That scares the hell out of me!

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Me too. And I worry the inclination is to try to ignore the stuff that is the most worrisome.

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very scary stuff! appreciate your summary

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It’s the Limbaugh/Kardashian syndrome writ large, Ms Vance. Hatred, grievance and blind adulation of vapid ‘personalities’ who are merely famous for being famous. Limbaugh’s rotten corpse stinks up our country while we’re being offered bread and circuses by a morally benighted entertainment (dare I call it mass media?) industry, who, like T💩p, are governed solely by clicks, views and ratings. Just like the genetic predisposition of humans to gorge on sugar, fat and salt as if we were living in preagricultural times, our fear-motivated reptile brains need something to coalesce around to give us a fleeting sense of personal worth, even if it means going against our own, and our nation’s, best interest.

Be well; stay safe. And yes, we are -all- in this together, for better ... or for worse.

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How do we counter it?

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That is my question. I have sincerely tried for many years by getting involved by supporting candidates, delivering flyers door to door, placing signs, working in phone banks, donating more than I could afford, and it didn't help. Even when the candidates I supported won, they didn't do what they promised. We still don't have Universal Healthcare, workers lost union jobs, and the next generations are worse off. Thank you Joyce, for the summary and warning of the impending Trump train collision with our educational system.

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Gloria, please keep doing what you've been doing if you are able to, bc it is having far more effect than you realize. at 72, i know that i may not be around to see the effects of my activism, but i know it will happen in some form.

for example, the work you describe is encouraging people to become voters, voters to deepen their understanding of what's at stake, citizens to run for office, voters to realize the voting is only the first step in creating a coalition of lawmakers.

thank you for all you do.

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I live in Nashville, home to multiple colleges and universities. I am inspired by students who are turning out to make change, esp. at the voting booths. BTW, this is is a national phenomenon.

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But will they vote for Biden? (Not being sarcastic.) I remember marching with a large group of pro-Biden students at our local university. I remember hearing some of them say, "If Hillary wins, I'm not going to bother to vote." I was shocked! I said, "Do you realize that if you DON'T vote for Hillary, then you are 'voting' for drumpf?" They had never considered this, and it took a while for them to understand what I was saying. A couple of the students said that they would go ahead and vote for Hillary despite their distaste for her.

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The question remains: “What groups or leadership is or can organize all our efforts in a focused broad based manner to counter the narrative and understandings of voters and the media?”

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Former AL Senator Doug Jones is doing a great job with targeted campaigns under his Right Side of History PAC. You might want to see what they are doing and consider helping them.

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Cynical of me to ask, but aren't political parties supposed to do that?

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It would seriously help if you thought of political parties as corporations rather than as kindred spirits. It took me a while to get to that point. I've voted for Democrats all my life but didn't get around to registering as a Dem and (omigod) getting involved in Democratic politics till after the 2016 election, in which I campaigned actively for local Dems and Hillary Clinton. The state Democratic parties I know anything about (starting with MA, moving on to NY) are pretty awful. I hear WI is better, and I'm betting that Democratic parties in red states are probably more honest and less co-opted than those in blue states.

What I do, and suggest that others do, is put my energy and dollars into Dem-leaning organizations that support progressive and feminist Democrats, e.g., Emerge, Swing Left, and Color of Change. (Indivisible does good work elsewhere, but not so much where I live.)

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Marycat221, Not sure why a person can’t reply to your observation. Yes! Political parties are suppose to do that. Unfortunately they and their members are spending too much time soliciting big bucks thanks to Citizens United decision. We can’t wait for them to do so. Yet, we must push them to do so.

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I agree with you, Gloria, but we did manage to make a difference in the Georgia Senate race. It may be slow but let’s keep it steady.

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You wrote that the candidates didn’t do what they promised. Clearly , that is one issue that opened the door to the extremists, so many people became discouraged when elected officials failed to address the issues that concerned them. Whether it is health care, a tax system that exploits workers and rewards the rich , or gun control, nothing gets done that really has an impact. In desperation some turn to the despot in waiting. Only this despot is an incompetent one, except for amazing communication skills.

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Agreed, but the big problem is that your average voter has no idea what their elected representative has to deal with, from big donors to institutional pressures. It is really, really hard not to get disillusioned with your reps, even when you know them personally and think they're good people.

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We should start with the big donor problem by using public funds only , for political campaigns. Yes, very hard to get that one. Only since the pandemic did our Democrats find the will to spend on the people and now Joe Biden has continued with that. Before all that it was “ pay go”. If there is more spending in one area, it had to paid for by cutting expenses elsewhere. Nobody talks about that now, except for the Banana Republicans. And sometimes, it is necessary to raise taxes, not only cut them. Biden even took a step in that direction. When I was a kid in grammar school, the top marginal tax rate was 90% on high incomes.

