What has happened to civility , responsibility and working toward the higher goal of creating a better world. Thank you Joyce for the clarity and insight you bring to all of us.

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I'm a subscriber because what you are doing for our country is crucial. Thank you. And I cannot wait until your next letter as I assume it will deal with Rachael Maddow's conversation with Liz Cheney tonight which to me was near inspirational. Lot's of top Repubs are squirming tonight!

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The total lack of respect for the constitution and the ignorance by House republicans of what is required for an Impeachment is disgusting. For a speaker who claimed on TV the other day that republicans ‘are the law and order party’ - apparently reading and understanding the Foundational document establishing our rule of law and behavior required is beyond their comprehension. Mike Johnson is an Insurrectionist at his core And Needs To Go.

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I feel absolute rage over this. The stupidity alone is mind boggling. It angers me we can't stop this insanity. It angers me Republicans who know better will vote for it. And it angers me there are too many Americans who would vote for Trump.

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The antics of the House Republicans don't even rise to the level of theater. They are carnival barkers and snake oil salesmen, out to cheat at every opportunity.

By the way, Nancy Mace is a House Republican from South Carolina. Here in NC, we have enough awful Republicans without adding her to the group.

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The Tea Party (Freedom Caucus) Republicans who were voted into office were some of the worst examples of politicians. They never wanted to govern, only to rule, to destroy institutions and cause chaos. Many voters believe that if they vote for one Party's candidate for President they need to vote for the other Party's candidates for Congress so they can keep a balance. Those days are very long gone. Democrats need to vote for Democratic candidates up and down the ballet, every ballot. There is no more balance in politics and every Republican votes the Party line under threat of losing their positions. We should assume that all Democrats will vote against an impeachment inquiry into President Biden and we'll watch to see if any Republicans join with them, but I won't hold my breath.

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At 59, I have long chats with my offspring about how different the world is. Sure, the 1960’s are a bit fuzzy aside from the moon landing (was made to watch) and Sesame Street, but I paid attention from the 1970’s on - even reading the daily newspapers from wherever I lived in the Midwest. These are dark days, the kind of days that were romanticized while learning snippets of world history in school. How I long for many of those days again. Thank you, Joyce, for always walking us through the dark days.

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Joyce, it’s simpler than that. They aim to get the House to impeach President Biden so Trump will have gotten his revenge. Then they will equate all the impeachments saying they all mean nothing. My guess is that this was an order from the autocratic wannabe to his followers in the house.

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As someone who is not a particular fan of dystopian nightmares, it is endlessly frightening to be living in one. It is feeling like what it is like to live in an authoritarian state, where the government has the biggest criminals of all. That is what the Republican party represents to me. I wish we could outlaw them because they are all criminals, led by the head crook. Getting rid of George Santos, who may have ripped off the people stupid enough to support him seemed like small potatoes to me because he was relatively nothing politically in terms of the damage he has done. It was just beating up on the trans kid as far as I could see. I am not saying he was not crooked, but I am saying they are all crooked, and others so much more, who are sitting there having been part of a dangerous insurrection with nary a consequence in sight. So, somehow getting rid of Santos does not fell to me like the most pressing of the Republican crooks. Get rid of Kevin McCarthy, Tommy Tuberville, Ted Cruz, Mike Johnson, Lauren Boebert, MTG, Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan etc... Let us hope getting rid of Santos nets another Democrat in the House.

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Leonard Katz

Donald Trump is an unconvicted criminal and soon he will be a convicted criminal, yet he still wields enough power to create havoc throughout our government.

The religious right doesn’t seem to care what criminal acts Donald Trump is guilty of, as long as he has done and continues to do their bidding where extreme right wing religion is concerned. Donald Trump has bragged that he is solely responsible for overturning, Roe v. Wade, and in reality, he is! By placing three bogus Supreme Court justices in place, he has done the bidding of the religious, right, and based on that alone, they will follow him off the cliff.

Even though he continues to lose, even in losing, he is winning! Nearly all of the viable other Republican presidential candidates, have fallen by the wayside, due primarily to Donald Trump‘s continuous stream of bogus information and outright lies.

Even though section 3 of the 14th amendment is clear, Trump has managed to stay on the ballot in states where his presence on that ballot have been challenged.

If Donald Trump is not stopped, permanently, democracy will cease to exist, and will become just another word in the history books.

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Agree with your analysis, Joyce. But here’s what I don’t get: why isn’t the Democratic Party doing a better job of messaging? Building the party at the grassroots level? Building a pipeline of candidates?

They ask me for money all the time. But that’s it. Where’s the national plan to get all of us out and TALKING to our neighbors about the critical need for democratic reforms? For ensuring that as we head into the next election, we are all armed with succinct talking points about why that matters? Building bridges between different parts of our communities? Sharing the issues with each other and the party leadership?

We need that local infrastructure and it needs to span all of our constituencies: urban and rural, young and old, every income level, and every ethnic and gender group out there. It frustrates me to no end that this isn’t happening! I know who the chair of the RNC is. I had to look up the DNC chair, which is emblematic of the current failure of messaging.

We all need to do our part—and we need to be backed up at the national level with strong, consistent messaging and a willingness to facilitate local organizing.

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The ninth commandment is "Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor" or a version of that. You can't say you are a Christian and act like these people.

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Thank god for the work you’re putting in as well as many of your Substack piers,i.e. Heather Cox Richardson. If it weren’t for the extra hours that you all are putting in towards informing voters, I would be really afraid right now. However, I truly believe that your work will go a long, long way in saving American democracy. I believe it will survive but it needs lots of help.

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Frightening if not terrifying. We have yet to find something, anything, to halt the Republican led coup. It’s not ending and won’t end until we either forcefully end it or enough republicans join Democrats to preserve our Constitutional Republic. I would like to see us adopt Liz Cheney’s absolute determination that not only must we, but we will defeat drumpf and the Republican/Fascist party. (Not a big fan of any Republican, or a Chaney in particular, but I have to admit that I was moved and motivated to never give up - even if we are defeated in 2024)but hearing her Rachel Maddow interview this evening made me feel that our determination can lead to a win.

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How could anybody with even one lobe left in their brain vote for someone who in TWO full years has not passed a single piece of legislation - in fact who hasn't even written a singe piece of legislation that would pass at any level - well maybe kindergarten. Are the MAGA voters really that dumb?

'They impeached my guy twice' 'Yeah, we need to get even', BTW 10 House of Representatives Republicans voted to impeach Trump. Ten honest, lawful Republican Representatives who upheld their oath to uphold and support the Constitution.

And Trump is still the only President to have been impeached twice. I don't like you is not probable cause for impeachment, criminal behavior is.

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I remain most appreciative that you have identified Nancy Mace as a member of the House of Representatives from North Carolina. Yet, sadly, I must confess that she is a member from South Carolina, and even supposedly represents the district in which I live. I was so hoping to turn her over to the Tar Heels.....

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