And THIS brilliant Substack is how YOU do it, Joyce!!!!

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@E.JeanCarroll -- can’t let you pop up here and not say “Thank you” a million times. You are so strong and have such poise... and an amazing attorney(-ies) undergirding you. Inspirations you all are. Thank you.

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E. Jean Carroll, wow, how exciting to see you post here. I have been cheering for you and shouting for joy with your successes over the wannabe dictator.

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Betcha Sidney wouldn't be too cool about a 5 year sentence in a Georgia slammer. She too might reconsider.

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I don't want Sidney to get off. She's too close to the crime & was the face of the Stop the Steal movement. Reduced sentence maybe. But she needs to do time.

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If she can hand Trump over on a platter...

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I think there will be plenty of people handing him over & evidence to seal his fate. Sidney is just a small part of the chain.

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I disagree, Ann. I feel Sidney Powell was near the top of the chain along with Rudy. According to Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony, she and Cippolone heard yelling and screaming coming from Trump’s office. Sidney Powell is the one who convinced Rudy that the voting machines were “fraudulent”. She is needs to serve time like the rest of them.

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This is what I like about you, Marlene. You point the light where it needs to be pointed.

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you're damn right she does. They all need a dose of a state prison...there is no other punishment that fits their crimes.

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Maybe you misunderstood my comment. I said she deserves to serve time. Someone else said "she too might reconsider " maybe she's not a small part of the chain but she was part of it. She was the face of it along with others & deserves to do time for it.

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Yes, but she was there at the December 18 meeting.

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🎶🎶The room where it happened 🎶🎶

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And Chesebro, who was the creator of the scheme. Both of them know plenty.

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Good n’ Plenty!

It’ll be my choice of candy when they flip (if they flip).

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At that meeting, Trump wanted to appoint Powell as a Special Counsel to investigate voter fraud allegations. Cipollone pushed back “intensely.” Mike Flynn was at the meeting, and it went from the White House to Trump’s living quarters, and there evidently was a lot of shouting. The Grand Jury wanted to indict Flynn, among others. I wonder if they flipped him.

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Agreed. If she can do that, she can walk free.

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No, she deserves punishment for what she did. Not a free walk.

