Someone who's innocent doesn't try to delay trial, they should want the opportunity to clear their name. It's obvious that Trump's legal team has no confidence of winning acquittal in any of these cases. If only this were more obvious to his supporters.

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I feel like I’ve heard enough and seen enough to know that tfg is guilty on all counts. Like the rest of you, I watched the January 6 riot live, heard the president of the United States say go home we love you to the rioters after several hours of watching tv and tweeting encouragement and making some practice videos till he got it right. I know how I’m going to vote no matter what the Supreme Court says.

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Exactly. An attempt to overthrow an election was filmed live for all the world to watch. I know what I saw. It is not that complicated, no matter how much some people lie and twist in the wind.

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Amen to that 💙🇺🇸👍🏻 Good point that the whole world watched it.

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Spot on Gigi 💥

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Precisely, Gigi. We don’ t need the legal system to tell us how to vote. The system evolved to be as fair as possible to all parties, but the vile criminal and traitor Trump made a career out of treating decency and fairness as weakness and using them against us. Odious lawyers assist him. They must be paid in advance.

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I don’t believe the manbaby pays in advance and tries to make a deal. Hopefully Putin will take him in after he runs away from the judgements against him.

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Me too

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Rump knows he’s toast if any of these cases go to verdict. His best chance is to keep the pending indictments alive to continue his persecution claims through the election.

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It's funny because it's true.

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Ok that’s funny 😆

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My blood pressure, like the rent, is too damn high. Nonetheless, thanks for helping us make sense of it all!

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I'm with you there Edward. I got a warning this week from my Dr. about my BP. It's been one hell of a week hasn't it?!

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1

Lisa, same here. Saw my cardiologist this week, and MINE was also high. I blamed it on Trump. She wasn't laughing, so I thought it best that I leave it at that and never discuss political stuff anymore, at least with her anyway.

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Hi Dianne...I'm sorry to hear yours was up also. Looks like you're not sleeping as well. We can blame a lot of things on Trump can't we?! Grrrr. My Dr. tried to tell me not to worry that Trump really couldn't be a Dictator because the military wouldn't go along with it. I'm thinking BS. He'd find a way. He's clueless.

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It amazes me older physicians are drumpf fans I guess they can watch fox too.

And having dragged an unconscious premed out of the organic chem lab where he'd been boiling ether with a flame (I assume bc he was late, being an important pre-med and all), I know for a fact many aren't really that smart.

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Lol. I learned that as an undergrad at Georgetown U. ca. 1970. I'd been sort of in awe of doctors before then, knowing (by hearsay) how arduous their training was. Then I started meeting more and more pre-meds -- all guys at that point. The awe disappeared, and took a lot of my respect with it.

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I side with YOU on this one. Unless another "Flynn" has some kind of control, the military will follow the guidance of the Constitution, rather than following orders from an Orange King.

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Don't be so sure. Didn't we learn a while ago that Fox is on TVs on military bases?

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Mar 2·edited Mar 2

Hopefully, most soldiers know why it's called Faux News, but maybe not. Robin, I'm glad you mentioned that. People from all over the world can watch that, courtesy of the Internet.

It's scary to think that our military personnel might prefer Fox News without realizing how dangerous it is, by corrupting our country. That HAS to change!

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Wow...Now we can lay another thing at his feet...an epedemic of High Blood Pressure! Mine has always been a bit low. My doctor said

she wanted me to start monitoring mine daily. 😵‍💫

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Make sense? Not possible

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Guess I have to up my antidepressant again!

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Since the trials are so inconvenient for Trump, perhaps we should postpone the election until his legal difficulties have been handled? I’m sure Biden would be ok with another one or two years in this term as President….before being re-elected.

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If President’s are above the law Pres. Biden could do that-the GOP is betting on his ethics.

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I've been saying that! Biden won't have to leave in Jan 2025. Ha!

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Brilliant idea 💡

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Annie, Damn good idea!

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Since the court will probably agree that seal team 6 can kill their political opponents then I think it needs to happen but then he would be the cult’s martyr.

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I could live with that!

