I am really enjoying your notes and the information you are highlighting. It will be interesting to see what the Secret Service detail testify to, specifically knowing how very very loyal Tony is to the former president.

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While it wasn't the most important testimony today, I was shocked by the description of Trump throwing his food against the wall in anger. My kid went to a coop pre-school and I never saw that kind of bad behavior, even with 20 overtired 3-5 year-olds. I never saw that kind of behavior from my own kid at the end of a long day on a road trip. How could the people who worked with him possibly justify this kind of behavior?

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My father-in-law did that as he was descending into Alzheimer's. It was a sad thing to see.

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I'm so sorry. My father-in-law had dementia and it also affected his behavior, although not to that degree—it can be very painful for family members to experience this.

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I have a question/comment. I am wonderingn whether you agree with what some analysis that Cipollone came off positively? On the surface maybe. But doesn’t he face ethical violation risk (as a lawyer) that puts his license at risk as well? Afterall knowing now what went down and what he witnessed compared his representation and the statements he made to congress during the 2nd impeachment gives me great pause. Furthermore, didn’t he take an oath to defend the constitution as a federal employee? Yet he has done nothing to cooperate with the 1/6 Commission investigation nor did he do anything to report Trumps actions beyond to his close political team. I get on a list of got ya’s he may not be top bannana. Yet his position is an important lever to help the WH operations stay on a legal and ethical track. Judging by Trumps conduct from his and his teams response during the first impeachment, 2nd and now the 1/6 Commission, can anyone honestly say Cipollene followed his oath of office? Or is it a “systems” issue and the role he plays needs to be more firmly codified? But how?

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Thank you for the clarity and perspective you bring to the failed coup attempt.

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Yes. Exhausting. Thanks for your insights, Joyce. I hope you know that many people are very grateful to you.

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Thank you for this information.

I decided that I chose not to be stressed out by watching the hearings.

I appreciate you!

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Thank you, Joyce, for your column. I am also exhausted from today's hearing.

I hope that the Secret Service testifies under oath about the exasperating SUV incident. When push comes to shove, I believe the Secret Service will confirm Cassidy's testimony.

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Wondering why J6 committee is allegedly withholding interview documents from DOJ?

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Shocking testimony. Cippolone needs to testify.

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It was an exhausting day! I watched the first hour live and cried in the middle of it, I was so angry at what they have done. Work gets in the way and the rest was viewed later, but watching twitter. I am not surprised there’s a group discrediting her already, but pony up and testify under oath.......

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One other comment-more like a question- Shouldn’t the FBI now be investigating just how many weapons were confiscated at the rally? And follow up that investigation with identifying who owned them and whether they were invited by Trump, Trumps agents-inside or outside the government?

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Already happening Tina....the FBI does not leak their investigation information under Garland umbrella.

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In front of the screen with my mouth open for the entire time. My 22 year old son also. A lot of this we’d already heard, but wow. The new stuff that came to light yesterday was mind blowing. If there aren’t prosecutions of trump and his cabal, our country has no hope. They will try this again. Heck they already are by nominating trump supporters for office and installing election deniers directly into the cogs of our election machinery.

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