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Hi Katy,

Powell won’t have a free walk. But to put it all in context, the sociopath Trump was negotiating a deal with the alleged war criminal president of Kosovo when Jack Smith brought charges against the alleged or criminal. The allegations included that the then president of Kosovo had harvested and ordered to be harvested body parts for sale from innocent civilians in the former Yugoslavia. With all the intelligence available to Trump from CIA on up or down, he knew this. He knew he was dealing with. Yet he invited him to the White House. So with that, as a background context, can you think of any single person on Joyce Vances forum, who is a legitimate member of the forum, who would consider, or even conceive of inviting such a person to the White House of the United States goin ? That’s a pretty ugly graphic contacts that I’m laying out. Everyone of us is horrified over the very idea of someone harvesting body parts for sale. But Trump is not. So this is the guy that needs put away. Whoever is willing and able to throw him under the bus is going to be who Jack Smith and Fani Willis are negotiating with. If that person is Sidney Powell, and she can get that job done for them then she gets some kind of deal because this monster sociopath who has no heart, who has no concept of decency can’t be running free. It’s more than taking away our votes. When he puts MAGA in capital letters after one of his social media tweets, it’s a call to action. He’s done that after tweeting about Jack Smith, Joyce, Vance, different judges, etc. He’s not making a call to action to Evangelical Christian. He’s making a call to action to people who have serious arms and bullets who can do serious damage. So Sidney Powell is a pariah already. And her punishment will include having to relinquish her law license. She will not be able to be hired to do a little work. She’s unethical. So if she’s facing something like 20 some years in jail, and she throws Mr. Trump under the bus, and he gets convicted, she might get less than 20 some years in jail. She will not have a law license anywhere. So that leaves her penniless because she’s got other lawsuits against her for money. But the negotiation is it going up the chain to the top. Sidney, Powell and Chesebro will be trying to save their own tails anyway, they can. She may finally be thinking about being sentenced to jail in Georgia. But if Fani Willis works a deal with Sidney Powell it will be because Fani Willis is confident that she has enough information to convict Trump. More context on Sidney Powell: I’ve never heard the woman speak a single word. But I gather that she has had such harebrained (sorry to the rabbits ) ideas that she doesn’t pose a great deal of a problem or danger in being able to organize a group of people to make a coup against the United States. So she doesn’t pose the danger Trump does. He is a sociopath danger to our country, and whatever it takes to put away, and if that means squeezing Sydney Powell, and using her tail, every drop of her is gone, then that’s going to have to happen. Whether she’s roosting in a jail for decades, or several years, she’s going to have a very miserable life for her deeds. We just have to make sure that Trump is never in a position to pardon any of these criminals. For more context, Chesebro was the initial mastermind of the Falls electors for Wisconsin and then he presented that with Giuliani at the White House. He deserves a lot, and he’s going to lose his law license. But if he can throw Trump under the bus, bravo, because the endgame is taking the sociopath off the street. The sociopath Trump wanted to perform a coup so he could stay in power. People died on January 6. And he calls it a peaceful protest. He is a convicted fraud and rapist. He would like nothing more than to have dinner with Putin, Kîm Jong Un, Thaci the former president of Kosovo, who sold body parts, Saudi Arabia’s, MBS. Trump is of the same ilk. We can’t put lipstick on this pig. And if we all become collateral damage in our brains because we have to give up the idea that some of the creeps don’t get the sentence, we want to put the big creep away down the biggest rabbit hole that could ever be created, we just have to live with thats to get rid of him permanently. He has to be shut up for a long enough time that he could never create another MAGA. America was plenty fine before he tried to make it great again. We at least had our votes been counted. I truly understand how you feel that Sidney Powell deserves more punishment, but she honestly wasn’t the brightest candle in the room. She didn’t have enough brains to do anything much. She just ran around yakking. I don’t think with Fani Willis and Jack Smith at the helm anybody’s getting away with much. They don’t have that mindset. They are not going to slap hands. Now, Jack Smith brought in his buddy from The Hague. Would help does he need other than some help with extra judicial charges?? And if it’s extra judicial, is it criminal finally? I truly am not trying to take away your feelings about Sidney Powell but I just think she’s a pretty minor player in the large picture. In fact, she’s so stupid, she smiled in her mug shot. Trump wanted to be a dictator and he still does want that. That’s why he needs stopped - so yes, we need to use Sidney Powell till she’s completely dried up and wrung out.

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Ps, sorry Katy for all the grammar and typo errors I dictated this and didn’t proofread it. Apologies. We may have a small difference of opinion, but we still are all in this together to try to get Trump put away. And I don’t disagree with you about Sidney Powell. But she might be a steppingstone to get Trump put away.

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Loses her law license

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I'd like to think losing her license to practice would be automatic whether she pleads out or is convicted at trial.

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Sidney’s interesting. Terrible crazy person. As i recall, there was a move to make her special prosecutor to investigate the election. She did meet with Trump directly. If she can testify substantively against other defendant’s --especially Trump, of course, but also jenna ellis and giuliani

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Meant to conclude, largeish fine ~250K, give up passport, 30 days in jail,loss of law license, 25 years probation, not come near any election issues might satisfy me.

I hope these people convicted as felons will lose their right to vote.

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I think she deserves a harsher punishment, even if she is mentally ill. It truly appears that she is crazy as a loon.

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My only concern is her reliability and credibility. She's known by everyone to be truly nuts. Seriously not sure she can tell the truth from craziness. Enen Trump thought she was batshit crazy..

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Abd to think that at one rime, she was a federal prosecutor…🙄

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Well, loss of sanity can be progressive. But, currently, batshit crazy certainly fits her today. And in 2020....

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I'm not sure about Clark either, but actually I think he's just an egregious ignoramus to begin with, who like Trump will never admit he couldn't possibly be in error, I think they are both psychopaths.

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Clark's self-esteem exceeds reality.

BTW: Scott Perry recommended Clark to Trump. Will he be a withness?

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Ms. Vance knows whether Powell might get a deal to keep her out of jail, more than I would, or at least what a prosecutor would think about Powell getting a deal with no jail time. But I think Sidney Powell is just weird and I think Judge McAfee should probably have her examined by a cadre of psychiatrists if she's competent to stand trial or even understands what she is in trouble for. Just because she was able to get a law degree at some time in the nether---she certainly doesn't appear to understand it now. I'm not sure that lawyer of hers--not the Georgia one---understands it either. Maybe they met in the tunnels of Kooksville somewhere.

