I spent a miserable weekend reading the Mueller Report when it finally became available. I was left with indigestion, a headache, and no doubt at all that Trump was guilty of obstruction (at the very least).

Now this. I don't know which to do first, thank you or weep. Trump has quite successfully piled on so many lies and so much blatant obstruction that the public long ago got lost in the mountain of corruption, couldn't retain half of it, and gave up trying. I'm a fairly intelligent septuagenarian, and the Trump years ground me down to a point so low I lost faith in believing there would ever be any true accountability.

I voted (and was a poll watcher) for the first time in 1968. We've all seen corruption, including Nixon's, but Trumpism is the darkest, most virulent case we've ever experienced. When I think of John Dean's statement about a "cancer" on Nixon's presidency, it pales in comparison. Trump's cancerous tenure makes Nixon's look like little more than canker sores.

Are we reaching a measurable tipping point?

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Nixon, I don't believe was in bed with Putin. Or was he?

Jeffrey Epstein's new story showed that the secret tapes of all the secret meetings/dates/liaisons at Epstein's places of rich individuals were taken to Russia. According to the report, a friend of Putin returned to Russia after Epstein's untimely demise or is it fair to say murder with the tapes?

So, is this what Putin had over Trump's head? How many of these men slept with under aged girls?

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Dog love you, Joyce.

You and Doc Richardson give me a grip on my sanity every day, just when I need it.

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Yes, imagine what we could have been spared. It seems criminal. Barr himself, as well as Engel and O'Callaghan, appear guilty of obstruction, as well.

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You mentioned the irony of the memo arising in the midst of the current “situation” (my words vs criminal/violation of espionage act etc). However, it is highly unlikely that the subject will ever be free of investigation as there are a myriad of opportunities and no moral compass. We may never know the full breadth or depth as his allegiance is to self vs country or others.

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Thank you for what must have been a most difficult historical fact review of Barr's despicableness. How can he continue avoiding being disbarred!?

" Imagine if we could time-travel back to 2019 and, instead of a Justice Department that acted like they were Trump’s defense counsel, there had been accountability. The country could have been spared two impeachments, an insurrection, and who knows what damage from a spill of what a source has now characterized as “among most sensitive secrets” the country has at Mar-a-Lago. There is a cost when the people who are charged with upholding the rule of law protect an unfit president instead. We’re paying it now."

I love America! the concept by which we live with each other in a United States of America wells up in me a profound thankfulness which is very painfully being spit upon by a bunch of power hungry pigs!

After reading your brilliantly constructed review of the facts quoted above the anger in me became uncontrollable rage!

We must remove every one of these repugliecans and put them ALL where they belong as a just consequence of the choices they have willfully chosen.

Thank you Joyce for reassuring really good people continue their selfless fight protecting the highest ideals of The United States Of America!

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After looking at the Epstein documentary I now wonder if Trump was also black mailing individuals? Epstein had secret tapes in bathrooms and rooms. Now, according to the investigators the tapes are now in Putin's hands.

How in the world was a Putin's friend able to get his hands on Epstein's secret tapes?

Were some of the young girls from Russia?

Are some of our missing girls in Russia? other countries? How big is this trafficking/kidnapping Epstein was into.

Well, holding all the Trumper Republicans, judges, or attorneys like Barr, accountable it maybe impossible for them to talk if Trump has given them money, or has secret tapes on them like Epstein had on his friends, associates, and the mighty rich that includes politician's.

This is a world I didn't know even existed. Unimaginable evil!!!

It appears that crimes have been normalized.

The crime of keeping people from voting.

The crime of murdering voters by biological chemical viruses.

We all need to stay in prayer.

I believe that only The Almighty can rid of of this evil.

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Joyce Marie Hand...

I believe that I have just encountered The Truth spoken.

Thank you.

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Thanks Joyce. I read the Mueller report when it came out (free download at the time). It took awhile for me to get through it but even I knew there was obstruction of justice and other slimy things-he who shall go unnamed by me-that went on early in the presidency. Sadly his pattern just kept repeating itself and here we are stuck with his criminality still threatening our security. I can't wait for this to be over, if it ever is in my lifetime...

