Thank you Joyce. I watched a live feed of the Fulton County hearing for about an hour. If your client is the former president, and his actions are indefensible, put the prosecutor on trial. It was a shameful presentation of personal information by the defense lawyers. I am thankful for the service Fani Willis has given to Georgia and to all of us.

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What is happening in courtroom is a lynching. No white male, or female, DA would ever be put through a travesty like this. The attorney Merchant, could barely hide her racist views. I cannot imagine any scenario where I believe who Ms Willis dates is more important than tfg's insurrection. Who indeed is on trial?

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Will this never end? How long must these "white men" hold on to the idea they and only they have the supreme power over our lives as citizens? Putting Fani Willis through this is outrageous. Who will stand with her?

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You could see the white supremacy dripping off of those old male lawyers. They weren't even trying to hide it.

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The whole proceeding is disgusting, to say the least. Judge Willis has a lot of will power and patience. Had I been in her shoes, it would have taken every ounce of strength in my body to keep me from jumping up out of that chair and walking out the door.

I dislike Trump & Co. more and more as each day goes by.

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I agree, I was outraged when I watched that. Bigots all.

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Totally agree -- it was a travesty.

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Whether or not any of those involved are Racist or not, the point of the entire thing is Delay, Delay, Delay... Push it far enough back and if DJT wins again in the Voting, then it will all disappear... As long as we muster the Vote and send him packing in November, then he will pay the piper and his support will diminish daily until it ceases to exist... No matter how long it takes...

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Neil, for the past few days I have been going nuts, trying to think of the word I wanted to use to describe what I feel about this hearing. Bless you for using the word "lynching," because that was exactly. It's a racist hearing, and it's insulting to Judge Willis, the residents of Georgia, and everyone in this nation that still believe in fairness and future of this country.


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Yes, but where do we get Fani Willis costumes for Halloween. She is the ultimate power diva, with only the facts. Saying fuck this shit, even though succeeded in the quashing of the subpoena… she said, I’m mad as hell and not going to take it anymore. The lawyers were no match for her. I think she should get a raise… and rock on Ms.Fani

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Yes. Standard Trump moves.

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Thanks Joyce! I watched Fani Willis on the stand today. I must admit that I was impressed with her resolve to get everything on the record from her own mouth and not someone else’s recollection. Impressive indeed IMHO👏👏☮️

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I agree ZsuzEB - Fani Willis set the record straight. She was forceful yet respectful.

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Fani Willis’s situation shouldn’t be disqualifying, but it displays poor personal judgment.

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I too think it was a very “human” misstep by DA Willis to become ensnared by our human desire for meaningful, human connection. ‘Oh you without sin…’

She had a relationship- tRump had a 10 minute (if That long) screw with a porn star in a room at a golf tournament; that cost him $130,000 in 2016-17 and that hush money that created election interference by tRump & that is Going On Now, as well!

These types of “relationships” are Not even close And neither are the infractions! This is just a delay by tRumps hatchet man Michael Roman and their hired guns.

BUT what DA Willis did is Not disqualifying! It was human.

It’s a waste of time, money (in a poorer state like GA) and causing another delay for tRump & his goons.

This RICO case should proceed, in my mind, without any further day. End of story!

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You go girl!😎

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I agree.

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Given Justice Thomas' wife's lobbying activities on behalf of Trump and her support of Trump's post-election efforts to help circumvent the lawful Electoral College process, it would manifestly create an appearance, if not an actual, conflict of interest if Thomas refuses to recuse himself from participating in any matter pertaining to the events of January 6 and its aftermath.

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Thomas can't recuse because it would be admitting his wife should be in jail for insurrection.

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That’s no factual reason- it’s His Disrespect For The Courts, The Rule of Law, and all of us Who Believe & Love Democracy; even with its warts!

He is a disgrace!!!!

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If Thomas recuses himself, who gets the casting vote?

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Actually, the Supreme Court has a rule governing what happens in the event of a tie vote. Recusals are not that rare. Maybe Joyce can address this but I think that in the event of a tie vote, the lower court ruling stands.

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Thanks Barbara. Seems reasonable. I asked the question because I genuinely didn't know the answer

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Perhaps the lower court ruling stands.

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I may be mistaken, but it is my understanding that 4 Justices are needed to issue a writ of certiorari, that is, to agree to hear and/or accept the case, but that 5 Justices are needed to agree to stay the proceedings below(here, the indictment against Trump et. al.), i.e., to disallow the proceeding to continue pending the Supreme Court's review of the appeal.

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I like the title of Trump's Response: "Trump vs. United States of America."