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Evil needs worry, fear, hate, and lies to exist.

Trust The Almighty to bring us through this storm we find ourselves in.

We love you, Attorney Joyce. I believe you are a Vessel of the Most High GOD our Heavenly Father.

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I'm a minister (Presbyterian), Ms. Hand. The Almighty will bring us through the storm only if we work diligently and relentlessly, hand in hand, with God to bring it about.

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I agree with you. We must seek. I know the Lord will direct our steps and be with us each step of the journey.

Are you a professional minister? or a minister called by The Almighty?

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Well, I am a frog, being born originally in france, and I don't intend to be boiled. Being active giving access to young voters and ... denouncing, as DemocracyDocket does so well, all the legal maneuvers in several states to disenfranchise voting are essential. Thank you Joyce for the frogs ! 💕

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I'm another big fan of Democracy Docket. Knowing the details really does help, and knowing that Marc Elias are out there dealing with it is even better.

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SO agree !!!! and then we have Senator Whitehouse on SCOTUS. We just need to be fighters frogs !!

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OMG! What a horror! I have to remind myself to pay close attention enough to do what can to be and needs to be an accomplished participant. Each of us can do something. I recently listened to my husband, as he died, encouraging me to “keep on keeping on.”

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What scares me is we seem to be (are) Germany in late 20's/early 30's. Professor Vance, PLEASE keep educating us!

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Trump is like the “numbers stations” used once and still today in spycraft. They endlessly transmit a boring simple repetitive noisy set of tones - continuously and endlessly - interspersed with encoded signals. UVB-76 has been on the air for over 40 years. There’s MDZhB from Moscow, too. The Brits had a few. The US has “Yosemite Sam.” 99% of the time, they broadcast a repetitive signal that dulls the curiosity of any incidental listener. 1% of the time, bursts of encoded signals are sent. The goal is to obliterate the interest of any happenstance listener, and O boy, that’s Trump in a nutshell. Minds are built to ignore meaningless noise. The scary part is what’s encoded. For the MAGA gang, there’s not much encoding needed. They say whatever they want to say with deadly honesty. That’s Trump’s M.O.

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Is RFK, Jr. worrisome?

He has me wanting to switch back to the Democrat Party.

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Very dangerous. RFKjr is a horror but the name recognition might just siphon needed votes from Biden.

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Why? He has been erratic and egregiously offensive as a anti-vaccine advocate. He has been clear about the water challenges. But what does he offer that is appealing to much of the concerns expressed by Joyce? The Kennedy aura has left the room.

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He might attract independents like me to rejoin the Democrat party. I like most of his platform.

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Young voters don't even know who the Kennedys were. They can't identify them in photos and don't even know when JFK was president.

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He's polling 20% I believe.

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No. He's a fringe loon, like Marianne Williamson.

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I did not know she was running. What bothers you about her?

Isn't more debate better in a Democracy?

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RFK Jr is a dangerous, crazy anti-vaxxer (since long before COVID). In his previous, environmentalist phase I heard him speak once, and he was great - which probably makes him even more dangerous when he's spouting crazy. Here's one article I found in a quick search: https://nypost.com/2021/09/23/anti-vax-conspiracy-theorist-rfk-jr-is-the-dumbest-kennedy/ PLEASE do NOT do anything to show support for his campaign.

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Tim Robbins, among many other liberals and independents are not so enamored with BigPharma.

There should be real debate of where liberals and independents really stand. We need to broaden the Democrat Party in my humble opinion.


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You are so right about this.

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Right on, Joyce, powerful wake-up call! Please use your TV airtime to slip in some of your points amidst the endless repetitive legal issues. How about you writing it up as an OpEd to run in the WaPo or NYT, to increase your megaphone and maybe have you interviewed specifically on these issues?

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I like that idea as well. I just shared this newsletter on FB. Hope it helps.

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please share widely. i do almost daily. i rarely see responses or likes -- partly bc my friends list is small -- but recently i found out that a lot more of my friends read the posts than i realized.

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@BobTimpson, excellent Bob !!!!!

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Just vote.

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I’m afraid that voting will NOT be enough. We need to register and inspire new voters, support and get out of the vote of voters who are unmotivated and don’t show up, and so on. We really do need to pull out all stops on this one. I share Joyce’s concern and become nauseated when I listen and watch what’s happening.

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Yes, we need to register new voters. And I think most young voters are highly motivated. Just look at the Supreme Court election in Wisconsin. What I worry about are the people who were Bernie supporters, who were appalled at Trump, but are back to playing the old political game. I feel like they and Trump supporters are two sides of the same coin. Progressive Dems in Congress need to step up and assure their followers that Biden is the right guy.