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Wow! I'm not sure I needed that as it took me back to the day when I read the executive summary of the Mueller report and I distinctly recall the obstruction section and how, as you captured, Mueller clearly did not exonerate Trump. He seemed to punt to Congress...and caved to the 'too hard to indict a sitting President' thinking.

Is there nothing that Trump can't get away with? The DOJ is in a position of 'they're damned if they prosecute and they're damned if they don't.'

Maybe Trump really could shoot somebody on 5th avenue and get away with it. It's really sad, frustrating, and frightening all at once.

Thanks for your awesome coverage of what's going on with all of this.

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I heard a young man say that rich people get away with crimes. They don't have to be held accountable because they can pay their way out of it.

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I think that's been the case in some instances. That, or else they know someone connected in the political or law enforcement chain that can get them out of their situation. Fair? I think not.

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I agree.

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Yes we could have been spared the impeachment, coup, violence .

It was early enough that the domestic terrorists hadn’t organize and the republicans wouldn’t not have acquiesced enmasse. It would have show no one is above the law. Our institutions and democracy would have held. This enabled TFG drive to autocracy/fascism. Barr was essential to the downward spiral. How will he be held to account.

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Have you noticed that the Neo-Nazis are active in almost in every state in the USA?

The FBI has warned people of color that the racist organizations are hunting us to shot, hang, or in other words murder us. I am a woman of color.

I'm not even counting the biological chemical viruses that are being released. Ask Jarad Kushner about COVID-19. Trump released it in late 2019 right before the election. Kushner said it was to damage the Blue States and harm Trump's enemies. I have heard nothing about this investigation.


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Will their be justice? Will they all pay for their crimes?

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Thanks Joyce for keeping me in the loop while I’m vacationing in Italy and they too are having extreme right wing political issues which a friend of mine recently described to me as scary. I will be voting here too since I’m a dual citizen to prevent the election of another extremist.

Yes, imagine if Trump was charged but it could’ve been another type of violence. His domestic terrorist would’ve picked up arms like they’re planning on doing if DOJ charges him and he goes to jail.

I hope we’re ready to rid our country from all these hateful terrorist organizations. This is extremely dangerous. We have to embrace that we might have another bloody civil war. How will we as a divided people come back from this?

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A recent Netflix documentary shared that after World War II thousands of Nazis will brought to our country and they didn't go through immigration. These were war criminals. Some went to Russia, some to Europe. Now, Trumps grandfather was in Hitler's Administration. Was Putin's grandfather in Hitler's Administration? What about the grandchildren of war criminals that fled to Europe? What other countries did they flee to?

Is this a 100 year plan to take over the world? Trump had Hitlers book "New World Order" in his night stand , I read. So, to me it looks like the Nazis, Nationalists, and other misguided racists groups have joined hands.

A recent article in The Washington Post describe how the Russians infiltrated the government in Ukraine. Do you remember when one of the rich heads of a racist group said they were going into politics?

Do you remember the computer company that came to the USA from Russia? A friend of Putin.

The hacking started.

The hacking of businesses, hospitals, individuals.

The hacking of the 2016 election to make Trump the first Russian President.

More........ exhausting........

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Thanks for making this understandable. One question I have is this: you and Barb McQuade and others have such reverence for the DOJ, but something like this memo really makes me question how much reverence DOJ deserves. Should we trust the current DOJ?

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Your question would be a good one for discussion on #sistersinlaw.

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So I read the entire ( but redacted ) Mueller report when it came out and that is just the conclusion I came to. It seemed pretty blatant to my admittedly naive legal understanding ( just about all my formal education is in the sciences and not law ) that Trump tried to obstruct his own obstruction when he ordered McGann to create a document falsifying Trump’s order in re: firing Mueller. Of course, there was much more damning info in the report, but I thought that was the most obvious and straightforward incident.

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Thanks for helping us to understand this and the other Trump related criminal doings.

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Absolutely appalling

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Thank you, Joyce, for this explanation. Is this circular reasoning the core of all of Barr's arguments? I have yet to read anything comprehensive about the memo--just people's anger with bits and pieces. Your essay helps very much. Thank you.

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It’s painful to see so many people prop up the leader of Cult 45. The list of enablers is long and dirty.

“If you have your integrity, nothing else matters. If you DON’T have your integrity, nothing else matters.”

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