Knowing his obsessive hatred for real humans, and not his followers, I'm inclined to think it would be the second choice. It seems like yesterday, but I still recall how the only way to get out of the U.S.S.R. was if you were fortunate enough to be an Olympic athlete or the member of a very well-known musical orchestra. The same for East…
Knowing his obsessive hatred for real humans, and not his followers, I'm inclined to think it would be the second choice. It seems like yesterday, but I still recall how the only way to get out of the U.S.S.R. was if you were fortunate enough to be an Olympic athlete or the member of a very well-known musical orchestra. The same for East German residents.
It's hard to keep up with a lot of countries these days, because of name changes and their most up-to-date rules. Did Cuba relax their laws? Sorry for the digression, but just the idea of being prisoners in our own country --- or state, if Trump had his way --- is beyond my compression and thus makes my brain hurt.
If I could have one dollar for every time I've seen or heard Trump announce to everyone how much he loves CHY-NA's leader, Putin, and the rest of our adversarial leaders, I might be able to finally buy another used car before my 19-year-old one dies.
As of today, I still haven't taken a peek at the 2025 version of The Bible According to Trump's followers (but not him????). I don't think I can handle that much carnage, but it does make me wonder if there is a section among that foreshadowing/threatening document that addresses this particular issue.
After all the stupidity tfg has already pulled,I wouldn't put anything past him.Too many of his lil buddies have locked/sealed borders,and he is so jealous of these nimrods having no rules but they can just make up rules as they go along,and he wants what they have.It is up to us to put a dead stop to his antics.Don't let his minions take away our vote or scare us into not voting.And vote BLUE,no matter who!
Knowing his obsessive hatred for real humans, and not his followers, I'm inclined to think it would be the second choice. It seems like yesterday, but I still recall how the only way to get out of the U.S.S.R. was if you were fortunate enough to be an Olympic athlete or the member of a very well-known musical orchestra. The same for East German residents.
It's hard to keep up with a lot of countries these days, because of name changes and their most up-to-date rules. Did Cuba relax their laws? Sorry for the digression, but just the idea of being prisoners in our own country --- or state, if Trump had his way --- is beyond my compression and thus makes my brain hurt.
If I could have one dollar for every time I've seen or heard Trump announce to everyone how much he loves CHY-NA's leader, Putin, and the rest of our adversarial leaders, I might be able to finally buy another used car before my 19-year-old one dies.
As of today, I still haven't taken a peek at the 2025 version of The Bible According to Trump's followers (but not him????). I don't think I can handle that much carnage, but it does make me wonder if there is a section among that foreshadowing/threatening document that addresses this particular issue.
After all the stupidity tfg has already pulled,I wouldn't put anything past him.Too many of his lil buddies have locked/sealed borders,and he is so jealous of these nimrods having no rules but they can just make up rules as they go along,and he wants what they have.It is up to us to put a dead stop to his antics.Don't let his minions take away our vote or scare us into not voting.And vote BLUE,no matter who!