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Bonnie: It is essential that the folks reading Joyce’s important message consider and support a practical remedy to trump’s planned attack on our Democracy!

Obviously intense voter turnout is essential of those who insist that Congress enact meaningful measures to counteract gun violence on a nationwide basis; to protect and ensure specific and enforceable women’s reproductive rights; protect LGBTQ and trans healthcare; preserve and enhance Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid!; and continue an intensive nationwide effort to combat climate change! No retreat!

There is no way to achieve these federal legislative goals unless WE (meaning you and I and so many others) effectively support nonpartisan voter registration and subsequent turnout of 18s to 25s in carefully selected competitive states and congressional districts (CDs). This generation overwhelmingly supports these nonpartisan legislative achievements regardless of party affiliation. They are ready to work to end gun violence and to protect women’s abortion rights by massive percentages as recorded by every legitimate and professional poll. But they lead very busy lives and they are not accustomed to voting inasmuch as they have done it! That’s why we’ll-trained and reasonably paid nonpartisan student leaders can effectively and efficiently help to register or pre-register their 18 year old senior peers online in 2,700 high schools and more than one million college students in eight (8) competitive states (AZ, FL, MI, TX, PA, TN, MO, Neb,)! Forbes has rated www.turnup.us/ as the most effective student led nonprofit/nonpartisan voter registration organization led by current Harvard students! I have worked with them for more than a year and they are amazingly effective! As a result I have now merged my own nonprofit foundation Inspire2Vote in to www.turnup.us/ and Inspire has registered 102,000 high school students in multiple states.

So please go on their website to make a tax-deductible 501C3 donation and pass this lengthy explanation on to your friends and family. This younger generation will save our Democracy in 2024 and thereafter but they need the resources to accomplish those goals. ThNk you very much for your attention and your follow through! It is all on the line in 24 and we must act...or else the horrible consequences described by Joyce will result in a dictatorship! It’s a real choice folks so please act!

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while waiting for the airlines to figure out how to get their planes organized, was discussing these very issues with the early 30 somethings. These two vote, but fail to see it will matter at all. Disappointed by the Bernie process, really disgusted by the Trump years, freaked about the environmental issues, gerrymandering , money in politics they feel their vote has absolutely no consequence. They bought into “Your Vote is Your Voice” early on and believe now that is all window dressing. A most discouraging conversation.

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Ira- Agree totally. We all need to identify our best opportunity to reach and register young voters NOW. Plus, recruit them to register their friends. For me, it’s working with organizers in WI. We can do it. Thx for your detailed suggestions.

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I worry the GOP will raise the voting age to 21 in many states.

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The voting age of 18 is in the Constitution (26th amendment). Not that that would stop fascists.

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Constitutional amendments are more difficult to get passed just as in Kansas the statewide vote resulted in abortion protect even in a red state!

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Likely the SAME states that wont raise the age to 21 for gun buyers!!

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The voting age used to be 21 until the Vietnam war, with so many 18 year old draftees, that their inability to vote although they were old enough to die for the country, pushed the amendment. I'm not worried about age limit, but about more nefarious voter suppression efforts.

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It is incredibly difficult to be living in an America that is being pulled apart by the very frame work of “free speech” and the rule of law that so many have given their blood to save.

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And that is the truth. The pain comes when you step back to see that the United States has been something of a mythical country for many - greed and unregulated capitalism have not been everyone’s friend. We too easily ignore long standing inequality and inequities; thus the grievance and anger mentality. We are not helped by the unfair practices so often experienced by even those of us who have the means to access services.

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Voting isn’t enough especially if/when some people’s votes don’t count due to gerrymandering. So much needs to be done about so many things.

Joyce, spot on about Kamala Harris. I have “blue” friends who has discounted her when talking about who should run for POTUS. I don’t think it’s just a case of women not supporting women.

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Read this. We are at a dangerous point regarding voting access. https://www.democracydocket.com/opinion/we-cannot-out-organize-voter-suppression/

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This has been my concern for some time. Sure, we can write postcards and get out the vote BUT can we overcome the voters suppression and gerrymandering? Can we overcome the move’s Republican trifectas have made to dilute the urban vote by splitting them up with outrageous redistricting?

Yes! Joyce has gotten my attention but what is the plan to address this? Can we make it happen in a timely way?

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Yes, this is my issue especially since Georgia is still controlled by the GOP which Biden has to win in order to get enough electoral college votes.

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And get everyone voting around us!

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I hear you!

Evil needs fear, to exist. Fear not, trust The Almighty to deliver us from evil.

We must all have Blind Faith.

Faith is knowing that GOD will make a way some how.

Not knowing, when, where, or how, blind faith.

Has He not made the moon and the stars?

Yet is our need that great?

