All of that probably applies, but it's consistent with my conviction that Roberts is in over his head -- just like House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. They're both mediocre white men who rose to high positions of power thanks in large part to privilege and cronyism. (And they're being shown up by women, many of them women of color, to rose to …
All of that probably applies, but it's consistent with my conviction that Roberts is in over his head -- just like House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. They're both mediocre white men who rose to high positions of power thanks in large part to privilege and cronyism. (And they're being shown up by women, many of them women of color, to rose to *their* positions of power because they were competent and worked their butts off.)
Not unlike the one who can never fill the shoes of Thurgood Marshall. Who would surely be sputtering in his grave about the crass opportunism of his successor.
Mediocre. and wholly unfit to serve on the SC. Their lack of integrity makes them unfit. The difference between them and the women who serve is staggering.
In her excellent book, "Caste", Isabelle Wilkerson describes very well(Chap 13) the incompetent class of alpha males, such as Roberts and McCarthy who destroy companies, governments - and countries.
She notes, "It is a tragedy for humankind which is deprived of the benefit of natural alphas who might lead the world with the compassion and courage that are the hallmarks of a born leader, male or female..."
All of that probably applies, but it's consistent with my conviction that Roberts is in over his head -- just like House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. They're both mediocre white men who rose to high positions of power thanks in large part to privilege and cronyism. (And they're being shown up by women, many of them women of color, to rose to *their* positions of power because they were competent and worked their butts off.)
You nailed it.
Mediocre conservatives on the Court, to be sure.
Funny how the women so tower over them. As you say, they are competent, and got there by being extraordinary.
Except for Comey Barrett, who got there by being pliable.
I refer to her as Coney Rabbit. ;-)
I always involuntarily see a Little House On The Prarie floppy hat on her. Disgusting so-called representative of "women".
I forgot about the "one who can never fill the shoes of RBG."
Not unlike the one who can never fill the shoes of Thurgood Marshall. Who would surely be sputtering in his grave about the crass opportunism of his successor.
Mediocre. and wholly unfit to serve on the SC. Their lack of integrity makes them unfit. The difference between them and the women who serve is staggering.
In her excellent book, "Caste", Isabelle Wilkerson describes very well(Chap 13) the incompetent class of alpha males, such as Roberts and McCarthy who destroy companies, governments - and countries.
She notes, "It is a tragedy for humankind which is deprived of the benefit of natural alphas who might lead the world with the compassion and courage that are the hallmarks of a born leader, male or female..."
I love that book (and her first one too, _Warmth of Other Suns_) and need to reread it soon.