That's a good title for the era we've been in since 2015, and especially 2024.

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Actually that was the title of Smith's Response.

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Ms. Willis' demeanour and testimony spoke to so much more than the tawdry and meritless issues raised in the application. Why the attack? Because she's a woman. More than that, she's a Black woman. A Black woman in the South, who has the temerity to call a bunch of comfortable white men to account.

She evinced a righteous fury, controlled, composed and entirely justified. It was magnificent.

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She’s also an educated woman. In all these years, I think tRump’s Disdain for women is apparent & appalling!

For review: his first wife accused him of rape(got paid off in a settlement)- we have E Jean Carroll’s case, we have his current wife being cheated on by his “moments” with Stormy after Melania had just had his child Baron. He disrespected Angela Merkel, Nancy Pelosi, disrespected all the young women we saw him lusting after with Epstein. He disrespects All Of Us Women by this ugly attitude. It’s HIS life story, just a sad fact!

Fani is Smart, educated, tenacious; a black woman, a black woman in the south, and A Woman That HAS The Power To Bring Him to account for criminal behavior!

All That Is Driving HIM Into Another Rage & Fury against a woman who is doing her job; the job of upholding our laws & Constitution.

Personally, I hope this stress ends up giving him a massive stroke so he cannot speak or move…that’d be grand for the “strong man” and his followers to endure.

But a long term prison stint would be an acceptable 2nd. I’m sick of him & his.

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As I watch all these cases unfold, I am again reminded how much damage Trump has done, and continues to do, to this country. Partisanship is rampant, Congress can’t do its work properly because of Trump’s undue influence, etc. I pray that the recent Democratic win in New York encourages a nationwide Vote Blue wave that removes the MAGA clowns from office and sends Trump packing!!! Enough already!

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And how the MAGA behavior has lowered the bar on Congressional decorum.

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My feelings exactly.

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Hahahahahahahhahahaha Repubs. Who are you going to "impeach" now? I'm available. I could use he publicity and the bucks that come with. Mama needs a new car.

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Another day, another late night update! You have been on television quite a few times today. You must be exhausted!

As others have said, I too watched the Fulton County case most of the day. DA Willis did settle down after a few threats(comments)from the judge .She certainly was able to set the record straight. Bravo to her!! The good ole boys weren't pleased.

Tonight I have two wishes, 1. Citizen Trump gets hit with a huge fine in the fraud case. 2. The Supreme Court reaches a Friday night decision!

PS.I think Citizen Trump sounds much better than Former president T ! Maybe the news will take that up . The Citizen, would not be pleased! He prefers President or Sir! Good Night and great account as usual!

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I still like “one-time President” because it accents his loss, his failure to get re-elected because just enough people saw right through him and got to the polls.

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And I wish he would be called out for using the title and seal inappropriately.

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I have never known the limits on use of the title and the seal, Lynn. We tell the TV commentators he’s a one-time President or an ex-President, and it seems that past presidents are commonly called “Mr. President”. Has he crossed some lines by his use of the term and the seal?

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I’d need to look for it, but the seal is not to be used for unofficial non-presidential events. The first comment I saw with the regulation was when tfg hosted one of his golf events and used the seal on posters, napkins, etc. that first one with the anti-pga group. The title is just my personal opinion. He is a former president and nothing should be identifying him as president at this time. I know people honor formers with the title but he exploits it. He has ‘45’ embroidered on shirt cuffs.

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Why give him the right to be called "President "? One-time or not. He doesn't deserve his name associated with the office.

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Even the term “Former” president IS something that sticks in my


He’s an illegitimate politician -he’s lost the popular election Twice! His maga candidates lose in every state, so that’s not popularity!

If this crook gets to anywhere near a position of power; we should all run, drive & book flights out of this country because it’ll be a failed state- a 3rd world country! A hell hole.

Apply for asylum somewhere and hope other countries won’t treat us like we treat the people seeking asylum here!

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He is a failed former president in my and many others view.

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The fact that he even got there in the first place...

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But there have been honorable one-time presidents too.

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True, but Rump so detests the fact that Joe Biden beat him, relegating him to non-repeat status, I think it is important to mention.

There are many former presidents, but in recent history, failing to get re-elected is noteworthy. A badge of failure and shame for Orangehead, given the horrific way he left office.

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"Another day, another late night update! You have been on television quite a few times today. You must be exhausted!"

I wonder if Joyce has a mini-studio set up at home - with lights and a decent camera - so she doesn't have to traipse anywhere to do her interviews.

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Yes. Seems like I remember her mentioning it once?

