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Thank you, Joyce, for sharing your chicken stories, a good distraction from the politics of the day. Considering War in Ukraine and Russia, and the usual repub attempts to dismantle women’s rights and human rights, I join you in gratitude that Joe Biden is our president. And that tfg is not. And while we no longer have backyard chickens, I remember well, the fun and crazy days of letting them free range within a fenced yard. Our Golden retriever, Poppy, one day chased a hen who had flown the coop. I yelled at her to stop, but she ignored me. I watched in amazement when she gently returned the hen to me, her soft mouth gently dropping the hen back in the chicken yard. Doing her job. A true Democrat.

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What a sweet story about your golden retriever Poppy

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Yes. The key word in the dog breed's name is "retriever". It's in their nature to have a gentle mouth and bring the bird back undamaged. Amazing how genetics perpetuate a seldom-needed purpose these days.

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Agree with you 100% on the "glad Biden is in charge" part. I hate to think of that alternative universe.

And which relative was named Toot? There's got to be a story there.

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and, which relative was named Omeleta? (unless that is a little joke?)

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Hmm, Prigozhin's been sent to Belarus where Russia's tactical nuclear weapons are stored. What could go wrong? Thank heavens for little chicks, for our president, and the sanity of Civil Discourse.

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Amen to Pres. Biden. I have been pondering all that he has led us through since he took office and I doubt others could have handled them in the manner he has. Praise be to GOD.

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Love these updates! News that makes me happy. Thanks!❣️

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A joyful part of my day is enjoying the poultry to pundit moments you share.

A beautiful balance.

Thank you. 😍

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You and your chickies help me remember to make sure that there's more to life than worrying about politics! Thanks! Adorable chickies!

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Since Biden has taken office I can sleep at night knowing we will still be here in the morning. Am also interested in the history of Toot, sounds like a story of a flapper from the 20’s. Wonder if the new Toot will dance and visit speakeasies? Please keep us updated.

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While I would love to say that there is less chaos with Biden, and there is less chaos when it comes to him. The chaos that we endured for 4+ years during TFG's tenure still abounds, heaven help us. Thankfully, he doesn't hold the power that he had (and should *never* have had in the first place).

Your baby chicks are all adorable and I'd love to share a couple of photos of the newborn fawns that we (strangely) have in my urban neighborhood.

The Does seem to give birth overnight along the tree lawn that lies between the houses and the street. Then, mama leaves to gather some food and find a safer hideaway for her new baby. The fawns are TINY. Evidently, the first three days of their lives they do not emit any scent, so are (somewhat) safe from predators.

Bummer... this forum isn't letting me share the photo of the adorable baby fawn. Maybe another time.

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You can begin your own blog and post photos he tell folks to follow you.

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Joyce, I am living my life with chickens vicariously through you. Oh, to have a fresh scrambled egg!

And to have as POTUS a seasoned, well tempered, pragmatic, and knowledgeable Joe Biden.

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I know nothing about chickens, though I am from Indiana but most definitely a "city girl" but the babies in the pictures look to me like they are living at the "Ritz", very nice quarters for sure. But of course nothing but the best for Joyce's babies!

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How these things can coexist baffles me; the pure pleasure of baby birds and the unspeakable horror of war. Hmm...which updates would I prefer...let's see... chicks? war? chicks? war? chicks.....

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Great names, we have Mop, Conehead, Abby, Little Boy Blue, Blueberry and Red - all hens. You inspire us on the hen yard furniture. Six is plenty. Fingers crossed for a restful Sunday. .

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What a marvelous charming post! Love the chickens 🐓Love Harry 🐈‍⬛ Thank you for sharing!

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I sure am happy to see this post after yesterday’s craziness in Russia! But I did have one brief positive thought while watching tanks roll through Rostov-on-Don……NOBODY WAS TALKING ABOUT TRUMP FOR A WHOLE DAY!

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