Before Bill Barr became Donald Trump’s third attorney general, he circulated a memo that was more or less an audition tape for the job he ultimately got.
Joyce, thank you for all you do to inform and explain the important news of each day. Please tell us how we can continue to use our resources - financial or otherwise - to curb this heresy. I am elderly and absolutely resent that any of the remaining grains of sand in the hourglass of my life will be spent under this horrific cloud, but I have plenty of energy. Trump and COVID destroyed four good years already. I can only be thankful I am not starving, on the street, an immigrant, or live under the daily threat of being bombed. Please tell the folks at MSNBC that I will be back as soon as I can stomach the news it reports. I have lived in the SF Bay Area all my life and cannot come to grips with the insanity that abounds beyond my bubble.
You sound like a "force to be reckoned with "! I too,am in my 7th decade of life. On the opposite coast from you, but, thankfully I live in MA.,where we have some insulation from T and his band of unthinkable. I grew up outside of Seattle, lived in Wales, and, never thought I would see our country in such turmoil! You are not alone in your feelings. We must keep like-minded people motivated to do what we can.
Nobody’s insulated from any of this. Because in the end with Trump and his heritage foundation cronies or after is the complete destruction of the neo liberal American democratic process, to be replaced by dictate Of the all powerful leader. Welcome to 1933 America.
But it will be globally, too, and certainly it will push the climate crisis over the edge. I wanted to leave the world a better place for my grandchildren and others.
I think that's possible in some sense everywhere. You are fortunate that you live in a place in Vermont where it is. I don't, and I am hindered by health and a lack of transportation that keeps me from joining in other places that feel safer. Zoom keeps me sane and functioning but it's not enough.
Sally, I, too wanted to leave the world a better place than I found it. I learned that i Girl Scouts that one should always leave a place better. I have worked with many students over the years and I have numerous nieces and nephews. I care what happenes to them and want a world where people are not starving, baking, and suffering from heat-related diseases. Trump and Kump care nothing for anything but themselves and this very moment and their anticipation of the harm they will be able to do to the American people and immigrants they don't like and Johnny Roberts and the other 5 are all OK with it, maybe hoping their pseudo-catholic faith and their obedience to Trump, perhaps, their anti-christ,, will be what bring about the apocalypse.
I have heard from my Australian friends that their fear is that Trump's election will embolden China to take over are so right, the effects will be world wide and perhaps our greatest danger is from the incompetent and biased people Trump is placing in our military and intelligence positions. I ask the question, how many of these people are agents of Russia? But since they won't sign agreements, background checks are impossible. Go figure.... Why isn't Biden doing something????????
I don't think China will try to take over Australia, but I understand my Aussie friends' fears. I do think that given a chance, China might go for some other places (Taiwan, etc), and that will destabelize the region and impact Australia's economy at the very least. Having that kind of territorial aggression in your backyard would be scary, to say the least.
BTW, we aren't privy to what Biden is doing- that comes under National Security. And he can't control what Trump does, anyway. It's up to us, and it always has been.
You don't know if Biden is doing something. I think he probably is. He's a good, smart man and has good, smart people around him. My concern is that "we" are too polite and are afraid of offending the other side. T keeps talking about invoking the Insurrection Act , now would be the time for Biden to do that. I don't know enough to know if that is a possibility, but I'm relatively sure they are working on something.
I have two questions that it would be interesting to hear what folks think: 1. Is it conceivable, given the relatively small margins Republicans have in House and Senate, that there won’t be a few who show enough spine to join with Dems and prevent some nominations once the true effect of 2025 begins to become all that people talk about? 2. Will John Robert’s be able to keep a straight face as he administers the oath of office on Jan. 20th? More seriously, What are the odds that SCOTUS will find all the planned “mischief” (I know that doesn’t capture it really but …) stand? Or said another way, have the 2025 people already gamed out all the ways SCOTUS could find that some of said “mischief” is unconstitutional? Joyce, if you’re listening, I’d really like your take.
William: I dare say “not.” Our power has always been with the people. Our response will be crucial ready or not. When the overall majority experience and see the truth of the 2024 presidential campaign disinformation and lies
Well ladies, I live in deep red Indiana with a newly elected MAGA red governor elect Mike Braun, a super energetic Christian Nationalist Lieutenant Gov Micah Beckwith, and a relected AG Todd Rokita who is mighty EVIL. My state will not escape the horrible that is coming. Even though I live in a blue community university town, even our university has been infiltrated with MAGA hate with a dysfunctional president who continues in her post with a lack of confidence vote from faculty and staff. Life sucks right now.....
I also live in Indiana, however, at the northern end with Purdue. Daniels has done more harm to our state and university than anyone. He is still here!!! Will this peanut ever get on his “hog”. And go home (Pa)? He is not a Hoosier or a Boilrtmaker; GO!
I too am in my 7th decade and grateful that I live in NY where I should feel relatively safe but I’m fearful. I’m probably naive but I hope the justice system will stand up against Project 2025 initiatives - and Trump’s delay and appeal tactics will work against him.
I too am in Massachusetts, I too am in my seventh decade (albeit in the first half). I'm also a walking case study of pre-existing conditions and both RomneyCare and then ObamaCare have been continuously affirming of my health and physicak quality of life.
I fear, Margaret, that if Medicaid is decimated, not even Massachusetts can insulate me from a too-fast diminishment of my health, as well as my financial ability to maintain standards on my own.