Stop thinking so much and pray and ask what He wants you to do to help.

Ask and it shall be given, knock and the door will open, seek and you will find.

All good people coming together in love to assist in stopping evil.

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What are your thoughts on RFK, Jr?

Neither Biden nor Harris will hold up in a debate against Trump. Debate is essential to Democracy.

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GandalfGrey, what are YOUR thoughts on RFK, Jr.?

If you remember correctly, Trump refused to debate President Biden the 2nd time.

Don't be too surprised if Trump refuses debates this


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My reply to your question. RFK, Jr. is another red herring for the Democratic party. He's red through and through. If you're thinking of switching to the Democrats for

the same reason and

then voting rethuglican up and down the ballot, consider the injustice you do to democracy and the Constitution.

RFK should also.

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Exactly! He’s another misdirected ego.

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He's polling at 20%. At least worth a mention.

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No his polling is much lower.

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Who says I would not vote for Kennedy? I disagree with his climate policy but he makes much more sense than any Democrat or Republican so far.

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He has me considering a switch back to the Democrat Party. Trump will have to debate him.

I answered your question. It's only fair that you reciprocate by answering mine.

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FYI, Traveling Troll, Professor Vance is an experienced Attorney. Substack Inc is aware that you "gg" fled LFAA & have attacked Fays's Newsletter Platform. This is notice to stop & desist ASAP. Reported.

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I reported your comment as a threat.

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Your attempts to silence speech via threat of legal action is not good optics. i doubt that Joyce would approve.

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Can you give any example where I violated the terms?

How are you authorized to order me to desist?

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I can barely tolerate reading online papers or watching the media on TV. Apparently, they learned nothing and are doing what they did before. Instead of emphasizing Biden’s many accomplishments, it’s all about low poll numbers and his age. They phrase their leads with words that make President Biden look weak and incompetent.

Joyce Vance--when you’re on tv, please speak out more about the danger in the way candidates and politics are reported, and the move toward fascism in America. Please find a way to get your Substack articles into the hands of mainstream media. Please help us--you have access that most of us don’t.

I love democracy and want to keep it.

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Share Joyce’ newsletter everywhere you can.

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I already do.

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After watching 92-year-old Warren Buffett and 99-year-old Charlie Munger delivering folksy words of wisdom at the Berkshire-Hathaway shareholders meeting on Saturday, I have to chuckle at the suggestion President Biden is too old to run again. As a beneficiary of the new cap on insulin prices, I was honored to be selected to introduce him when he visited Las Vegas in March to deliver a major speech on reducing drug prices; during the few minutes my wife and I chatted with him prior to his speech, I saw a vibrant, fully engaged leader.

I loved Biden's initial national campaign ad. It stressed the word "freedom," and this is a term Democrats need to own this year. The GOP is great at messaging, but it is the Democrats who are standing tall for freedom, and they need to hammer this home over the coming months.

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IMO the age campaign against Biden is not so much about his age per se as it is a dog whistle reminding voters that his successor is both black and female.

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So cool, David!

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David Bergman I thought it was a great video too! Colin Allred who is challenging Ted Cruz in Texas had a great video too

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Colin Allred is a STAR! Support him with a donation. Have been watching him for sometime, and I do not even live in Texas. Cruz needs to leave for Cancun!

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Trust me! Colin will be getting money from Michigan.

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Sent him a check last week from Maryland, too! Go for it Colin!!

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I'll apologize in advance if you are a fan of Jaime Harrison of the DNC. I believe he is a good fundraiser, but that's where it ends. Our messaging is weak, has been weak and continues to be weak. We don't push back against the blatant lies and I've been saying for six years - we need to get a stronger, tougher, less polite messaging for 2024. Think about President's Obama's campaign manager or James Carville, the Ragin' Cajun. Stop the polite, politically correct responses and start fighting back! Now. Not later!!!! Now.

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Exactly, while I thought Biden’s wisdom answer was great. Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger would have been a great answer too.

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Well, that was like a Goya painting. I'm feeling wide eyed, hands at the side of my face, The Scream.

Holy moly, Molly, America better wake up. We knew it was this scary, but seeing in one page is jolting.

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I'm truly not trying to be unduly alarmist, but I do think we need a wake up. I hope people will share this and discuss it with friends.

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I don’t think you’re alarmist at all. As a Transgender woman I’ve been concerned about this scenario for some time . . . thinking about where I’d flee to and how. Presently I live in Hawai’i, but I can see my options (transportation wise) narrowing suddenly and not being able to flee to somewhere such as New Zealand or Canada.

Suffice it to say I’m more than a little scared.

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There are times when being an alarmist is the right role... alarm clocks serve a worthwhile purpose. Thanks Joyce.

