So grateful for you taking us through these developments. I will re read after this quick run I just made, enough to take heart that Jack Smith’s inexorable path to justice moves forward Thank you. Thank you for being in this with us - leading - together.

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Professor that was a superb, professional Pre-Trial evidentiary brief, the type of trial memo that you place in the FRE 404 section of your Trial Handbook. : )

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I wonder if the woman in charge of releasing funds to the Biden Transition Team who was told not to release funds by trump, will be called as a witness because this leans toward the fact that trump wasn't planning on leaving the WH. Futhermore, I submit that Speaker Mike Johnson wants to blur the faces in the J6 videos because he's trying to hide other Republican lawmakers who were there, and maybe himself...he doesn't care about the mob. His self-preservation instincts are loud, and here's wishing the FBI already have the faces of those Republicans along with the Speaker.

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There are so many pieces. I’d forgotten that one.

I’d like to see Mike Flynn’s brother called too. He’s the one who prevented the National Guard from coming to the aid of Capitol police.

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Mike Flynn was in White House helping Trumpf to join him in treasonous actions against the American people by “rerunning” the election and seizing power with his brother in the military. Joyce thanks for your beautiful explanations of our legal system and rights. It’s so valuable at this juncture in our fight to preserve our democracy.

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It's silly because the J6 committee and the Justice Dept. have already seen the footage.

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Like Joyce Vance says, we’re all in this together. One example of this is that many of the participants in Jan 6 were identified by the public. The book “Sedition Hunters” was written about this effort. So, I believe that Mike Johnson is blurring faces on the Jan 6 video before releasing it, so that the public cannot help identify participants in Jan 6. I am not a lawyer, but this seems like obstruction of justice to me. Considering Mike Johnson’s other known efforts to undermine Joe Biden’s victory, it’s clear Johnson does not support democracy and has violated his oath of office to support the U.S. Constitution.

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You are correct. Drive on.

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So nice to see Ruth quoted here. She’s an invaluable resource to all.


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Her book, Strongmen, is excellent.

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Lt. Gov. Jones in Georgia should be held accountable for his role in the “Fake Electors” scheme! Hope Jack Smith is successful in putting the Day One Dictator away, as Trump implies in the Hannity interview! I say he’d be a dictator one day at a time!

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And there’s a group in the House and Senate who need to be held accountable for their actions and actions that continue. Getting Santos out is like getting the mud off the floor. We’ve got allot of “criminals” representing us who need to be held accountable and/or voted out.

Thank you Ms Vance for your service and leadership in reporting the real issues!

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Exactly, Randall. This is as important as keeping the orange traitor out of the White House (and preferably in prison). The damage they are doing now in Congress by their behavior, ie: fabricating a nonsense impeachment, refusing to fund Ukraine and Israel without a quid-pro-quo, and threatening to abolish social security and medicaid, etc., will cost lives around the world, and here in the United States as well.

I have put a lot of faith in SC Smith, and still do, but it is up to us as voters to vote out the garbage in our government and elect people who are willing to uphold our Constitution and protect our Democracy. As Joyce says, it is extremely important to stay focused and spread the word to everyone we can to stay engaged. And VOTE.

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I think with the slinking away of Quevin, the rethugs have a very narrow window to get any of their wicked agenda though. They’ve been unable so far, and I suspect Quevins timing is revenge against them. Filing to run would have given the lame California republicans an opportunity to mount a campaign to replace him. The short time frame gives the Dems a good chance to retake his seat. So the delusional Mike Johnson has only weeks to get his dumbass party’s stuff done, while struggling to not appear a total incompetent and shut down the government. So he’ll perhaps pass the Senate funding bill, and find himself out on his ass too when Gaetz and Empty Gee turn on him too.

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Bakersfield, McCarthy’s district, is reliably Republican. It would take an incredible push to turn it blue!

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hopefully, there are enough voters there who are disgusted with the republican performance in the house...stranger things have happened.

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THIS!!!! ^^^^^^^

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My opinion also Randall. I say as closing on my own comments usually VOTE ALL THE COMPLICIT OUT.

It’s a whole bunch more than indicted currently.

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As I am sure you know, the Nevada AG has just brought criminal charges against ,6 "Fake Electors'. The NV AG has listed Ken Chesebro as a witness for the State prosecutor. Ken has obviously testified before the NV Grand Jury.

Ken meets with the ARIZONA AG on Monday for a witness interview.

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Some of the fake electors claim they didn’t realize what they were doing! Yeah, right! Jones for elected despite being involved and now apparently has avoided being held accountable! 😡

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“got elected” dern autocorrect!

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Joyce Vance is just so brilliant. Arguably the best single source of information in this unprecedented time of danger to the American experiment. As a 50-year veteran of publishing, politics and the news media, I don't toss around those superlatives lightly.