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1

I'm good with that

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Great idea

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That's a fine idea.

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So you think that Marianne Williamson could solve these problems with her Brazilian Power Crystals? Give me a break!!

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How many more Palestinians would die in those two years?

How many more drilling rights sold?

How many more drone killings would take place?

How many more dictators would Biden fist bump and embrace?

How many more American service members would die or be permanently injured in places we don’t belong?

How much wider will the economic gap grow between the 1% and the rest of us without tax reform?

How much more unreliable and expensive will the USPS become because Biden can’t be bothered to replace two of the Board members whose time is up and thus replace trump’s lapdog DeJoy?

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Biden can't replace dejoy, the postal board hasn't. Biden isn't killing Palestinians, drumpf buddy Netanyahu is.


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It’s generally a good idea to do actual research on what you spout off about - before doing so.

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Back at you

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May the heavens help me. I’m bowled over by your oh so intelligent, witty reply.

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Your post is absolute ignorance at its worst. If anything, it might be correct if you indicated you were referencing Trump instead of Biden. The US doesn't control Israel, Trump Admin and Congress is responsible for drilling rights sale, Biden has removed troops per terms negotiated by Trump, the tax code is controlled by the GOP at this time except that Biden Admin pushed for more IRS agents to reduce tax cheats, and Biden has replaced three positions on the USPS Board, that Board has not removed DeJoy even though it has been requested. The two current positions that became replaceable were as of December 31, 2023 and have to go through Senate confirmation, which will not be easy given the budget issues which are slowing down all Senate work.

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Whoa. Nice first sentence.

I have no idea what you wrote after that because I don’t waste my time on people who have no idea what common decency and good manners are.

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Certainly not surprised that a person who pushes false information about a sitting president wouldn't want to read statements correcting the false information.

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If you think Trump would be any better I refer you to his record.

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And all of that started with the Biden administration? Get a grip, fella.

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Our judicial system has proven to be a house of cards and Donald Trump is a two year old with a leaf blower. I have never been so disheartened at the prospects of holding trump accountable. He’s the Antichrist dancing with the devil.

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But when Biden wins, 45 will have to face the music.

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I am blessed with having 2 Democratic Senators and my rep is a Democrat as well, though she has been struck with a debilitating disease, progressive supranuclear palsy, for which there is no effective treatment. So, she will not be seeking reelection.

But my point is I have of late been worried that my wonderful senatorial reps will themselves become exhausted and not seek reelection. So, I have made it a point to contact them regularly to make sure they know of my support for the work that they are doing.

Here is a contact list of today's 118th Congress for those who would like to do the same:


Update: I'm told the above-link is out of date. Try this one. You can search yourself for your reps:


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Absolutely Lynell! I’m also big team player for Mark and Tim. (Our House guy is very very Bad Bob…..if you get my innuendo). I sent one of the Senators some dough the other day for his b’day.

We must all take care of our Democratic Senators and Reps. with donations, letters of thanks, etc., even some out of state when you can afford it. The work they’re doing is heroic!

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So cool, Sally. I signed his birthday card that Mark sent for us to sign. I'm sure you know that Mark and Tim are the Virginia Virtuosos? Mark on banjo and Tim on either guitar or harmonica!

Yes, we need to make sure they know we appreciate what they have been doing for us.

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The list is out of date for some members of Congress in 118th Congress. It shows John McCain and Jeff Sessions for example as senators.

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Bummer, Ivan. I did not notice that even though I searched for 118th Congress members. Maybe this site is better?


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This list is dated June 2016 so it is 8 years old and published BEFORE Trump was even elected. We've had 4 Congressional elections since that date. Several of those listed have passed away, many are no longer in office either by voting out or retirement.

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My bad, Judy, for not noticing, though I did write in "118th Congress" in my search. Others found the below-site better. However, to be sure, you are free to search each of your reps separately to get their contact info.


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Thanks for the link. However, after a quick scroll down, it's several years out of date, including John McCain, Diane Feinstein, ....