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You are not alone Joyce. We’ve all been learning and watching. Scholar Ruth Ben Ghiat is also warning of threats to our democracy. Gun deaths proliferate and we’re in a collective state of grief and despair. We must recognize the dire circumstances we are in and fight like hell to prevent a corrupt fascist from getting anywhere near the White House. Language matters. Your words are a timely warning that we must not be complacent -- we are in this together.

Joe Biden is a calm compassionate and wise president. He’s an engaged leader who has been working hard to improve Americans daily lives. So much is on the line for our country. We must prevail. Democracy is worth fighting for Today.

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Joyce, I share your same fears. I’ve been afraid since 2016 but now I also feel dread. Trump is a menace.

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You're being a realist. However, as I was reading this, I doubled down on my plan to get my college student children to go to grad school in Europe. And stay there. (Not that the world would be very safe with the U.S. as an autocracy.)

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“We need to hang together or surely we’ll hang separately”. True at our founding, still true now.

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I always appreciate your insights. Sometimes I feel like I am going to Law School

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Every last point you've made is truly excellent, Joyce.

And for those who think all this stuff Joyce is talking about doesn't have an effect, Axios reported a poll tonight that shows it does. I quote:

"A new Washington Post/ABC News survey will be sending shockwaves throughout the Biden White House — and could reshape the conventional wisdom about Trump's chances in 2024.

"Why it matters: The poll finds former President Trump leading President Biden by seven points, outside the margin of error.

Trump's advantage over Biden is the exact same as Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis', suggesting any electability gap between the two Republicans is overstated.

"By the numbers: Biden's approval ratings hit an all-time low in the survey, dipping to 36%. His disapproval rating rose to 58%.

"Nearly two-thirds of respondents said Biden does not have the mental sharpness to serve effectively as president, up from 43% in 2020.

"By a 54%-36% margin, Americans say Trump did a better job handling the economy when he was president. (This point totally gobsmacks me - what the hell planet do these people live on???)

"The bottom line: Even if this poll is an outlier, it's getting harder to say that Trump can't win another term. In fact, his odds are looking closer to 50-50 than as a true long shot."

To me, this poll is proof that the United States has become a fundamentally unserious nation. The American people obviously have no fuqqing clue what is going on, and the propagandists Joyce has pointed out here are to blame. And the "centrist" organization she didn't mention is "No Labels" which is setting things up to put up Joe Manchin as their presidential candidate and throw the election to Trump with a plurality.

Thanks Joyce for sounding the alarm!! Don't stop. You're not any more an "alarmist" than my old friend Billy Wilder was when he became a "crank" to his friends in Berlin, telling them Hitler and the Nazis were not "clowns" back in 1929-32.

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I totally agree. See my post below. I think it is a sample of the mentality we are dealing with, that could help destroy our democracy. “Idiot wind, blowing every time they move their mouths. It’s a wonder they still know how to breathe “. A modified quote from Bob Dylan

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TC, I write because, as much as I value your comment, when I heard the results of The Washington Post/ABC News poll, my thoughts immediately turned to Biden’s principal failure, in my view, to make skillful use of probably a president’s greatest power—his (or her) access to the “bully pulpit.” While I recognize that making skillful use of public rhetoric is not among Biden’s strengths, I believe people, by and large, expect the chief executive to regularly make direct appeals to the nation, to persuade and even to inspire public support for his agenda. Instead, far too often, I’ve observed Biden announcing some policy and immediately exiting without responding to any questions.

I suppose my point is before concluding “the United States has become a fundamentally unserious nation,” perhaps we need to consider other factors to help explain why Biden, in any poll, could be losing by seven points to a twice-impeached, indicted former President.

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I defy anyone to look at the events of this past weekend, and the political response to them, and say this is a serious country.

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TC, Given the thousands of progressive organizations (obviously not all tied to common sense gun laws) and the tens of millions of us, who work daily to enact their goals, I defy anyone to conclude we’re not serious.

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*We* are serious. The country as a whole? Not so much.

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TC, If you’re right, then it’s up to us, through increasing outreach, to convince increasingly more people of the dire consequences of a largely complacent electorate.

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TV has pickled everyones brains. and that's been true for 50 years.

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Thank you, Barbara.

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I get where you've comin from Barbara Jo but, the "bully pulpit" is digital in this era. True some folks like me actually listen or read the words re of Bidden Harris & others but, the "Pulpit" is now cluttered with foreign intervenors, bots, misinformation not to mention click-on "I Like" algorithm data manipulation. The "audience " demands hit tunes to be performed with little appetite for the difficult.

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Bryan, While I don’t doubt the accuracy of your remarks, I would maintain that Presidents with the persuasive capacity can divert attention away from the digital “clutter” you rightly reference. My point is that the bully pulpit can be more powerful than one might expect.

