Of COURSE it will be us!! It'll give him a chance to cheat and copy the documents, while nobody's looking. I've gotten to where I won't put ANYTHING past this extraordinarily narcissistic criminal. (I would like a small house in France, preferably in Bretagne. Do you think it's OK to ask Santa to buy something for me from a foreign country?)
Of COURSE it will be us!! It'll give him a chance to cheat and copy the documents, while nobody's looking. I've gotten to where I won't put ANYTHING past this extraordinarily narcissistic criminal. (I would like a small house in France, preferably in Bretagne. Do you think it's OK to ask Santa to buy something for me from a foreign country?)
I wish you luck with this. You never know who else is listening when you ask...so, I expect you'll get it, one way or the other. Send photos from France, ok? (I've never been)
You mean someone else other than Santa? The more the merrier! I don't have any photos accessible (this was in the pre-cell phone days), but it you google Douarnenez + Bretagne, France I expect you'll find this charming town. <3
YES, someone other than Santa. It could be angels, or archangels, or Who Knows who else is listening (and granting wishes)!! I'm googling those towns right after posting this comment. Thanks.
WeтАЩve been looking at Porto,,Portugal but my first second language is French and I have lived in France twice before. Once in La Rochelle, and again in Paris. IтАЩd like to be nearer to the coast. IтАЩve also looked at Avignon. I also thought of Sardinia .
I think that France would be easier for you, given that you speak French well. However you could probably do some intensive study of Portuguese (at government expense, of course) and could then comfortably move to Porto. Just going to mention that Douranenez in Bretagne is right on the western coast of France. In fact I think it may be the farthest west place in all of Europe. It's a charming town -- so many wonderful markets, lovely people. Let me know what you decide.
It does look charming. Very like Honfleur or Callais but not quite so touristy, IтАЩm gathering. WeтАЩll plan a scouting trip. Deep in the throes of finishing a biography of a young lawyer close Emerson who left a series of Civil War letters IтАЩve been editing for quite some time. Should be wrapped up by next spring. I will let you know. I think finding an agent who can help us through the process will be important, if you have any ideas.
I will look, thank you. Depends on real estate prices. We want something super simple, a small 2 BR cottage or apartment. Books and fresh food. And good wine.
Of COURSE it will be us!! It'll give him a chance to cheat and copy the documents, while nobody's looking. I've gotten to where I won't put ANYTHING past this extraordinarily narcissistic criminal. (I would like a small house in France, preferably in Bretagne. Do you think it's OK to ask Santa to buy something for me from a foreign country?)
I say you should go ahead and ask Santa about your small house in France. What can it hurt??
You think so?! OK!! Will do! Thanks so much for your encouragement!
I wish you luck with this. You never know who else is listening when you ask...so, I expect you'll get it, one way or the other. Send photos from France, ok? (I've never been)
You mean someone else other than Santa? The more the merrier! I don't have any photos accessible (this was in the pre-cell phone days), but it you google Douarnenez + Bretagne, France I expect you'll find this charming town. <3
YES, someone other than Santa. It could be angels, or archangels, or Who Knows who else is listening (and granting wishes)!! I'm googling those towns right after posting this comment. Thanks.
The photos look wonderful! Very inviting. I can see why you want a house there!!
WeтАЩve been looking at Porto,,Portugal but my first second language is French and I have lived in France twice before. Once in La Rochelle, and again in Paris. IтАЩd like to be nearer to the coast. IтАЩve also looked at Avignon. I also thought of Sardinia .
I think that France would be easier for you, given that you speak French well. However you could probably do some intensive study of Portuguese (at government expense, of course) and could then comfortably move to Porto. Just going to mention that Douranenez in Bretagne is right on the western coast of France. In fact I think it may be the farthest west place in all of Europe. It's a charming town -- so many wonderful markets, lovely people. Let me know what you decide.
It does look charming. Very like Honfleur or Callais but not quite so touristy, IтАЩm gathering. WeтАЩll plan a scouting trip. Deep in the throes of finishing a biography of a young lawyer close Emerson who left a series of Civil War letters IтАЩve been editing for quite some time. Should be wrapped up by next spring. I will let you know. I think finding an agent who can help us through the process will be important, if you have any ideas.
How exciting!!
I will look, thank you. Depends on real estate prices. We want something super simple, a small 2 BR cottage or apartment. Books and fresh food. And good wine.