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Holding Trump accountable on November 5 will clear the way for trial after trial. Time to go all out support get-out-the vote efforts in a big way, folks. These late winter-early spring months are crucial to support effective grass-roots efforts in swing and other states. Courage.

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Especially the swing states: Pennsylvania Wisconsin Georgia Nevada Arizona Michigan. Because of the Electoral college, these are the most important!

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"Donald Trump is a two year old with a leaf blower" is the best description I've heard of him this week! Thank you for that, Rich! LOL!

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There may be an analogy with being diagnosed with an inoperable malignant tumor, which the doctors say will prove to be fatal. The patient feels just fine right now, but the forecast for the future is grim.

On the other hand, my father, who served in the Army in WW2, liked to point out that the US has survived everything so far, and we have been through some serious stuff.

Maybe the deadly ailment will ultimately be cured.

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That is for sure!! I've been saying for years he is the AntiChrist. Scary, scary times ahead.

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There is no such thing as the antichrist. There are no saviors.

Just us.

And a very emotionally damaged venal orange cocksplat.

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Holding Trump accountable on November 5 will clear the way for trial after trial. Time to go all out support get-out-the vote efforts in a big way, folks. These late winter-early spring months are crucial to support effective grass-roots efforts in swing and other states. Courage.

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No he is the devil.

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Preach it Rich!

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Professor Vance: I'm so grateful for your no nonsense explanations of the madness that surrounds us. A question and a comment: Question: There's been little talk about Justice Thomas and the need for him to recuse (of course, he won't but analysists haven't said much about this). Comment: I heard an analysist on NPR suggest that, if the immunity case is delayed, what would stop Jack Smith from 'drip drip drip' parts of his evidence as a way to sway undeclared voters for November. I'd really enjoy reading your take on this. Thank you.

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That's interesting.

A report I read said Thomas is frantic to prevent the case going to trial because his probably illegal interracial marriage partner would have her evidence of conspiracy introduced.

Off with their heads, says the Red Queen.

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Yes! How about dripping some information about the involvement of long dong silver’s wife in the election denial campaign and the attempt to impanel fake electors? Or in lieu of a drip, drip, drip - perhaps turn the bidet on full blast. That might help galvanize voters about the need to vote for Joe Biden and begin review of the behavior of this errant justice and his spouse.

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What more evidence do we need? We all saw the insurrection. We’ve all heard everything Trump has said about it. I really don’t get it.

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I thought yesterday was bad news. It keeps growing exponentially.

It is late, I appreciate you giving us all this information. I don’t know how you keep it straight. I always learn something new.

I’m going to look through this more thoroughly tomorrow with fresh eyes.

All I know is we have to VOTE BLUE UP and DOWN.

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Especially the swing states: Pennsylvania Wisconsin Georgia Nevada Arizona Michigan. Because of the Electoral college, these are the most important!

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NC too

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We did that in 2020 and look where we are now.

Are thousands upon thousands of dead Palestinians worth another four years of Genocide Joe? Thousands upon thousands of dead Ukrainians because Biden was too afraid to commit our militaries to stopping Putin, too wish-washy to pull NATO together to stop Putin before he invaded? (Anyone else recall Biden constantly saying out loud “we will NOT put boots on the ground”? What kind of leader tells the other side ‘help yourself’?)

Do we need even more drilling for fossil fuels?

No new laws to at least slow down the ever widening economic gap in this country?

We have to ask ourselves what voting blue really means. We have to examine what we are willing to ignore, overlook and even pretend isn’t happening under the banner of blue. Shouldn’t we ditch the “close your eyes & vote blue” mantra and instead be demanding far better candidates than Corporate Democrats who do nothing but protect themselves and a man who earns the nickname Genocide Joe every day? Why should we support a man who can’t be bothered - or doesn’t know how - to use the power of the Presidency to call out the fascists in our government every damn day, to get loud about the hate based theocracy we are rapidly turning into?

If you’re going to vote blue no matter what at least face exactly what you’re choosing to vote for.

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Oh stop schmeekl

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Spot on Jen 100%! I noticed the rude, childish comment in an earlier comment.

Ignore it, then report it!