But other than that, I agree with Ms. Ann, Powell needs to be locked up, and if there's any method of cruel and unusual punishment that could make her understand the egregiousness of what she did---I mean the others may deny wrongdoing, but they knew when their plot failed they had done wrong. They knew, that's why they asked for pardons, that if the plot failed they would be considered having plotted it and could be held liable.

Powell just seems to be out in the wilderness of completely not comprehending that what she did would be a no-no if it failed.

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Someone has to graduate from the bottom of the law school class

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did she?

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No idea but after years of practicing law and teaching first year law students she’s the worst I’ve seen.

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I was watching a zoom conference between Judge McAfee and lawyers for Powell, Chesbro and prosecution. I find this fascinating because this is not something I've ever been privy to.

Powell's lawyer was taking a more deferential tone, but he still is trying to tell the judge to run court room as a federal court. But he's still talking about the prosecution having Brady evidence. Could you explain this to me, please. My non-lawyer's understanding is that in Brady the prosecution had strong exculpatory but didn't turn it over to defense. I just can't imagine there is any such evidence here and if someone testified that there was, I imagine Ms. Willis has evidence to impeach it. Anyone, maybe I am misunderstanding what Brady evidence is and that could possibly or likely prove a defendant not guilty, or raise enough questions to jurors of innocence that is known by prosecutors and deliberately withheld. If I am misunderstanding this, I would like to comprehend what this lawyer is talking about.

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I doubt Ms Willis will settle for a measly 5 years, Powell deserves 15 to 20 and lose her license to practice law for the rest of her pandering life.

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Given Powell's age, 5 years is bad, 20 is overkill.

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Not to me it isn't, but then I'm 50 years older than Powell and I've never been as evil as her.

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She tried to overthrow a peaceful transition of power, the hallmark of democracy. It is sedition. Period.

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You are right. And she did it for her own personal power, not for the common good. Trump knows how to pick them

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Powells 67 ish and i’m 77. At least 15 years.

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But you're a tough cookie...

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True dat. Not tough enough to want to go to jail, though.

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Sure, but if you get five you get out in two. Right??

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She’s a die hard like 45. Wonder what she’s got up her sleeve.

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Fatty wattles, similar to her brain structure.

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Hey, don't knock fatty wattles. They are a badge of wisdom.

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Let’s hope.

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She was smiling in her mug shot. Not no more, I betcha. I'm betting she's working a plea deal as we speak.

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They'll all turn on each other like cornered rats. My suggestion is put down good money on "over 9" as the number of them who turn state's evidence on Trump.

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Indeed TCinLA, many more than 9. They will circle the wagons and shoot in and then turn one another in.

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Your "over 9" strikes me as a thoughtful estimate. I'm looking @ the Coffee County Attack Force (except SP), the fake electors, maybe that "campaign lawyer', the Taskforce Ruby Intimidators; maybe Jenna Ellis. I had Scott Hall on the list.

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I think you have a very accurate analysis. Those were also my guesses for the ones most likely to flip. The people who got caught up in the event and went along with things without the realization of how big things were.

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Some of these people might not have anything VERY interesting to offer (like Hall had his call with Clark) but might get modest deal (limit jail time, longer probation, fine of $XK) for a guilty plea, helping to clean out the defendants and some issues @ the main trial, and as sort of mercy action for people who obviously didn't know better or have any kind of moral compass for this situation. To avoid jail completely, you have to have something to testify to about one or more key people higher up in the conspiracy. Just conjuring!

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Of course she wouldn’t be happy. They don’t have leopard print jumpsuits in prison.

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The Cheese and Powell better be prepared to sing their hearts out, or no deal. One-one-one tRump conversations, or see ya in court.

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Am so glad to see you chime in on this latest development in Fani Willis’ case against the Donald and all his enablers. Here’s hoping that list will get smaller and tighter as she works up the food chain. My dream tonight would be 8 hours of watching mr. trump circle the porcelain facility in my bathroom and eventually disappear. No doubt a plumber would be required in the morning but the cost would be well worth it. Oh dear. Am I being bad? Oops. 😬

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Yes, you are being bad, and I love it!

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Trump has reached his limit this past week. His threats against authorities are his most violent. He is showing signs that he is weakening under the pressure. He now has to face the reality that he has no way out and his life will never be the same. He can’t. He needs to be restrained before someone gets hurt.

