I voted today for democracy. I hand delivered my ballot too! First time I've ever voted feeling trepidation. I think that's the correct word. So proud of Harris/Walz. Am in Florida so it seems so much more important.

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Chris, that is amazing. With all the weather issues in Florida right now, thank you for completing your Civic engagement.

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I’m also in Florida and will be delivering my mail ballot to the supervisor of elections office in person.

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Yes thank you! (Pam in crazy NC)

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Be safe down there!

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I took our absentee ballots to the post office last week. I felt both satisfaction and trepidation. And I'm in NYC which is about as blue as it gets.

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Thank you, Chris💙🗳🇺🇲💙🗳🇺🇲 Be safe 🙏

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OMG, will we ever get past all the election issues? The Georgia Election Board has gone nuts! Threatening terroristic acts is an additional issue! Election deniers all over our country! What the hell else?

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Home grown MAGA folks! While I am glad they caught this man, there could be many times that amount already armed with weapons they already own who hope to cause fear. Don't underestimate the anger and fear of these people. Wore my Kamala - Removes Stubborn Orange Stains shirt to pay my water bill last week. From one person seeing it, I am now getting waves, not friendly ones, from lots of folks. Super creepy, and an obvious attempt at intimidation. Fortunately, I grew up with these folks and went to school here, and they know it's not wise to try to catch up with me, but I still feel like this is the tip of the iceberg and people should be on guard. Vote by mail-in ballot if possible.

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I’m 84, and worked at the polls for 35 years. I retired when I was 80 due to covid, but I now vote by mail in every election. I voted two weeks ago and put my all blue ballot in the drop box.

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You’re right! This is a big warning! Fortunately I live in a state where we all vote by mail!! This is what I knew was happening. Makes me so sad to see our country threaten violence!

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You nailed it. The anger is unmatched. And where does that come from? The mouth of Trump and his grievance politics. Please be careful.

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Too late for that. Last spring I put out my State of Virginia flag (sic damper tyrannus) in response to all the Confederate flags around town. Put a target on my back. Now with the Kamala shirt I've put one on the front.

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I think Don meant 'sic semper tyrannus', thus always to tyrants.

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Yes, the spell checker once again snatched defeat from the jaws of proper spelling!

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Honestly it is unsettling. Was off my Zen for a couple days and slept poorly for a few nights. Still not one hundred percent rested. More scary to me is what might happen when she wins. Will there be a nationwide January 6?

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Hard to “Like” your comment, but I wanted to express my sympathy and send you a virtual hug. I hope you sleep well tonight.

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"OMG, will we ever get past all the election issues?"

ANS: Not until we deliver a few object lessons.

Joyce's father in law was murdered by a KKKer who had no business with the court system. I was in SDFL when most of our judges, and many AUSAs had been threatened by terrorists -- many involved in "Spy vs Spy" intercene Cuban warfare or in the drug trade. This was BRFORE the Okie City murders. In 1995 Timothy McVeigh bombed the Murrah Federal Building, killing 168 people, including 19 children.

I just watched 60 minutes from last Sunday. Republican office holders who certified the 2020 election are still threatened for their lives. They do it in the name of Trump.



Joyce recounts that in 2012, every agent and every prosecutor was singularly committed to one goal—protecting American lives.

Candidate Trump needs to be challenged. To my knowledge he has not been confronted by the media (or prosecutors) for his part re the several people convicted for terroristic threats in his name.

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The press/media should call his lies out every day!

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James Carville was on with Ari Melber today. He suggested Jaime Harrison, current DNC Chair, go on the air every morning calling out the daily lies so nothing is being left unchecked. Additional to the previous day’s lies, those Big ones that need to be called out every day to remind voters of the Trump years. Still hard to believe people can look at the hatred and insanity he spews, including lies about the hurricane disasters, and cannot see how Unpresidential he truly is.

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Trumpers won’t believe anything but what he says. Those of us who aren’t brainwashed see through the lies and know the truth. For the undecided? It’s a mystery to me.

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Anthony, alas, the media won't do that even though their platforms are at risk under Trump who only wants people and himself to hear good things about himself. That's just crazy, almost as crazy as Trump and his handlers are.

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Both sad and sick! Democracy is supposedly undergirded by having an educated society! So much for that! Willfully ignorant is the name of the game today, I’m afraid!

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On Billboards in huge type - all across the swing states.

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I've been thinking that all the misinformation re the hurricanes should be illegal ... something along the lines of shouting FIRE in a crowded theater. It's dangerous and destructive. It can cause real harm. The only thing that I worry about more is who would run in tRump's place if he would be taken out of the election.