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I completely agree with your main point. PS: You can always question any comment I make in this capable Community. :)

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Barbara, “why?” might be a reasonable question. But for me, the question(s) is “How are we going to turn that around by November 2024?” “Who and by what means can we be organized with a strong message and the organization to deliver that message by 2024?”

The urgency of Joyce Vance’s alarm cannot be in estimated.”

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John, Indeed, you’re asking the right questions, especially given there are thousands of progressive grassroots organizations with tens of millions of us working on worthwhile projects that, though interrelated, are not unified under an explicit agenda. Hence, my reason for pressing the President and his aids, I dare say, to exploit the bully pulpit that, in my view, can be more powerful than one might expect.

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I think Lynn is on the right track ... call it "inability to discern" or "inability of critical thinking". I would like to ask the Judge to read the form Jury Instruction for "deductive reasoning" again.

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And, who one chooses to be informed by. There are a thousand sources, each with its own agenda. It's a question I ask a lot of people. HOW do you choose a news source?

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My subscriptions ... all of them ... are posted on my thumnail subscription list. True, I am partial to Professors but, I love ER Docs because they solve urgent matters quickly.

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TC and Barbara, 'Serious' is an interesting word the the context of your discussion. The current disease of public shootings are by deadly serious men. I'm wondering if what you describe is an inability to discern?

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Lynn, When TC, in his original comment, wrote, “The United States has become a fundamentally unserious nation,” I understood him to mean ignorant by virtue of its indifference. If I am right, public figures like Joyce, who have access to the public in ways most of us don’t, must repeatedly drive home the urgency of methodically pushing back against well-organized ruthless MAGA extremists intent on consolidating power and subjugating the rule of law to Trumpism.

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Thank you Barbara, really well stated. Agree with your totally. Indifference shows up in attitudes when a tragedy happens to someone else. i.e. gun ownership is a right. When a gun kills a person we love, the attitude changes. Is it that we don't see ourselves as part of something larger? We know 45 is incapable of seeing himself beyond himself. Is community what his followers are really seeking... a community they fit into? Unserious because the leader they've chosen isn't able to create anything larger that himself?

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Lynn, I deeply appreciate the questions you’ve raised to which, regrettably, there are no simple answers. Still, your questions bring to mind 1986 Nobel Peace Prize recipient Elie Wiesel, who equated indifference with evil, clarifying that, while we know more or less what evil is, indifference to undeserved suffering and unjustified harm somehow is ubiquitous and we accept it. In Wiesel’s view, the opposite of morality is not immorality; it’s indifference, to which I would add, drawing from your comment, a lack of concern for one another’s lives. Accordingly, I expect Democrats would be far more effective in galvanizing support for their policies were they to underscore how social issues are essentially moral concerns.

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Barbara, have you LISTENED to the idiotic questions Biden & his aides get asked?

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Maggie, While I would submit that questions that don’t dignify a response should be called out as such, not every question is “idiotic.”

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And then there is Andrew Yang who is trying to organize the "Forward Party," which would also split the "centrist" vote.

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Do I wish Biden was younger? Yes! And I bet he does too. But his age will not prevent me from voting for him - I will do that proudly! He has done a great job cleaning up a horrible mess and getting us back on track. I want him to finish the job! Now, all that being said… for the life of me I cannot figure out what’s wrong with MSM in their coverage of tRump. All they do is play up Biden’s age but never bring up tRump’s criminality.

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He’s got my vote. No one else measures up and we all know it. That is what worries the republicans. How shameful and ruthless these puppeteers of destruction.

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I'm not jumping on the doom and gloom bandwagon. It is too soon & frankly I'm surprised so many journalists have decided for that to be their narrative. Biden's ads starting airing in Florida this weekend. They are good. We need several more like it to hammer home our pursuit of rights for all Americans. We have time & these "polls" mean nothing. We have to be determined to get out the vote & focus on issues Americans want. As a Floridian, we are starving for democracy. And as a woman I won't stop supporting elections to return our rights once and for all. It's time to dig in. Our fellow Americans have learned way too much about the former guy to ever let him back in power. Americans are smart enough to know, in spite of whatever age difference Biden and tfg have, our President Joe Biden is the best person to lead us into the future, where the number of extremists are declining & their lies are catching up with them. Gen Z is on deck to be extremely effective and focused on their futures as well. Don't lose faith now.

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I agree with your take but am scared at the same time.

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I love Ann's comment. People aren't paying attention 18 months out. But being scared is natural; I am, too. Can you imagine life in this country with trump?