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Thank you Sheila. Pre-trial incarceration in Fulton County should be ordered after TFG testifies on Monday in the NY AG's Trial during the Damages phase for the threat on General Milley & his Family. Tfg's testimony under Oath can & will be used against the Perp in all the cases.

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I suspect his private jet is fueled up and ready to take him to Saudi. He will never see a day in prison. Not proud of it, but I'm enjoying seeing his feet get closer to the fire.

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Cheryl, I was hoping he would leave and never be allowed to return. But someone in this forum said the secret service are monitoring his every move. He won't be going anywhere without those agents in tow.

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But are they loyal to TFG? Never thought I’d say I don’t trust the SS....but after they tried to “spirit” Pence away I am skeptical.

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Maybe that’s why the dog keeps biting them

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My thought exactly. Where is their loyalty? Anyone who hangs around Trump seems to get lured in by praise, proximity to power, bribes and promises. He's no fool, he will have chummed up to his secret service guys knowing they potentially have physical power over him. Not a sure thing that they're containing him in the least.

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Yeah...I find myself agreeing with your assessment. I worry about all of our protective services organizations. After January 6th, military, police, FBI, Secret Squirrels. Then there’s SCOTUS. They’ve all been infiltrated with MAGA/Russian operatives. The MSM has lost credibility completely because of trolls hacking by foreign propaganda outlets. The oligarchs running MSM replacing good journalism with lies and false accusations. When I see a “thin blue line” flag or bumper sticker, it’s indicates “traitor” not law enforcement. A very unhealthy mindset for a police officer. It’s like “Look at me! I can legally shoot brown people!” It scares me why people become police officers these days. I know they aren’t all like this, but how can you tell? The only union that supports Trump is not helpful.

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Per Reuters 17 hours ago, Saudi Arabia is trying to get national security guarantees from the US for recognition of Israel. A similar report was in WAPO about a week ago.

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Hi Brian, I knew it was working - but they will go ahead without Palestine? Ugh.


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I do not know; reporting, such as it is, is skimpy. Many questions but, few answers..

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No one is taking him in, he's no longer worth anything to them.

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I believe it. If the Saudi's get all his properties they will send a private plane and pick him up in secret. I can absolutely see this happening. Will he take Melanoma with him? Probably she will resist his offer, if any.

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And how about all those who’ve been hurt we haven’t even heard about yet?

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When the movie comes out and there will probably be more than one, I intend to try out for Sidney Powell. Her voice is as deep as mine. I can fake a good Texan drawl. And I can at last equal Dustin Hoffman’s “Tootsie “ with a little powder here and there under drag queen guidance.

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Come sign up on my blog you’ll have fun.

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Good one.

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Thanks Joyce. I don’t always get a chance to say but your writing along with the chickens makes for a lot of good feelings in my world. 🙏

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Thanks for reminding us of how close the prosecutors are getting, Joyce, and the reminder that the system is working. Putting this in context with the other legal actions against the Trump organization (or whatever it is) helps create a picture that is very different from that being painted by trolls who clearly are desperate to implant a different image in people's heads. They must truly be desperate. Otherwise, why would they bother to post on a forum so clearly unwilling to believe their lies? You give me such a solid sense of standing firm on the law that when I read you, I remember that indeed we are a nation of laws and of constitutional principles- and it is working. I'm grateful.

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Agree! "the system is working" I've said from the very beginning that the guardrails will hold.

I suggest those wringing their hands in despair see this as an opportunity to contribute to the common good. (I'm chapters deep in Robert Reich's "The Common Good.")

Voting is our superpower to keep democracy on the rails. Get involved with efforts to get out the vote. I'm sending handwritten postcards to a list of voters who haven't voted recently (addresses supplied by Activate America.) Democracy is not a spectator sport.

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Thanks for the update Joyce. Can't wait to see who falls next.

Peace and prayers for our country.

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Thanks, Joyce. This is a very soothing balm for the weariness many of us feel after years of lies, chaos, corruption, and hatefulness. Feels like we could be on the precipice of some much desired justice. Can we then move on to those in Congress who supported, encouraged, and continue to dissemble about the insurrection, and who now threaten our way of life?

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The Congress holdout orchestrated by 45 on the potential government shutdown tomorrow is extremely disturbing and out of control. There must be some way to stop them.