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“What the hell else?” A helluva lot of voters that we are going to double down to get to the polls. We can and must do this! Go team!!

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Wait awhile, Anthony, to read Heather Richardson! Overwhelmed!

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24 hrs ago·edited 24 hrs ago

I have another election fear: my husband and I dropped our ballots at the same time in a local mailbox; his was counted 5 days later. Mine has not been received by the County Clerk 12 days later. Please make sure your ballot has been received! I wonder how many people will just assume that their vote was counted.

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Margaret, the over-all safety of the system is far greater than the BS-Mongers would have us believe. You may request an additional mail-in ballot -- only the last (per cancellation stamp) will be counted. You can show up in person, invalidating your mail-in ballot. Your advice to check the status of you ballot is spot on, but no-one should think that they are "out of the game" after casting their ballot -- game-on until it is counted!

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23 hrs ago·edited 23 hrs ago

Thanks WDD, I've already talked to my Clerk and am going to do an additional ballot. My fear is not for myself, but for the millions of people who don't take that extra step of checking to see their ballot has been received. You're right, the process is really pretty thorough. I'm an Election Observer and I'm amazed at how detailed the ballot handling is!

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We are a state that has voted by mail for years. Our town’s ballot drop off box is right in front of the police department! I am grateful!!

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Absolutely, positively correct.

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24 hrs ago·edited 24 hrs ago

That is why we will drive to the courthouse to cast our early vote in person.

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How do you drive to the courthouse when your entire community was washed away?

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Hi James, if your community was impacted by the recent weather events, I hope you have a speedy recovery. If your comment was a general one, we would hope that any community would have a speedy recovery, that people were safe and everyone just do the best they can. Like Joyce says “We are all in this together”

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What does that mean?

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James A comment is not genuine. Substack In has chosen CA law to construe their Terms of Use which means a duty of good faith & fair dealing in all communications.

There is a venue chosen by Substack Inc to mediate such matters including one mediator a retired Judge that has actually conducted a jury trial on Platform trolls & worse.

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Thank you for explaining. It didn't seem like a negative comment to me.

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Stop bullying MY SPEECH. I can say what I want.

Another leftist WHO LOVES censorship. BTW this is about the 30th time you've "reported" me. How is that going?

Other than virtue signaling your friends, what do you prove?

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Mailed mine (stupidly) from the UPS Store I had to visit to have my AL absentee ballot notarized. It's been a week, and doesn't show as received yet. I have faith it will show up and be counted, but still check every day. Trust but verify! // Couple days old, but Tum Walz rocked on Kimmel. Checked every box. And he quoted his daughter saying, "Bruce Springsteen knows your name."

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NOT stupid. We should be able to trust the system. But I no longer trust DeJoy and his lackeys. Soooo cool about Bruce!

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Fortunately, we here in CA have Ballotrax. Ballotrax tells us that our ballots have been mailed to us, when they have been delivered to the County Registrar and when they’ve been counted. Tremendous peace of mind.

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Same in Wisconsin. That's how I found out they didn't get my ballot. Doesn't every state have this?

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I wish I knew.

I stopped trusting USPS when De Joy got the gig as Postmaster. Fortunately for me, there's a dropbox not too far from my house, so that's where I deposit my ballot.

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If they lost your ballot, you should be able to get a do over ballot.

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Yes, that's what I'm doing.

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You know, there's something to not 'letting the terrorist win.' But I'm limiting my public exposure until after the election is settled and put to bed. No concerts, no shopping malls, nope. I mean, I'm 70 - and I really don't do much of that anyway. But there are crazies to the left of us, and crazies to the right - so I'm stuck in the middle at home.

Oh, and I'm an election judge, in a ruby red precinct. Wish me luck.

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Good luck. Be safe.

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I’m with you on the “don’t let the terrorists win”… although I would use less volatile language… calling them “cheaters” (even thought I consider them domestic terrorists). I have no idea what plan Biden might have for dealing with an obviously stollen election (if the votes on Election Day have obviously been suppressed). But I pray he has a plan

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Wishing you ALL the luck. I'm 73 and I would love to attend the NYC arm of the Women's March on Nov. 2nd - but I have a lot of concern that it will be a target of violence and I care for my husband so cannot put myself at risk - as it would put him at risk too. Please be safe and thank you for what you do.

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You are with those who march in spirit, and that counts!

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The Democracy Docket presentation was excellent. Provided a lot to consider. I have volunteered for voter protection work in Nevada since 2008. The presentation reinforced the need for our work and diligence. Given events in 2016 and 2020 I, and colleagues, are concerned about this election and attempts to disrupt it.