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Yes. She said her "studio" was in her basement.

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I am sure she does.

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I have heard conflicting statements from Andrew Weissman today on Willis' testimony. In the a.m. he stated Willis would be removed bec she appeared to have filed false statements but then this p.m. he stated it went in Willis' favor which is Joyce's position. Having interrogated many people and evaluated video intertogations the video I saw of the testimony of the defendant's witness shows them clearly perjuring themselves. Chuck Rosen said Willis should withdraw. Very confusing! I hope Willis prevails and takes pounds of flesh.

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Willis has been calm, soft spoken and cautious until today. I think she showed what it takes to bring down the former president and his MAGA cult. You have to go right at them full force. Good for her.

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Andrew Weissman's opinion changed after Willis' testimony. He then realized that the defense witness was lying.

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I saw the same differing opinions. They are just that-opinions of people paid to pontificate.

I am waiting to see the judge’s response.

I have added Ms. Willis to my list of people acting strong under pressure-Cassidy Hutchinson, Col. Vindman, Fiona Hill, sally Yates.

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Actually Andrew and Neal went against that after the testimony by Fani.

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I find Chuck Rosenberg to be very measured. And almost always right.

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As to the Fulton County AG overseeing the criminal case against Liar, Fraud, Con, Racist, Fascist, Traitor, Insurrectionist, Sc umbag, Putin’s Puppet Donald Adolf Trump, It should be obvious to ANYONE (anyone with a working brain and even a remote sense of logic) that all Fraud Trump’s GA-felony-case attorneys are trying, regarding AG Willis, is to DELAY, DELAY, DELAY the beginning of the case against Trump.

As to records of payments Willis made, she testified that she pays virtually all of her bills (which includes reimbursements of payments made by others on her behalf) by a cash App or by cash and that she keeps substantial cash at her home. Anyone who’s taken time to read about the history of Blacks in America [including the history of racism (which still exists today] well knows that Blacks have always, throughout our country’s history, been taken advantage of, and this includes by banks, which have been, and are, owned by White Americans. Within the Black community, it is commonplace for Black Americans to use cash to pay their bills. And, THERE IS NOTHING ILLEGAL ABOUT THAT. I found AG Willis’ testimony to be frank, honest (with a wee bit of (please excuse my use of inappropriate language) “fuck you” to Fraud Trump’s attorneys…… who were on a going-nowhere fishing expedition to prove something they can’t prove (because what they’ve alleged DID NOT HAPPEN.) This particular Fraud-Trump-Attorney Clown Show action is nothing more than a case-delay tactic.

Let’s get on with the trial. WITHOUT ANY FURTHER DELAY, the American People want Liar, Fraud, Con, Racist, Fascist, Traitor, Insurrectionist, Sc umbag Trump, Putin’s Puppet Trump, America’s Presidential Accident & Disgrace, to get his day in court, to be convicted, and to be sentenced to prison.


As to Fraud Trump’s whining about criminal and civil cases against him being some sort of so-called election interference, perhaps Fraud Trump should not have committed crimes against the American People….. and should have known that NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW! The fact that Fraud Trump is running for President should in no way delay Fraud Trump being brought to justice!

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I loved it when she said no man paid her bills except her daddy...yep. that is pretty much it for me. Being from the south my daddy even told me that. Also yes. Reimburse in cash. People not from here dont get it. African Americans, Appalachian, and the rural deep south...we use cash.

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I’m not from there, I’m not black BUT as a child in rural Colorado AND watching—being Horrified absolutely Horrified— seeing pictures of bodies hanging in trees, the face of Emit Till in his casket & knowing it was other people in this country could be That Brutal & Lacking in any decency Or Christian values!!! Then we saw all the live attacks by dogs, beatings, the bombings, shootings of black People, Humans, Americans on tv (when tv showed honest coverage). Learning about the Underground Railroad and Knowing now about Tulsa & why Juneteenth is important … why wouldn’t it ring true?!?!?!!

If you’ve always been targets and at any moment could have to run literally for your life- hell yes, I’d have cash readily at hand!

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Oh And...if you were pulled over and given a ticket, most police required payment immediately or you went to jail. I kept cash on me for driving in little GA counties where they stopped you for nothing. It is and was a racket.

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Except for mailing checks to pay bills, my mother would always pay for everything with cash. I never saw her use a credit card. I don't even know if she had one. She was definitely a Southerner.

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In my world (white middle-class Australia) it's very routine for one person to pay with their card, and all other parties to give them their cash share ... been doing that since forever.

