
Nothing to do with today’s column but I have gone off Twitler... wouldn’t it be delicious for Liz Cheney to peel off 10 republican congressman and all the democrats and run for Speaker of the House...

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That would be interesting, but it would also be an excuse for nothing happening the next two years, as with the incoming R majority, only without the monkeys in the back seat of the clown car throwing their feces out the windows at passers-by.

Remember, Liz Cheney is as opposed to the things President Biden wants to do as Quiverin' Qevin is.

Do you want to take back the majority in 2024? Then CAMPAIGN AGAINST AN ENEMY! Point to the crazy Republicans and say "this is why you can't have nice things." You don't want people thinking things are working when they are not. And doing something like this would make them not work even moreso.

And no, Tutone, it would NOT be cool, unless you're a political illiterate, which so far you have not impressed me as being. Tweaking the Republicans is not what we want. We want to DEFEAT them.

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I am learning as I go and do not portend to elevate myself in that regard and I look forward to the insights this forum may provide.

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My objective is the same as everyone’s here. I do understand the hardliner that Cheney’s father was and how Liz Cheney voted most of the time with Trump. I also admired her courage being voted out of her party and of her impressive work on the J6 committee. She said she might run against Trump to keep him out of office but I’m not sure what that would involve ie going independent or even democrat? Anyway, I first began studying politics after Trump got elected and have followed very closely since then all that I was able to comprehend, listening to everyone to find my authentic take on things. This is my first midterm that I have followed so closely and am still filling in the blanks. I don’t want to be consumed by it. But get a clearer picture of what’s happening and vote responsibly in every election.

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We can admire her courage - I do! - and respect her integrity. But I think even she would say "No, I'm not the right fit for something like this." Let he continue working to unpeel Republicans from Trump and remind them who they claim to be. She's good at that.

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I agree she does seem to want to bring them to their senses. She even indicated it might be a few administrations away before that might happen ie 2028 or 32. The spectacle is priceless as an arena of the Roman Empire.

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And you're doing very well. Keep it up. The one thing to remember about the joys of "tweaking" someone is, does that get you where you want to be? In this specific case, where we want to be 2 years from now is with the rest of the country seeing them as the fools they are and voting them out. So they have to have the opportunity they lust after to prove to the world what fools they are.

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I doubt Liz Cheney wants the job. I'm also not making any bets about what her political priorities will be from now on, or how she'll vote if she finds herself a legislator again. As I've written elsewhere, if she writes a memoir about this time in her life, I'll read it ASAP. People tend to grow and evolve when old certainties are knocked out from under them and new possibilities arise. That's what's happened to her. Her gradual acceptance of her sister's lesbianism and same-sex marriage suggests that she's capable of change. But I suspect she's well rid of Congress and the Republican caucus for the immediate future. (P.S. TCinLA, in your 2nd para -- Lynne Cheney is Liz Cheney's mother. <g>)

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Ooops! Fixed it - thanks.

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That would be so cool❤️

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Did you mention it to her???

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Now there’s a thought!

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Always brilliant, thoughtful, thorough, and timely. Thanks you for such incredible effort for the cause of good, democracy, ethics/accountability & DEMs!

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Good evening Joyce. A heavy week involving a lot of out of touch folks but it’s reassuring to know there are competent leaders in important positions where lady justice resides. Thank you for the summation. I admire your legal knowledge and celebrate the time you devote to our united front to save Democracy.

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I read today an article discussing the politics of the Marriage Equality bill. There was a comment, which if accurate, suggests the new law falls far short of enshrining Obergefell v. Hodges. The article suggested that the bill merely provides Federal recognition to couples married in states which recognize marriages between same-sex individuals, rather than providing that gay and lesbians in every state can marry the individual of their choice. When you take a look, please find out if the suggestion in this article is accurate.

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See Charlotte’s Web Thoughts/Charlotte Clymer here on SubStack yesterday, 11/15/22, for her comments. She discusses this issue. It’s not what we need, but it’s better than nothing at all.

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I don’t really know the ups and downs of law, but is is it possible that the Giuliani case was dropped because he is going to turn states evidence against Trump? is that something that would relate to this type of case?

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@DW, had not even crossed my mind! But it is a happy thought...

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Oh no!!! Swear dreams?

Sweet dreams😂😂😂😂😂

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Thank you Joyce for always stay on-target!🌈


And now it is time forswear dreams 💤💤💤✨

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Thanks for the updates. I was wondering about the status of some of these cases. Also, members of my household were pondering the possibility of Liz Cheney for house leader as well. Since Liz won’t be a house member in tbe next term is this actually possible and if so how would she be paid? Does the speaker have a separate salary source than members of the house?

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“The lions lie down with the lambs, but the lambs don’t get much sleep.” Woody Allen

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If the Speaker of the House was not a member of the House, would that Speaker be able to vote? Also, if the House Speaker were not an elected member of the House, could that person be in the line of succession for the presidency? I think the founders would be surprised that the Constitution has lasted so long with as little change as it has had.

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I think if I'm a criminal, been charged, sentence and see that trump and his buddies are getting away with crimes.... I'm pissed very pissed off that I am sitting in prison and the buffoons are walking around continuing to commit crimes.... our justice system is flawed. I'm so tired of hearing about trump and his criminal cohorts and NOTHING HAPPENS TO THEM.... If I was a black/brown person I'd be in prison by now... Reality Winner got more time for less than trump had done.....our justice system is slow and flawed... I'm exhausted by this.

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I’ve heard plenty of pundits claiming that a second Trump candidacy will not impact the prosecutors engaged in investigating and potentially prosecuting Trump for crimes. Now we will find out how true that is.

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Joyce, I am learning so much about the ins and outs of The Law here.

Thanks especially for explaining that we have no recourse to rein in corrupt justices. I really didn't know that. I have little hope that this court will decide to introduce Ethics into their ranks though. The majority of them don't seem to care about ethics, or settled law, or even common decency, or telling the truth under oath.

Do you believe Biden can/should/will expand the court? Is that even a good idea? I cannot tell you how uncomfortable and unsafe I feel w/ this particular court having so much power. tRump is nothing, but his scotus is terrifying.

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I'm so glad to have found 'Civil Discourse', as it is hard for me to find out these relevant pieces of news. Thanks Ms. Vance, and please never stop.

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I love this, and it IS a lot for a Tuesday, but please don't try to fix the numbering. It fits with the day. In fact, I find it charming, like the way @dog_feelings on twitter makes lists.

That's what the entire past week has been. Discombobulated.

Thank you, as always for breaking it down.

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So many cases, so much going on. Thank you for the breakdown in each of these. I'm still in hopes that Katie Porter pulls out a win in CA-47, as she is the last person Big Pharma or Big Banks or whatever other corporation oversteps and gouges the American populace. When you see her whip out that wipe board, you know you are in big trouble. Wish the Dem in Colorado was close enough votes wise to get a recount, but alas, it doesn't look good there. Have an excellent week.

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Thank you Joyce for so efficiently and effectively guiding us through all today's events to see which is a "shiny object" and what is important.

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Nov 18, 2022·edited Nov 19, 2022

Good afternoon. Is it just me or does it feel like there really are two systems of justice in the United States, and Merrick Garland is purposely going to run out the clock for Trump? I hate it that DOJ created their own “rules” that now pass as law.

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