Aslo, As someone who both phone banks and writes postcards, I appreciate you writing. As for postcarding, I understand their impact, particularly in a tight election, is meaningful. Moreover, I imagine, if our cards are both substantive and attractive, they likely get posted on people’s fridge.
Aslo, As someone who both phone banks and writes postcards, I appreciate you writing. As for postcarding, I understand their impact, particularly in a tight election, is meaningful. Moreover, I imagine, if our cards are both substantive and attractive, they likely get posted on people’s fridge.
Barbara, I've been writing my postcards in 10 different colors of ink. They're pretty and will get attention. OH! How I hope some of mine will end up on the refrigerator!
Aslo, I believe the whole point of our activism is to engage in ways that speak to our strengths. In that regard, I trust that our joint contributions will result in wins up and down the ballot.
Aslo, As someone who both phone banks and writes postcards, I appreciate you writing. As for postcarding, I understand their impact, particularly in a tight election, is meaningful. Moreover, I imagine, if our cards are both substantive and attractive, they likely get posted on people’s fridge.
Barbara, I've been writing my postcards in 10 different colors of ink. They're pretty and will get attention. OH! How I hope some of mine will end up on the refrigerator!
Margaret, I thought I used a lot of color, but you’ve got me beat!
I love that image of my postcard sent, on someone's fridge as a reminder and call to vote!
Aslo, I believe the whole point of our activism is to engage in ways that speak to our strengths. In that regard, I trust that our joint contributions will result in wins up and down the ballot.