Everyone of these deserves my outrage but those involved in trying to overturn our election by foul and illegal means take the cake! But what else triggers my outrage is the members of Congress who will do nothing to protect our children by enacting sensible gun control measures. I have great grandchildren who are afraid to go to school …
Everyone of these deserves my outrage but those involved in trying to overturn our election by foul and illegal means take the cake! But what else triggers my outrage is the members of Congress who will do nothing to protect our children by enacting sensible gun control measures. I have great grandchildren who are afraid to go to school and that should be a time learning and growth and not have to have shooter drills. I am appalled by these people.
I agree PP, and what else triggers my outrage is the members of Congress ,(not just the MAGA T party and Repub election deniers) but all who remain silent about the wrongs being done to our Constitution and the outrageous verbal attacks on Jack Smith, Alvin Bragg, etal by tRump and his "base".
PP SO TRUE!!! The complete absence of gun laws in this nation. It's SICK SICK SICK!!! (My niece teaches a 7th grade English class in KY. She says that climate change is a far distant 2nd place concern for her children, because fear of being killed while at school is WAY at the top of the list. Can you imagine what it must be like to be in school these days?!)
Everyone of these deserves my outrage but those involved in trying to overturn our election by foul and illegal means take the cake! But what else triggers my outrage is the members of Congress who will do nothing to protect our children by enacting sensible gun control measures. I have great grandchildren who are afraid to go to school and that should be a time learning and growth and not have to have shooter drills. I am appalled by these people.
I agree PP, and what else triggers my outrage is the members of Congress ,(not just the MAGA T party and Repub election deniers) but all who remain silent about the wrongs being done to our Constitution and the outrageous verbal attacks on Jack Smith, Alvin Bragg, etal by tRump and his "base".
PP SO TRUE!!! The complete absence of gun laws in this nation. It's SICK SICK SICK!!! (My niece teaches a 7th grade English class in KY. She says that climate change is a far distant 2nd place concern for her children, because fear of being killed while at school is WAY at the top of the list. Can you imagine what it must be like to be in school these days?!)