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The evidence presented in the Fulton County issues belong in the Human Resources Department. The Merchant et al team in this case belong in a mandatory Cultural Sensativity program.

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All very good ... but perhaps she shouldn't have got involved with one of her prosecutors, in a context where her every move would be under a microscope. I really hope it doesn't cruel the case - but Trump has escaped so many times over his adult life, that you wouldn't bet against it.

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If she were a white man, this would not be an issue.

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@Jean: absolutely right! So tired of the bias!

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Not sure about that in this case - Trump's bottom-feeding lawyers would have used this tactic against anyone of whatever race or sex; they wouldn't hesitate if it helped his delay-dismiss strategy.

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Evening Joyce - Fani Willis was remarkable today in court. I cannot wait to see her on the stand tomorrow. She makes me proud. The defendant’s sense of entitlement is just too much. I expect she will remain on this case and continue to set the record straight. And I hope the fraud case begins March 25th as scheduled. I’m so happy to see the Georgia case live today. What a trip. Hi to your chickens Joyce. I often think of them in their tranquil paradise that you have created. I hope all of us will be so lucky come November. 🗽🇺🇸🥁🕯️💜

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Thanks for the updates Joyce! It's making me dizzy! I feel like most people have tuned out or there would be more outrage about how our criminal former president is now controlling congress, and causing global panic. My adult children and their friends don't have cable tv and do not even watch live tv so they get news on social media or from me lol. But I'm hopeful their friends will vote democratic because they are pissed off about abortion rights and gun violence. My kids have always voted since I forced them too lol, so I'm reminding them to get their friends involved too. I need some chicken pics about now. 😆

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Professor, thank you for posting DAVID WEISS' Indictment details against the now criminal Defendant, ALEXANDER SMIRNOV as that Indictment blows the MAGA disinformation narrative into tiny molecules.

Count 2 titled "False & Fictitious Record" are the fabricated lies against the BIDENS. We now have 2 weeks as the House has "fled the jurisdiction" to relish the details "Another one Bites the Dust", And, another one; and, another one.

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Getting ready to get to bed, but unfortunately, I'm going to be listening to Queen songs in my mind instead of counting chickens! Just kidding. Liked your comments.

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Those lyrics came immediately to my mind. I can't think of any Queen lullabies ... how about 🎶 We are the Champions my friends,. And, we'll keep on fighting til the end. 🎶 ?

Just think of sleep, sleep 😵sleep 🫥

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I never read these til morning, I wouldn't be able to sleep.

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I think I should do the same!

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We Are the Champions will be the Civil Discourse theme song when Biden wins in November!!! And when we sing it, we can certainly EMPHASIIZE the part where we sing "No time for losers." Maybe sing that line five or six times in a row?

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Joyce, I cannot sufficiently express my gratitude, or my appreciation of your sharing your knowledge of the law with the rest of us. I hope the 6 members of SCOTUS, can strap on sufficient courage to uphold the Constitution and the integrity of the United States, to decide not to her the trupster's plea to overturn the Appellate Court decision.

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Furthermore!!! That Jack! I don't frustrate myself by reading the legalese 12 times anymore, like it's going to make sense. I just jump to Joyce's explanation then go back and read it, then it makes sense. If that makes sense.

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Ditto! She's the best!

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Sad photo of Trump dragging himself up the stairs. Not a healthy man.

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The picture would have been a lot more fun if we didn't have to see that grumpy face.

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It looks like he is waiting for the stairs to move and carry him up to the plane. After all, why should he have to do all that work?

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Like an escalator. Ironically (if you can call it that), the entire Trump Nightmare began with a little trip DOWN an escalator several years ago. We've been paying for that ever since.

If he took off that 50-pound mop from the top of his head, and washed off the orange make-up, he could have run up those stairs! Maybe?

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To me, the hearing was appalling: the fact that it was happening at all with so little basis, the way defedant's lawyer was allowed to badger witnesses on irrelevant matters and details, the disrespect shown Fani Willis and Nathan Wade. It was so infuriating, it became painful.The saving grace was Fani Willis calling out the BS as it came flying at her. The proceedings made a mockery of justice and judicial practice.

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"The proceedings made a mockery of justice and judicial practice."

I thought it was an attack on Black People mostly, one that would not have happened to others.

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I agree. My father brought us up to DC in the early 60's so we could watch the Civil Rights hearings on Capitol Hill. I was quite young, yet it made a huge impression on me.

If you were look at a person's chest x-ray, there's no way you could tell their race. My mother was from the South, my father from New England. They always told us that people are all the same on the inside.

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It was "performative" for the MAGA crowd. I'm sure they ate it up.

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