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I know this sounds crazy but somehow I'm not worried so much about how we're gonna fight them if we legitimately win. I get it that it's important and Marc and so many people are working so hard to make sure it's fair. But if we win fair and square, I believe we will beat them at their own game.

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I do have a question about the election that is pressing on my mind as we are about to be hit again with a massive weather issue that promises to take people, their homes and other places like voting places. Given the disastrous conditions in WNC and now Florida and Milton, is it possible that the election could or would be delayed?

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Obviously Joyce is the expert but surely the answer is no. The election is weeks away. I can’t imagine either Hurricane would justify that and I don’t even know what the mechanism would be—Biden declaring martial law? Not going to happen. Here’s my suggestion: worry less and do more. And watch Simon Rosenberg’s Hopium Chronicles. Easy to find. A good accompaniment to Joyce and Heather.

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I read Simon every day. His Hopium--hope with a plan, he calls it, ( paraphrased a bit) makes me feel much better, and, yes, more hopeful. Check him out!

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I too am a follower of Hopium and have been for along time! He keeps me sane. I find I am positive about the election and it's largely due to Simon and, of course, Joyce! Try them, if they can keep me hopeful in a Red state, they're doing something right! And at almost 80 years old I'm doing all I can and donating more than I should. I'll make it up after we win!!!

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Me, too, Catheryn! We will WIN this!!🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊

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DeathSantis has said he won't extend voter registration, so he's being sued.

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NC is already putting emergency voting measures in place and I expect other "Red" states especially, affected by Helene and Milton to make similar concerted efforts to put emergency measures in place as needed. Afterall, according to Marge and other rabid right whack jobs Democrats caused the storms and aimed them at Republican strongholds.

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I've wondered this as well.

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It warms my heart that the USA has an Intelligence Agency that protects us. It is chilling to think about what DJT would do to it and us if he lands in the White House.

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We already know what he would do. Those agencies that deal with and report about the real world will be disbanded if he can do it. Those that cannot be disbanded will be stuffed with MAGAts and other Trump sycophants to the point that their information will be worthless.

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Thanks so much, Joyce, for your rendition of this important case. Was not aware of the details since the media is intensely covering the election and the hurricanes.

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Wish I could "like" this post a hundred times. Were it not for the intelligence, experience, and persistence of people like Ms. Vance, it would be very difficult for ordinary people, even well-read ordinary people, to cobble together information like this. Making it available to a wide audience is a real public service.

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I don't mind at all hearing it repeated multiple times! It's so true!!!

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There is nothing better than a good cop. They are the modern equivalent of knights in shining armor.

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Professor, we watched Marc Elias' Democracy Docket with those 3 heavy hitters, Wiley, Tribe & Vance. That was a brilliant, diligent presentation by all. Immense thank you for re-posting!

Your Vote Does Matter; "We are all in this Together"!

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This is a little off topic but only slightly and I am really concerned about something going on in Pennsylvania. My sister there received her ballot with NO voting instructions on how to correctly fill out the ballot. She knows what is expected: fill in the little ellipses with blue or black ink. She's concerned that a first time voter who has never seen one before (and maybe never even taken a standardized test before) won't know what to do, or may invent a method that would invalidate a ballot. My sister was told that every county in PA is allowed to decide for itself whether to include voting instructions. Her county chooses not to. She is contacting county and state officials; if you can think of anybody else we should be contacting, please help us.

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Let me guess, your sister's county officials are Republicans?

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Thanks for keeping us informed. Your posts are well informed and vital.

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The zoom Democracy Docket call/program last night was terrific!

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To everyone here in FL…I am praying that you and yours are safe!!

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I’m concerned about what the supreme court will do if trump loses and takes his appeal to them. Democracy held in 2020. After reading about Robert’s actions in regard to the presidential immunity appeal, I worry what they will do this time around.

Is there anything that we can do to thwart this?

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I think we have to have an enormous turn out so that the numbers are so high it would not even be considered to be contested. There is still time to

encourage others to vote blue especially the way

don-old has been acting and talking. Vote blue up and down the ballot. Look up judges and make sure that they are not federalists in disguise. Vote early if you can. Help get the vote out anyway you can.

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Trump has no concept of his *own* defeat. He understands what defeat looks like for others, only. Your question is valid and it is my fervent hope that someone can answer it.

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He will contest the results if he loses no matter how many votes Kamala beats him by. Based on how the court has ruled on previous cases, they don’t seem to care what the people say.

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Let’s just be sure that’s the worst he can do—work hard and help assure he isn’t PRESIDENT.

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