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I have to think that rather than a moral presence & conviction; these people are simply women haters, misogynists that hide their amoral/immoral hearts behind a false “christianity”…

Too Many are also “transactional” like their Orange False God. Transaction — a business deal, I’ll give you this - you give me that”. It’s all about money and greed. Elect me and I’ll make those women suffer, elect me and I’ll let you pollute all you want, elect me and you can fight and kill anyone you want! Those are his promises- give me your $$$$$ and power AND I’ll make sure you don’t pay your just Taxes for your Greed, your misogyny (rape & brutality) will be ignored, give me what I want to stay out of jail And you can hate & destroy all you want!!

Once again…”christians”…acting transactional Just like Jesus did all through the New Testament.

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I never learned to be transactional. As a nurse, I am a giver, a helper. Whoever needs my help receives my help. That is who I am. That’s who nurses are. We are nurses till we die.

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Molly, that is how I feel about being a teacher and also a minister. I feel it is not right to judge people and I am happy to work with whoever comes into my circle, even if they are not officially "mine." I honor you for living that way too.

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I try that is all we can do, being human. I try to remember Henry James comment on the three important things in life.

“Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind.”

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Molly, James has some great advice there, advice that so many of us ignore or feel they don't have to heed because, well, those people aren't kind, so why should I be! How sad so many are following a child-man who never learned to be kind to anyone he can't use and at least occasionally abuse.

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Hi Beverly, I have know many kind, compassionate, women loving people who disagree with me on a woman's right to make this decision, because they think it is murder. To discount their concerns is a disservice to helping them think deeper and broader. And it is a disservice to keeping abortion legal. We cannot wait for an unwanted pregnancy to happen to them or a loved one, for them to see what is involved in babies being born who cannot be loved and cared for. Eventually society has to decide this complicated issue and stop letting it be used as a political football.

Please keep fighting, but I'd like your arguments to help keep abortion legal. Thank you for your comments.

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Each woman must be an autonomous being in her own right. She and she alone must decide what is best for her. It is her life after all and she will live it. Abortion is an option no one should ever be forced to have an abortion nor should anyone be forced to bear a child. If it offends your religious beliefs, don’t have an abortion. It is just that simple.

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Alas, Molly, the issue is not specifically abortion, but control of women. Men are scared nearly all the time they will be seen as inadequate, unmanly, so they want to make women and people of color feel that inadequacy. Control the source of new life, then those men think they can control the society. Perhaps they can, but it is not going to go well, as the Taliban of Afghanistan are learning. Their country is falling apart because they think only men can run things when those men's only skill is doing harm to women and other men. I wish we could help the women rise, but when we didn't arm and train the women and teach them self-defense etc., our chance to help may have passed.

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Vote every one of these men out of office and every woman who imitates them like Marjorie Taylor Greene out too. Electing a government that passes laws that recognizes us as full citizens would go a long way.

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Molly, another thing that would go a long way to support women is to certify the Equal Rights Amendment. It has been ratified by sufficient states and now it just needs to be added to the Constitution. Congress put in place a time limit which is not in the Constitution, as usual a bunch of scared white men made up something to warp our Constitution and in this case to keep women from sharing authority with them. I would like President Biden to use an executive order and have the ERA certified and the National Archivist add it to the Constitution officially. In this case, Congress already affirmed the amendment back in the 1970s and there is no reason they should have to be consulted again. The states have spoken! I hope Biden will have the courage to do that.

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I agree we need full citizenship with the ERA.

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Hi Molly, While I totally agreed with your above comment, and started to give this reply a heart, I stopped. No one is an autonomous being. We live on an isolated planet as social beings totally dependent on each other to survive. Sometimes one person's rights deprive another person of their rights. So we make laws to try to sort these complications out as fairly as possible. While I agree with your statement, "Abortion is an option no one should ever be forced to have an abortion nor should anyone be forced to bear a child." , putting that into practice is not simple... unless we have a dictator who decrees his version. Thank you for commenting.

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Autonomous within their own body. All women have the right to control their own body.

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Lynn, I think the idea is that each person within the interdependency has their own autonomy. We are not physically attached except in rare instances, so an issue like abortion should be the decision of that woman, perhaps with consultation with a doctor and maybe her husband, but the decision must be her own and the society needs to accept that decision as her right. The interdependency must make it safe for whichever decision a pregnant woman makes. When people who have nothing at stake in the decision decide to make it for her, they are stepping beyond their rights, toward interfering in another's rights without the person's permission. That is unacceptable!

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The perfect answer! We are all dependent not only on each other but everything that makes the planet earth our home. But we must have the authority, control over our own bodies. The opposite is slavery.

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YES, thank you Ruth,,, a very thoughtful and salient reply.

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Lynn, Thanks.

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