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You find that "amusing" do you?

Entertaining for you that prosecutors lawyers, judges have effectively hijacked the 2024 Presidential election and reduced our country to legal squabbles?? This is the country you like living in??

Joe Biden commits document crimes himself. Joe has active investigations into he and his family's 20+ million in foreign $$$ wired to his families via LLCs. Joe lied to American people and the world in final debate before 2020 election that his son Hunter's laptop story had been "debunked" and that his family had not gotten money from China/Russia.

Despite these wrongdoings of his own, Joe chooses to allow his attorney general and prosecutorial appointees to seek to destroy Donald Trump, the leading candidate for President in 2024 and his prime political opponent/enemy.

That's the kind of country you want to live in? You find it all amusing?

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Get a grip.....and some evidence.

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Well, that's what I said, isn't it? Amusing. tfg, his accomplices and the woolly crowd of cereal box lawyers defending them are making a kabuki theater out of pre-trial motions, so if I'm amused, I can be excused for admitting it, no? If Biden truly has a bunch of skeletons in his closet, I'm sure they'll come out soon enough, just as the Orange Emperor's new clothes have betrayed him before the relentless inquiries of the DOJ. It's amusing that, for all the investigative committees and all the conjecture, the witnesses have disappeared or had nothing of value to say. So far, there's no there, there; but I'm willing to be convinced by verifiable evidence, like the live television coverage and the recorded phone calls and tapes I've seen and heard myself regarding the the former guy. Who's in possession of that damn laptop, anyway???? Speaking of amusing; the concept that the 2024 election is hijacked? Wasn't there just a debate amongst some eight viable candidates for the GOP nomination? Well, it was amusing too, according to all the pundits who watched it. I didn't waste my time on either of the "events" of that night. I was busy flossing.

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There were no skeletons in trumps closet.He was double dealing with federal funds and enriching himself right in front of our eyes for four years! He is a poster ‘child’ for the RICO act.

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The laws have always been written so that it's extremely difficult to prosecute the kinds of white collar crimes Trump built his life around. It's rather ironic that he had to become president before anyone would actually indict his ass.

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The course of US history might well have been very different if that had happened before 2016.

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So…drop the USA from your identifier and relocate to Putinville!

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That’s probably where he’s located.

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Poor Gym Jordan. He's been working his butt off since 2020 and still hasn't found anything to prosecute Biden for.

If you can substantiate just one of your silly assertions, now's the time, Vladimir.

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Meanwhile Jordan lives under a disturbing cloud forever. How he ended up passing judgment on anyone in our government is in itself criminal.

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The GOP operates under chaos and hypocrisy. Why wasn't Jordan censured for scapegoating Hunter Biden and publicly attacking him? Because the Republicans need thugs like Jordan. They are devoid of any ethics and like Trump, they have no regard for integrity or truth.

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What is not amusing but exasperating is having to deal with the oppositional, defiant Rug-Rat of an ex-President. He has started a movement of superannuated toddlers who believe that his pissing on the sofa is a canny political statement. Mean Mommy and Daddy punish his right of free expression and smack his tiny hands, which offends him. The bad parents in the GOP argue that their li’l darling is just EXPRESSING HIMSELF. A spanking and going to bed without dinner will do him a world of good. But the “ultra-woke” harridans like Marge Greene are very tolerant parents. We need Child Protective Services called on the GOP. Unfit they are.

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Ahhh...so interesting when you all show your true colors.

Just a little squeeze is all it takes. And you and others burst like little tiny zits. Ha !! Another one bursts.

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And yet and yet - you pay for a subscription here - so true colors, really?

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I respect Heather's conviction, dedication. I respect Joyce's experience, credentials, commitment.

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Yeah, well, I’m crushed by your reparteè. Go to your room and squeeze your pimples.

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Bawling about how nobody loves you, well, it hasn’t worked yet. Due process has been exhausted in the years of looking under the floor boards, and no scary monsters are down there. Been investigated. If it can’t be brought to trial, drop it. Sorry for your righteous tears, but there’s no THERE there.

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Stay Weak, " these contradictions" are not only "Incriminating" they are Admissible under the FRE, Cue the melting hair dye. Humor is a form of Truth Telling.

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If you truly believe this, I feel sorry for you.

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If you are not aware of what I shared for the love of God read something other than NY Times and Washington Post and turn off CNN and MSNBC

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Like Epoch Times, OAN, Newsmax, Infowars, etc.? Joyce, I think it's time to close comments to only paying subscribers. I'm guessing the trolls aren't willing to pay to spread their misinformation.

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Thank you Jenn, I will raise that point with Substack Inc at JAMS-SF per the Terms of Service.

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Ohh.. censorship ??

Yea... that's right you all like that dont you?

You like free speech for yourself or for opinions/facts that fit your agendas but... "tolerance" ...openness to views/arguments of others? You don't fancy that much do you??

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Wrong on the US 1st Amendment & apparently on the entire of Bill of Rights analysis.

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How much do you get for this idiotic work?

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We're busy dealing with Swamp Thing (who knew it had orange hair and wore a red tie?) and the reptiles in DC that it spawned out of Dixieland. While we're doing that, you can continue searching for that laptop, some witnesses and a shred of actual evidence for the claims you're making.

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Still not facing the facts, huh?

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