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WOW! I think I read your article as fast as you typed it... You are absolutely right, trump is nothing more than a wannabe dictator that has been able to con practically the entire southeastern portion of the US to his way of alleged thinking. Right now, yes, speed in doing something about him is of the essence. I so want Congress to invoke the 14th amendment, section 3, and get him banned from ever holding any office, elected or appointed, again. Whether this will happen, whether there are enough Senators and Representatives that can see the truth and have the spine to uphold it is the big question.

Everything you say in this article is fact, and hopefully Jack Smith can bring his case before the 2024 election. I'm certain that a jury would convict trump in an eye-blink for all the sh*t he's pulled. Fanii Willis also has an excellent chance, just get the case open and on trial before the stalled December one. So we need another smoking gun, or video of any more crimes... I don't think so..

Re President Biden... he should run, and be re-elected. I believe Democrats will support him 110%, and there are more of us than "them". He has the wisdom of the Universe within him, and the mental acuity to do the job.

Us frogs ain't gonna be boiled.

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Great last line!

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The murmuring about Biden's age says the opponent has not much better to use against him. Worse, they are echoing Democrat's concerns, which makes it seem like it's coming from the left and some of it may be. Biden has many accomplishments of which to be proud. I worry that Trump will again get too close to the Oval Office. If Trump gets in again, he won't hesitate on big changes that will destroy America.

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Democrats have to step up to the fact that today’s Republican party is at war with democracy. Straight from the fascist playbook, at the local and state levels, the intense and coordinated bullying and threats against honorable public officials is having the desired effect of having people not willing to run for school boards and city councils and election positions and to decline to run again. When we barely elected a Democratic federal trifecta in 2020, two senators blocked protecting our democratic institutions. And nothing was done to add seats to SCOTUS, so there went women’s healthcare rights. Here comes the end of the Chevron rule and with it the ability of federal agencies to regulate. This is more than Biden versus tfg.

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Dear Joyce, I am bombed by today’s newsletter. As a university educator in the public CUNY system of New York City, I am very fearful of Dump’s ability to dismantle our education system. His Secy of Education, Betsy DeVoss came very close. I am an activist, born 1949, and I am with you. Have supported the young at Harvard registering and organizing Gen Z citizens all over the country. Tell us more of what we can do to publicize, engage and fashion a plan to resist this fascist takeover of the United States. Never thought I would write those words. OMG

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Every time I see an article or comment about Joe Biden and it starts with a comment about his age I always call out the author on that. And I always dispute the stated as a fact that he is demented. (Biden is not exhibiting any clinical signs of dementia, unlike Reagan who did.)

Every time I see an article or comment about Harris being incompetent I call that out as well.

Anytime I see reference to Biden/Harris poor showing polls I point out just how reliable polls have been in the last 6 years.

None of these things are true, yet MSM seems to write this crap over and over and over. I assumed the writers were just lazy. After reading this column, I now realize it may actually be something more nefarious. Thanks for opening my eyes. Which of course will now stay open for the rest of the night as I toss and turn and worry. Yeah, been doing that a lot since 2016.

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Keep calling it out, Sky!

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Sky . . . you said, “Every time I see an article or comment about Joe Biden and it starts with a comment about his age I always call out the author on that. And I always dispute the stated as a fact that he is demented. (Biden is not exhibiting any clinical signs of dementia, unlike Reagan who did.)”

People and journalists are mistaking his stuttering coping mechanisms for dementia. Nothing could be further from the truth, Biden speaks carefully like a diplomat, choosing his words with wisdom, and has a depth of experience that should be the envy of all of us . . . yet we squander that with our focus on flash and inconsequential details. It reminds me of a line from the movie G.I. Jane, “Let’s focus on the steak, not the peas.” Too many of us are falling prey to being derailed from what is truly important--Keeping our Democracy.”

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I so agree with you. That is why I am so tired of seeing the statements that he is demented presented as fact. So I call it out as untruth.

As for his age, he’s, he is 80. Fact. We can move on now.

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To your point Joyce about the circulating stories about Biden’s age and capacity to serve. The young woman who I go to for my hair startled me the other day. I have been going to her for at least 8 years. She is probably in her early thirties. She can’t stand Trump and definitely leans more liberal. We have had many conversations over the last years about how dangerous Trump is to our democracy. We celebrated when Biden won the election. I hadn’t been in for several months and we got on political discussions. I said I couldn’t believe Trump was running again. First of all she said she didn’t know that and had turned off any political news. But what she did know was that Biden was too old and senile to be president. So I asked her if she turned off politics where was she getting this information. She said “oh I hear it from friends”. I proceeded to go through his list of accomplishments since elected and reminded her of the things we used to talk about concerning Trump. That he’s an authoritarian turned fascist. She said well I don’t like him either but he’s not senile. I explained that Biden is a stutterer and his speaking is slow and deliberate. And it can appear that he can’t find his words . But he has incredible experience, knows what he is doing and is saving our democracy. I added if you want to live under Fascist rule then Trump is your guy. She did listen but seems to be under some other influence which really haunted me after leaving. It was unsettling .

