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‘ ...he knows full well that the president doesn’t direct judge’s rulings in cases.’ Nope. I’m guessing he has no real understanding of rules, laws, surrounding his tenure in the White House. I firmly believe that he was, and still is, a useful idiot for the far right.

Surely, surely, there is a legal remedy if, god forbid, he is re-elected, he cannot be, but how can he be the front runner on the right? Blows me away.

And, he will violate the gag order, likely tomorrow...

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And perhaps a useful idiot for Putin?

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Yup, Putin, and those who control the far right/Maggots

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You are right to point that out Pamela! After I wrote it and posted it, I thought that was not what I meant to say. Too lazy to edit it.

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. . .he has no understanding of the role of president per the Constitution, true. His lawyers do. The big problem is that an awful lot of American voters do not understand it, either. The Republicans have no wish to educate them, either. Someone no doubt has called the Constitution fake news. Democrats are cautious about seeming schoolmarmish.

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I don’t think the MAGA Republicans have any idea how our government is designed to work. They demonstrate their stupidity daily.

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I too do not believe he will win. There are too many decent people in our country who know all the atrocities he has committed and are determined to cash in at the ballot box in 2024. Like Cassidy Hutchinson said in her new book “ENOUGH.”

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Dianne, Many Republicans are asking themselves the same question as you have posed: 'god forbid if he is re-elected, he cannot be, but how can he be the front runner on the right?' They are recognizing that he is more than a doofus. He is a violent 'wanna be' mafia don, who would be a dictator for life if he could be re-elected. We must stop him. It is a bit short-sighted that these Republicans put all of their money on him. More than that, they were fooled by a 'here comes Slick and Slicker con man.' Indeed, he will violate the gag order - I predict by around 6:00 am EST. I suppose he will post something on Truth Social. He does not understand 'no' because it has never applied to him. I'm hoping someone here on Joyce's site will post a copy of his tweet or whatever they call it on his Social Truth site. Trump does not believe accountability applies to him. He will push the envelope and go to jail, not once but several times. One visit will not cure him. He will go bleating and blatherskiting all the way. I'm hoping the empaths who are on this site do not give him an ounce of sympathy: it's great to be empathic but he's the wrong guy to feel sorry for. He was responsible for an event that left six people dead; was causal for several suicides; and first responders were physically and emotionally scarred for life. I was so kumbayah that I didn't believe in jail for anyone except the most violent criminals prior to joining Joyce's substack. The one thing I have gained from being here is that Trump IS a violent criminal (allegedly because as she and Jack Smith have pointed to, he is not guilty until proven so in a court of law, but he was found guilty of rape so I have to say 'allegedly' and 'this is my personal opinion - and I guess it's for entertainment purposes only?). Trump promoted a violent takeover of our democracy and people died. His first thought as he sits on the concrete bunk in jail (I think they have concrete and no covers) will not be for the harm he has done. He has no concept of the fact that he encouraged an insurrection. He has no sorrow that folk died, were permanently damaged, families lives were changed forever. His only thought will be that 'Walt isn't here to serve me my diet whatever Coke" and "I have no cell phone." I think he will need to serve the entire 26 potential years the DOJ has outlined for him to begin to approach recognition that he has caused a great deal of harm. But he will spend the first several years (should he be convicted) bleating about 'witch hunt' and 'I'm innocent' and 'I won.'

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Valere, you’ve said all the things I’ve been thinking and I agree with all!

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What is confounding is your observation “that Republicans are asking the same question Dianne posed.” Where have they been and why haven’t they asked themselves these questions years ago, say at the time of his first impeachment? As I have written previously, the majority of Republicans have been and are complicit enablers in bringing us to this moment. They thought they could escape having to confront this ugly truth of his disgraceful conduct and abuse.

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Exactly! Thank you for your comment to me. They are coming late to the table - fooled by the shyster: Slick and Slicker, but a number of them are at least recognizing what he is. However, they are completely locked into the republican party. A few months ago a washingtonpost reporter went to western Pennsylvania to interview women at a Republican party planning event. The reporter posed the question: ‘As a woman, does the fact that Trump has been found guilty of sexual abuse had an impact on your selecting him as your party’s nominee?’ [Note: this was prior to Trump, running back to the judge to claim that he had been found innocent of rape, and the judge spelling out to him “you raped her, and just because the statute was so narrow they couldn’t call it “rape’ does not change that fact, and furthermore, the court trial January 15, 2024 will only be to decide how much money you owe her.”]. So all the rape had not been spelled out at that moment in time, sexual abuse had but still the majority of women said “no” because it was more important to support the Republican party. These are the 30% that are never going to change. it’s astonishing to me that a conviction of such a horrific act is considered of less importance than loyalty to a political party. When we say that we, as a country are only as good as our lowest common denominator, and the lowest common denominator is rotten to the core, we’re in deep trouble. I’m hoping the good folks existing in the Republican party grow a spine. But there will be no changing this 30% because they are locked into their idea that Trump is the Messiah. He’s a cult leader and they’re the members.

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My Valere, I wish it weren’t so but the 30% of our population who are so wrapped up in this man is really sad for all of us. The idea that he is a messiah is just a sign of how religious dogma has been a tool of brainwashing. It certainly strikes me as though there are an incredible portion of our fellow citizens who are eager to return to times when religion played a role in dictating how people lived their lives. They see the current cultural shifts as frightening just as I find their addiction to dogma frightening. As someone who has throughout his life questioned religion and concluded that it is myth making with rules designed by men it appears that people have a strong need, apparently, to look to the beyond when confronted with challenges in this world. But, to embrace a criminal as a “gift from God,” which I believe was Franklin Graham’s rationale for supporting Trump, is about as distressing a notion as imaginable. That kind of deeply ingrained religious zealotry leaves us unable to address the most egregious crimes of a man who lies and gaslights at every turn. It is both shocking and frightening.

Recognizing that there are thousands of different religious perspectives/outlooks and communities how do we not recognize the hubris of thinking there is only one way and then going on to push back against civil discourse and acceptance of lifestyles, gender, and women’s healthcare to the detriment of all?

I personally make a distinction between religion and spiritual community with acceptance of all humanity as one. It is so unsettling. And it is a reason why we must do everything we can to get the message and the vote out in 2023. No minority can be allowed to dictate individual choice.

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Ps #2 I can’t agree with you more. Your message is the highlight of my day. A kindred spirit who sees the trouble, with hope. I will ponder how best to reach those people who most need your words (anonymously to protect your name) as I take the puppers for their long awaited walk to the river. Their highlight of ‘their day’ - as they walk down the trail - is flushing the ducks on the river - and watch them fly away:) They both know birds and ducks are our friends - but a mini Dachshund and Shiba Inu - have ‘hunting genes’ but not for birds.

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