Molly, there is no medical reason. As you frame it, the “life at conception” is based on religion, and is unconstitutional. The over-arching reason for most of these politicians is power overall. Trump has declared himself Definer in Chief. As he has repeatedly bragged, “If I say it, they believe it.” He started defining “others” - “Musl…
Molly, there is no medical reason. As you frame it, the “life at conception” is based on religion, and is unconstitutional. The over-arching reason for most of these politicians is power overall. Trump has declared himself Definer in Chief. As he has repeatedly bragged, “If I say it, they believe it.” He started defining “others” - “Muslim countries”, “African countries”, “South and Central American” countries, “Black, Brown and multi-racial people”, “LGBTQ+ people”, “trans people, including children and their parents”, “patriots”, “women”, “children”, “woke” libs, “criminal immigrants” and more. The only person who has successfully defied his attempted definition is Kamala Harris. This Trump statement shows fear and frustration. “I am telling you who you are now, how you feel now, what your life is like now. You must not be listening. When you realize I am in control, you will feel better. Your life will be better. You will understand how I have set this up for you.” He is shouting - look at all the caps! He is realizing that women are more determined in their stand for freedom than the boys he rallied to charge the capitol on January 6th. I wonder if this “battered woman” brain-washing is part of his predator behavior. I think he may be worried that women will not allow his plans for “adjusting” the election in his favor to become a reality. He is worried about the future.
As we have experienced lately, our Constitution is entirely subjective. Subject to the whims of SCOTUS justices who claim to be "originalists". There is no mention of abortion in our Constitution, yet they feel compelled to regulate it. The is mention of the separation of church and state, but they are (de)regulating that with their decisions, too. Too many Conservatives discount the separation of church and state, claiming that the clause doesn't mean what it says... same thing they do with the 2nd Amendment. They pick and choose from our Constitution in the same way they do with their bibles - interpreting clauses and phrases in whatever way justifies their mindset... and toss the rest out as trash.
Molly, there is no medical reason. As you frame it, the “life at conception” is based on religion, and is unconstitutional. The over-arching reason for most of these politicians is power overall. Trump has declared himself Definer in Chief. As he has repeatedly bragged, “If I say it, they believe it.” He started defining “others” - “Muslim countries”, “African countries”, “South and Central American” countries, “Black, Brown and multi-racial people”, “LGBTQ+ people”, “trans people, including children and their parents”, “patriots”, “women”, “children”, “woke” libs, “criminal immigrants” and more. The only person who has successfully defied his attempted definition is Kamala Harris. This Trump statement shows fear and frustration. “I am telling you who you are now, how you feel now, what your life is like now. You must not be listening. When you realize I am in control, you will feel better. Your life will be better. You will understand how I have set this up for you.” He is shouting - look at all the caps! He is realizing that women are more determined in their stand for freedom than the boys he rallied to charge the capitol on January 6th. I wonder if this “battered woman” brain-washing is part of his predator behavior. I think he may be worried that women will not allow his plans for “adjusting” the election in his favor to become a reality. He is worried about the future.
As we have experienced lately, our Constitution is entirely subjective. Subject to the whims of SCOTUS justices who claim to be "originalists". There is no mention of abortion in our Constitution, yet they feel compelled to regulate it. The is mention of the separation of church and state, but they are (de)regulating that with their decisions, too. Too many Conservatives discount the separation of church and state, claiming that the clause doesn't mean what it says... same thing they do with the 2nd Amendment. They pick and choose from our Constitution in the same way they do with their bibles - interpreting clauses and phrases in whatever way justifies their mindset... and toss the rest out as trash.