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I don't see an 11th hour reprieve. Thousands, if not millions, of people who were standing on the sidelines now have a dog in the fight. It has become personal for servicemen and women who will be working without a paycheck; parents who count on food programs for their children; folks who need help with passports, tax snafus, and immigration.

Fewer than half of eligible voters actually vote. I hope this stunt backfires big time and drives people to the polls to vote out the scum who did this.

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Thanks, this is a great way to start the weekend!’ When jail looms in front of you you go deep into your value system

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Especially a Georgia state prison.

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Thank you Joyce.

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Monte Hall was emcee of a game back in the day called Let's Make a Deal. Fani Willis appears to be in the same vehicle, though she is driving, and if the lower rung defendants don't raise their hands, they won't get a chance to play the game. I think you are right, Joyce, another plea deal could happen this week, maybe 2. Here's hoping so, since it also appears that we all will need some decent news to offset the idiot Republicans in the House terrorizing Social Security & Medicare, not to mention Medicaid. Of course there are other line items of much importance, too, but come on, why aren't the NEWS Mediums raising hell and POINTING THEIR COLLECTIVE FINGERS & VOICES AT THE REPUBS WHO ARE ENDANGERING LIVES ONCE AGAIN??? Voters MUST take note, and if not moved by Biden/Dems, certainly by the lack of services the Repubs will be taking away from them in the days to come. Carry on.

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I've given up on the Florida case unless the judge can be replaced. The one case I'm pining my hopes on is Fani Willis's. Defendants are foolish to underestimate her talents and tenacity!

I'm betting my money on Willis getting cooperation from the Georgia folks and leaving the bigger guys hanging out to dry!

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Joyce...simply thank you for your superb work and well-articulated legal explanations. Indeed, we all ARE in this together; I'm grateful you're with us.

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I'd seen these facts elsewhere but as usual your legal background brings more insight into what it all really means. Maybe you can speak to the spectacular Engoron decision on the Trump Org eg is the latter actually going to be dissolved; will it sell off Maga-Lardo, golf courses, and the kids homes; can Trump & Co just buy them back (even at the liquidation sale) etc. I'm hoping it's a catastrophe for Trump especially but a realistic view will be tolerated - no, I meant appreciated.

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Trump Org will be liquidated systemically by the appointed Receiver Including the false corporate "LLC's" registered in New York.

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Bryan, Trump will be ultra desperate if a receiver starts selling off his properties. Is this the end? No delay, appeal, etc.?

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There will be no appeal.until a judgment is FINAL which is why the Trial phase goes forth next MONDAY, October 2.

TFG is very desperate particularly about his "tallest building in New York," Perp Tower. Fact check. FALSE.

I am a JD not an MD but, tfg's identity may collapse.

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I’m not knowledgeable about NY law but as a general legal principle tRump cannot appeal until final judgment issues, after the trial on the remaining counts. A party cannot appeal from a summary judgement decision unless it disposes of all issues and results in a final judgment in the case.

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Correct Claudia. We could talk about "writs" but, let's not go there as FINAL judgment is coming soon. The NY case is a STATE case not Federal so NY law applies.

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I didn’t want to get too far into the weeds with writ thoughts 😂 such an extraordinary remedy for a “wrong” that is not wrong, in fact oh so right!

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I would think that, because convictions at the state level are immune from a presidential pardon, the prosecutors in the Georgia case have a little more leverage with convincing defendants to strike a deal. After all, no one is coming to save them. I hope the dominoes start to fall in the coming week or two.

Also...can a conviction in Georgia be used as evidence (or something) in prosecuting the federal case? If that's a dumb question, please note that I am only asking for a friend.

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Not a 'dumb' question at all. His first trial is supposed to be March 4 in Georgia with Judge McAffee, and Judge Chutkan set her trial date for his case in Washington DC for March 24. But Judge Chutkan has stated to Trump that if he keeps threatening and mouthing off, she will move her date up as recourse to protect the DOJ and witnesses. He has a January 15 trial in New York regarding E. Jean Carroll, but I'm not sure if he has to attend because the jury is just going to determine how much he owes E. Jean. So Judge Chutkan could move him up to February (ahead of the March 4 Georgia trial). Or Judge Chutkan could move his Washington DC trial to December. Perhaps. I 'think' I read (perhaps on this forum) that Jack Smith can indeed use Fani Willis' discovery. So something can be used. We will have to wait for Joyce (or attorneys here) to respond regarding the conviction as evidence.

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