That a corrupt Republican Party approved these unqualified judges (Cannon in Florida, Kaszmaryk in Texas, Kavenaugh and Barrett) is a cause for great alarm.
But the real problem is the ignorant Americans who vote in the likes of McConnell and Hawley and JD and dear god Rick Scott, the Medicare thief who should be in prison, not the Senate.
That a corrupt Republican Party approved these unqualified judges (Cannon in Florida, Kaszmaryk in Texas, Kavenaugh and Barrett) is a cause for great alarm.
But the real problem is the ignorant Americans who vote in the likes of McConnell and Hawley and JD and dear god Rick Scott, the Medicare thief who should be in prison, not the Senate.
That a corrupt Republican Party approved these unqualified judges (Cannon in Florida, Kaszmaryk in Texas, Kavenaugh and Barrett) is a cause for great alarm.
But the real problem is the ignorant Americans who vote in the likes of McConnell and Hawley and JD and dear god Rick Scott, the Medicare thief who should be in prison, not the Senate.
Yes we have many willfully ignorant voters.