I think the only potential silver lining in all of this is that Aileen Cannon will once again overstep her bounds, causing Smith to appeal her decision to the 11th Circuit and call for her recusal.
I think the only potential silver lining in all of this is that Aileen Cannon will once again overstep her bounds, causing Smith to appeal her decision to the 11th Circuit and call for her recusal.
Here is an alternative: There is a federal detention facility 240 feet from the Miami Federal CourtHouse. He could stay there and visit the SCIF without much effort.
I think the only potential silver lining in all of this is that Aileen Cannon will once again overstep her bounds, causing Smith to appeal her decision to the 11th Circuit and call for her recusal.
So trump wants a SCIF. Let him pay for it. And in the meantime travel to and from Miami. No point in delaying things.
Even if it takes a year to design it and rebuilt it. Hopefully the trial will be over by then.
Here is an alternative: There is a federal detention facility 240 feet from the Miami Federal CourtHouse. He could stay there and visit the SCIF without much effort.
Delay by any means possible is what the Donald wants. He had to come up with something, right?
But he can't read