Well, they are both in the state of New York. It seems like the Feds are who brought the charges against Adams. I am not sure why local elections would be subject to federal law, but I really don't know much about election law. I would think it would also fall under the jurisdiction of NY state.
But of course!! trump and his spawn are white, Eric Adams is BLACK. Any further questions???
A Black Democrat, no less.
Listening to the news today, it sounds like Mayor Adams is as deserving of indictment as much as trump.
If only he were a member of the Supreme CourtтАж
Good point! Yet, NY did bring charges against djt, it may be a juristiction issue.
Well, they are both in the state of New York. It seems like the Feds are who brought the charges against Adams. I am not sure why local elections would be subject to federal law, but I really don't know much about election law. I would think it would also fall under the jurisdiction of NY state.