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AGREE!!! So grateful for her voice and commitment. BRAVO JOYCE!!!!!

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Thanks for all the detailed analysis---laser sharp and clear. You correctly sound the alarm---and we all need to respond. Benjamin Franklin's words when signing the Declaration of Independence are more relevant that I would like, in light of recent words by Trump and his acolytes: "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately."

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Steve Bannon left the White House but not TFG. He’s always been very dangerous IMO. Let us hope and pray that Jack Smith can be in court in March 2024 prosecuting TFG.

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Exactly, Steve Bannon animates Trump. After Trump was voted out, Bannon went to Italy to try and instigate something. He got himself kicked out of the country.

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Bannon is evil but not stupid. I consider him and Roger Stone to be the animators of dumptys schemes. I hope Justice comes for them too.

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I agree 100%

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Yes, please!

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Thank you once again for all the news and what it means. My unasked for advice for everyone this coming year.its going to get stressful and nail biting so take time for yourselves. Joyce has the chickens,,and knitting. One thing I did years ago was to come up with 12 things I really wanted to do.wrote them on slips of paper and each month picked one for my special day. Just an idea but worked for me. And starting to make my list once again.

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awesome idea. I've always organized myself on paper before getting in motion, now that I'm really old, it remains helpful. I think I'll re-do my approach and make it a longer range than I usually do. Thanks!

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Thank you, Joyce for giving us a point by point explanation that we are able to understand more easily.

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Good evening Joyce, this is an invaluable assement of the situation, laid out like a tutorial for first year law students. I hope there are many who follow you because the way you think of the situation and the significance you point out is so important for the kind of lawyers we need in our future. I'll be here for the duration. Thank you so much.

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Thank you Joyce for summarizing these important legal proceedings in a way that is understandable.

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When people like you, Joyce, or Jack Smith, or Fani Willis, i.e. excellent lawyers, speak about these things step by step, you confirm what so many people feel but cannot lay out for others to follow.

I'm grateful. And I agree with you especially strongly when you say now is the time to snap out of disbelief and TALK TO OTHER PEOPLE. Not just the people who also talk about these truths, but the people who do not. Shaking your head with no response is not helpful when someone in front of you represents lies as truth. Simply stating the contradicting FACTS, which are not hard to understand when it's Uncle Fred or your cousin Jeff who never liked any democrats and that's all they scream about. Joyce and others have given us SIMPLE REPEATABLE FACTS. Don't keep them a secret. We needn't shout and wave our fingers in anyone's face, but we MUST respond with the truth. We need to be the backbone of America at our very own kitchen tables and grocery stores. Use what Joyce is giving us!

And write your reps and senators or call, every single week. About what you want them legislating. Three item lists are my favorite right now l. And subscribe to all government sites that track laws and votes on same. You'll receive notices in your inbox.

We can be a part of history right this minute, and be examples to others.

Thank you Joyce

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This is great & with luck will end PO1135809!

However Joyce, any word on Jack Smith's response to Cannon releasing his plans for the classified documents case?

Roll Tide!!

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Cannon should be removed now! Objectively isn’t her game!

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Absolutely! She is doing things to make sure *45 escapes this.

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She’s skating along on the edge, and I think Smith has a bigger case to pursue with a competent judge. He does only have so much in resources and I think he’s using the. Well.

If he’s successful, the judgement will come for Cannon in time. I hate to think I’ll read about her in 15 years as some skanky legal “expert” but these garbage mongers just don’t go away. If fox survives she’s be one of their legal gurus.

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You can find the docket sheet for the classified docs (case# 9:23-cr-80101) here: https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/67490070/172/united-states-v-trump/

I think the doc you're referencing is Document #172, Supplemental Response to Standing Discovery Order by USA, entered 10/6/23. There's a button on that entry to download a PDF of it if you want.

I've bookmarked this website for myself. Hope this helps.

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Thank you

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You're welcome.

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I believe that the "stand back and stand by" comment occurred during one of the 2020 presidential candidate debates, tRump v Biden, Chris Wallace moderating.

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Donald Trump sidesteps call to condemn white supremacists — and the Proud Boys were 'extremely excited' about it

Courtney Subramanian

Jordan Culver



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Yes, the one where his kids refused to take covid tests and the orange cocksplat was himself positive. He was hoping to give it to Biden.

I remember this well bc I was away in Taos while my house was worked on and isolated bc of the pandemics danger to the local Taos Pueblo population. A whole bunch of Texans there on holiday had just been arrested for violating the quarantine order.


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I think the same

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Thank you for all you do in every post and news cast. We are lucky to have your expertise to help us understand the legal implications.

Peace and prayers☮️🙏🏼☮️

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Thank you, Joyce.

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