It’s been almost five months since I started Civil Discourse. When I launched, I felt pretty confident my Mom would subscribe, and probably a couple of my close girlfriends. Beyond that, I had no plans.
And yet, today I’m writing to thank the tens of thousands of you who signed up for my newsletter--our newsletter. I’m so glad and so grateful that you’re here.
Enormous thanks to those of you who, through your monthly and yearly subscriptions, are providing financial support for the work I do. Special thanks to my founding members. It means a lot to me on a personal level, to know that you value the work I do. And it also helps me devote the time to do more of it.
If you’re not already a paid subscriber and you’re enjoying Civil Discourse, I hope you’ll consider up-subscribing (if that’s a word). But we live in challenging times, and I understand that not everyone can or wants to buy a paid subscription. I’m happy to have you here either way! I’m glad we’re all committed to saving the Republic. She needs us.
For those who do opt for a paid subscription, there are now more opportunities for us to engage. Paid subscribers can leave comments below each post so we end up with our own forum. Today, I tested Substack’s new chat function, and was excited to have literally hundreds of you join me in the first couple of minutes. More of that soon! And, I’m looking forward to a forthcoming release that will let get together “in person” online.
So thank you, for making this possible. And, for being here. We’re going to have some wins to celebrate and some losses to inspire us to work harder and smarter after the midterm elections. I’m increasingly convinced that the rule of law is going to succeed in holding Trump accountable, on more than one front, and I’m looking forward to working through the issues that are sure to accompany that with you.
We’re in this together,
It's so helpful to get information from someone trustworthy, kind and smart.
We need that now more than ever. Thanks for all you do - and for sharing the great photos of your chicks.
Glad to be a part of your revolution, Joyce!!!