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It’s too late for this cycle. I understand what you’re saying but we’ve got what we’ve got this time around. We need to make the best of it.

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If you will bring the coffee, I will bring the bagels, donuts, muffins and anything else to get us thru this nightmare🙏🏼. Thanks for your thorough updates and continuing to be in this with us☮️🙏🏼☮️

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I'll bring dog food, and chicken feed. Can't have a good "Kaffee Klatsch" without animals all over the place!

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No kitties? No pony? There needs to be ponies, since it is a dog and pony show!

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A peaceable kingdom, well perhaps not kingdom in this case.

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After helping out ZsuzEB, I will gladly contribute $60.00 for chicken feed and dog food. Should some little kitties or adult cats appear will help with food for them as well.

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I'll bring some brandy?

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Mimosa anyone?

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I will happily bring 2 unopened bottles of Brandy.

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my drink of choice when only alcohol will do.

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NOW you're talking- oops- writing!

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I will gladly contribute $60.00 for coffee, danish, muffins as well.

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Oh mercy me what a week!! I didn't sleep much last night and was so depressed this morning when I got up. Feeling a little better tonight after keeping my TV off this evening . I did send a scathing message to the SCOTUS website and expressed my displeasure. It helped. Thanks so much for all you do online and on TV to keep us informed and inspired. You're the best!! ❤️🇺🇸💙

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SCOTUS has a website that accepts messages?

URL? I want to write!

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Ok hold on I'll get you the link.

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Thank you, Lisa!

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Thank you. I wrote to them, and I posted the link to my FB page and set the post to PUBLIC.

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Thanks! I am going to enjoy writing tjis.

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Clarence needs to be impeached if doesn’t recuse, clearest of violations.

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I suggest reading these in the morning. We need our rest.

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I’m not sleeping either, Lisa. The harm that idiot is inflicting on the world is beyond criminal.

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Paula that is for sure. I know lots of people aren't sleeping well these days. And it's only going to worse the closer we get to November. Big hugs to you. ❤️🫂

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Agreed! Big hugs to you as well! 💕💕

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Thank you, Joyce, why can't any of the judges involved in these four trials clear their calendars? to make room for trying the trumpster at a time "convenient" to the People. I realize that defendants in any case are entitled to a speedy trial; but in these cases the rights of the plaintiffs "We, the People" should be considered as equal to a criminal with a very long reputation to delay tactics. At the very least we deserve the DC case under Judge Chutkin to be resolved. I know individual rights are usually given precedence, but in these cases the rights of at least 300,000,000 individuals are having our rights trampled in the dust.

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Excellent point, Fay.

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Thank you Joyce Vance. I can see how the former has been able to delay court proceedings but how was he able to delay even the investigations prior to his indictments? He seems to get a helping hand, when he needs one.

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Corrupt judges live to be handed opportunities to benefit more from their corruption. Donald Trump is the gift that keeps on giving for every criminal in this country.

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I would have thought that as citizens you already know the truth that Donald Trump is a liar and a cheat, certainly the rest of the world does. The problem is that around half of your citizens, your legislators and it seems your “supreme” court couldn’t care less. Don’t wait for a jury to decide - get out there and do whatever it takes to win back the Senate, the Presidency and take back the House of Representatives. Then fix your constitution and Supreme Court. The rest of us in this planet are wholly dependent on your success.

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Regrettably, the real casualty here is *timeliness* of the legal processes directed toward tRump, and if his principal goal is to demolish all chances of seeing the inside of a courtroom before November, he's well on his way to succeeding. Second, win the presidential election, by ANY means necessary, thence "his" AG could direct the prosecutors to walk away...that is, if SCOTUS hasn't previously granted him immunity on one or more heretofore prosecutable acts for which he is currently stalling out pending trials.

Basically, in the two federal indictments, he may beat them IF elected; the Manhattan trial on campaign reporting violations/"hush money"

charges could result in a criminal conviction, but that would be up to the jury, so not a slam-dunk. GA case currently a shambolic FUBAR, and who knows where that's going.