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People get into a mindset which helps no one. This preoccupation with Biden’s age is a far right narrative they constantly repeat thinking if they say it enough people accept the notion.

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I have a friend who I see every week, and when the subject of Biden comes up, she insists that he's senile. When I tell her about his accomplishments, she tells me how her mother had dementia and that she can see the same look in Biden's eyes that she saw in her mother's. I get just as frustrated with her as you do with your hair dresser. I would like to shake some sense into her.

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Medical doctor here. Biden does not have “that look”. Your friend is mistaken.

Reagan on the other hand did have that look and proceeded to get worse. Yet he was easily re-elected. Different times tho. No social media. No zFox-Not-The-News

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I certainly agree Biden does not have "that look." I knew her mother was "off balance" the first time I met her, and I saw her get worse over time until she passed away last year.

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Trump has GOT to lose in 2024!

Joyce, your words in this issue should be reprinted in every paper and magazine in the country. It lays out so well the terror that we would be living in if Trump wins. We would see our democracy peeling off layer by layer. We would see the dismantling of our colleges and all education, ripping apart the judiciary, installing yes thugs and loyal cronies in offices, denying rights to anyone other than white Christian’s, and on and on right before our eyes. We MUST

speak out!! We MUST get out the vote and we MUST do all that we can think of doing that is legal to stop this horrific Hitler like monster

who controls by fear and lies!!!

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Nina, how can he even RUN if he gets indicted, tried and convicted of so many crimes???? Those indictments are hot on his tail and he knows it. Frankly, I can’t wait!

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He can run from jail unless convicted of conspiracy against the nation. The Constitution supports that so let’s hope he is convicted on that count!!! 😳

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So Joyce, where the heck is Merrick Garland? If Trump is indicted on criminal charges how can he run for office? I don’t understand why he will be allowed to run for office! Is DOJ just going to stand back and watch this happen?

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Right- Merrick Garland has only filed TWO lawsuits to protect voting rights since the beginning of 2022. He's A TERRIBLE AG WHO IS DERELICT IN HIS DUTIES.

Why is Marc Elias doing Garland's job for him when it comes to lawsuits against these traitorous GOP controlled states?

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And thank goodness for Marc Elias.

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Yes, but he should not be doing Merrick Garland's job. He and his team are exhausted.

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Isn’t there some law or statute protocol on this?

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NO. 1 Biden's age and propaganda spreading the word about his mental incapacity and all else being made-up, along with a 'unity ticket' being proposed, and his very poor poll numbers: I start off saying yes to all this, but there is at least one more important point that is not being considered.

Living in the US is not pleasant, and it gets worse with every shooting. Americans don't like living here. Who are we going to blame? On top of everything that social media, Fox and PROPAGANDA INC., are creating, life here stinks and it's Biden's fault!

3. I think every whisper and shout about Tucker seems out there. We're obsessed with Tucker as we are with Trump.

I would like to skip Trump's fascist marketing business and ask a question. Joyce, have you considered reading our comments starting from the back of the bus? Readers' locations, work, etc., may make it impossible for them to read Civil Discourse soon after it drops into their mailboxes. The back of the line of readers are not likely to be less interesting than the beginning. You might also reach different sections of the country.

Thank you for your deeply informative pieces.

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I don’t give a you know what about those poll numbers. Have you forgotten the midterm projections in ‘22? How did that turn out. Focus.

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Maybe what the poll numbers in 2022 and those in 2023 are telling different stories. You have not presented any reason to consider them the same. No rhyme, nor reason and no logic to TutoneSF's reply.

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The Wisconsin election is confirmation of the vitality of the liberal bent of the WI, MIN, MI and now PA. Currently, there are only local races, and one I am following is Allegheny County (Pittsburgh), where a Bernie-aligned state rep has far outraised main-line candidates to win a seat on the county council. The new congresswoman from Pittsburgh is an African American activist attorney, also aligned with Bernie. This state elected Sen John Fetterman ... all of these are ALL examples of a PA which is shifting rapidly to solidly blue, if not progressive.

This is proof of the utterly toxic nature of conservatism - outside the deep south and mountain west.

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Good morning, Fredrick. We have many proofs of the toxic/lethal reality of the far-right. How many of us have been shot dead? Thank you for pointing to Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Bernie Sanders...and I'm happy to remind us of Elizabeth Warren, Hakeem Jefferies, Kathy Porter, Jamie Raskin...to name just a few more.

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Good Morning Fern 😃

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PS My comment connected what may be the people's feelings about America now with their confidence in Biden. Care to imagine what a well constructed poll about the USA might reveal?

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