So, yet again, as Joyce and so many other observers have noted, it's ultimately up to the voters - we the people - to lose this guy, and NOT be dependent upon the criminal justice system to do what needs to be done...in our hearts I think we all knew all along this is how it would play out, right?

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Jack Smith did after he filed cert with the SCOTUS. He’s going after Congress people. He sent some Target letters that were hand-delivered to the sergeant at arms of the.congress.

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???Did I miss this happening of sending out target letters???

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Hi Tim,

I thought I had read it on Joyce’s substack - but it might have been a source. And not yet a public announcement.

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If the USSC grants immunity it will apply to every living president. Something djt has not truly thought about. Those classified documents he obstructed the return to the archives? How about gitmo, since every other person caught with those type documents find themselves in jail from day one. The USSC cannot write an opinion that doesn’t apply to the office of the president, all of them. That’s the problem of running to them, no opinion applies to one person.

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Timeliness when 45 looses will serve justice well.

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Someone reminded me that there are more civil cases coming though. Members of the Capitol police are among the plaintiffs. That could be very instructive.

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All of this is horrifying. As Chris Hayes said, “The fix is in!” 😡 I do believe this calls for more than coffee…..

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Throw in a shot of whiskey?

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On one hand I’d like SCOTUS to hear the case of immunity for this sorry person to see justice being done, and that he will get prosecuted and sentenced fairly. That is, if and only if it’s an honest trial. There’s no doubt in my mind about his guilt in every indictment, and with all the evidence available, there should be no doubt in the Court’s collective mind, that he needs to be prosecuted for his crimes, either.

However, if this is a trial with a verdict that’s been bought and paid for by the accused when he appointed his judges, and is also supported by other righting minds on the bench, then this will prove to be a sham trial for the privilege of sitting on the bench and I’m downright depressed by that thought.

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But 45 will lose the election seems pretty clear to me.

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From your lips to Gods ears……

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Ya think?

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This is my last comment on this forum. I will unsubscribe from the forum today. I’m nearly 82 years old, too old to waste my time with the legal gobbledygook that surrounds the “trial” of a sociopath who managed to rise to the American presidency. The American “justice” system is a sham that protects major criminals who can afford to buy the “best” lawyers and quickly tries and jails those who can’t.

It’s time for a people’s trial of Trump and his co-crooks. All of those excellent legal minds who are making a fortune trying Trump in the media need to stage a quick (one week max) public trial that presents all the evidence we all know exists for all of Trump’s crimes. If Trump wants to present a counter argument, add a day for him to rant. The trial should be held in a secure place and televised. All the bullshit legal “protections and objections” used by the worst and richest criminals should be prohibited. Just the facts, mam.

If such a trial is impossible, then someone should just shoot this bloated stain on humanity.

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Hoping you will channel your well-founded disappointment in the best way to see justice done - vote, encourage others to vote and contribute to organizations getting out the vote in swing states. That’s a legacy to be proud of. Try 31st Street Swing Left, for example.

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Don't leave! She's got chickens too!

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Barry - exactly how do you propose your “trial” take place? Where does it take place? Who will be in charge? Who will the jury be? Frustration is real amongst many Americans over the glacial and slow moving court system BUT, at least at this time, we are not a banana republic and we do not hang people in the public square. I am a long time critic of the SCOTUS arguing this country should follow the lead of other western nations who have modernized their judiciary with mandatory retirement, rotating justices and term limits. But we are not there. Use your anger and frustration to engage in some grass roots movements. Hop over to Robert Hubbell’ s newsletter which is always full of suggestions for such involvement.

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Please don't leave us! I love your comment.

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"...E. Jean Carrol delivered a stinging response..." I read the motion until laughter took over. I am a 'pro se' respondent/defendant/grievant in ongoing matters in Washington State and have learned a few subtle ways to be sarcastic. Carrol's lawyers didn't just deliver a "stinging response", they hauled him into the principal's office, made him pull his pants down, and used The Paddle. Not once, but repeatedly. Mr. Trump - by rights - shouldn't be able to sit for a week. Good work, boys and girls!!

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Pull his pants down? That's not a pleasant picture.🤢🤢💩💩

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