And of course I'm not unique - but I don't know how I join the coming fight on this.
I agree, Margaret. The Trump administration may help deplete SS sooner, though. I am concerned for my son who is on disability and depends on Medicare. However, I believe that all members of Congress enjoy their power and want to return. I think they know if they disturb Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security, it would be the end of their tenure. Remember the "outcry" when the Republicans tried to destroy the ACA? This is when we stand up!!! I have two Democratic Senators, but those who have Republican Senators need to make their feelings known on these programs - LOUD and CLEAR!
Ditto 7th decade pushing 8th. In what had been an oh-so-blue diverse place (once called “Chocolate City”) when I arrived nearly 47 years ago. My work has been with non-profits doing good. Like others, I confess to freaking out that my last years will be this.
Today is the wedding anniversary I’d hoped would be at home. Alas my spouse is in hospital - which may be better now than after 1/21 - & chosen family (who have a trans son living overseas) took me, a non-driver, to the hospital. I note this because every nurse who came in & all but one member of the staff (cleaning, reception, etc) spoke in an accent from outside the US. It’s tough to have “one greatest concern” tho immigrants - those with TPS or DACA status, green card holders, even naturalized citizens or those born here and first gen - are at risk. It stuns me that so many don’t know about WWII Japanese American internment.
If people refuse to see the human aspect of this, all the “economy first” voters are even more willfully ignorant than I thought. The economy will collapse. When those in charge of health at any level think bird flu is nbd, eggs, if available, will skyrocket in price.
Who was it during Bush II that said “talk me down”? To you, Nancy Bryant and Margaret Sears, what do we do for us and all?
Anyone who thinks that living in a blue state is going to insulate you from trump and P2025 is delusional. All it takes is a natural disaster or two and the collapse of our economy to make our lives hell.
I feel the same way - I am 73, almost 74. I live in NYC where people of all races, genders and ethnicities live (by and large) in peace and community. I've lived in London, Wales, LA and Florida. I am relieved to be in NYC now, though, if we could, we would probably return to London, where my husband was born, or Wales, where he grew up. But we are here and will work for the resistance in any way we can.
I’m 72 and have lived my whole life in getting-redder-all-the-time Texas. I’m in Dallas, also a multi-cultural, multi-everything city, vibrant, peaceful. The problem is our *+*+ state and national leaders! SO frustrating!
Nancy, I too share Your age & resentment living under fascism! I live in a red state & a scarlet red county. I have not been watching the news & looking for like minded people . I suggest wearing a white ribbon something like the Danes did by wearing a paper clip during WW2
Well said Nancy. I am 75 and feel exactly the same. Part of my efforts to regain emotional stability post election has been to avoid the news. I am reading more, especially high quality journalism such as with The Atlantic. I also am trying to formulate a Plan of what to do when the shit hits the fan, and it most certainly will. In trying to encourage family and friends to create a plan, I have meet with denialism. Like before the election, people continue to be clueless. I we do anything, it is my opinion we need a massive campaign to enlighten citizens to what is coming and what they should do.... we aren't doing that. I'm exhausted as all of us are. I now think that we will have to go through hell for people to finally get it.
"May the Force Be With You." Princess Leia. Focus on the real issue:
Also, "Small is Beautiful," remember decency, compassion, and sharing. Cook soup for someone ill, give a coat to someone out in the cold.
And, "Beware of white guys wearing blue suits and red ties." Me
P.S. "Indigenous perspectives challenge us to shift our paradigm from one of dominance and exploitation to one of stewardship and reciprocity." Small Bear.
I'm 73 and truly exhausted. I worked hard with the League of Women Voters locally and was devastated by this turn of events. "I'm going to be okay" I keep telling people, "but it's my granddaughter that I fear most for." I am looking to work locally/statewide now. In Illinois we still have a lot of protections and Pritzker seems to want to keep that ball rolling.
Barbara, this is exactly me except in Texas, including LWV work! I truly was doing this almost full-time…it is SO hard to register and then vote here. I agree about the local races..,I want to keep the same momentum going into spring local elections here. This is where every vote truly does matter! I am writing and/or meeting with local officials to ask them what they are doing to protect the vulnerable, to fight extremism, to maintain local control, etc.
Nancy, for near-daily info on "how we can continue to use our resources - financial or otherwise - to curb this heresy" you should subscribe to Jess Craven's substack "Chop Wood, Carry Water" - and a bonus column of GOOD news on Sundays! (Joyce has her own lane of keeping us informed on the legal side of what's happening.) We can stay well informed here on substack (Robert Hubbell, Heather Cox Richardson, Jay Kuo, Joyce, etc) with no need for MSNBC or other (useless) legacy media. I'm also in my 70's.
That is exactly how I feel. I am 77 and mad as hell that the last few years of my so far wonderful life is to be spent under this horrific cloud of corruption and Un American activity. I am beyond horrified at the stupidity of half the people in this country. I wish Biden would take advantage of the immunity granted by a corrupt SCOTUS to get rid of the people involved in trying to destroy the constitution and this country.
I too am in my 70s and live in the Bay Area. I like to think that with governor Newsom, we Californians will be somewhat protected. But I fear that trump will do everything in his considerable power to make life difficult for renegade states, particularly California where the governor has presidential aspirations!
Thank you for saying everything I am feeling. 200% in agreement. I want to know exactly what we can do if anything to deter this awfulness that Erik be descending upon us.
I have never thought that Project 2025 would go away. I was not able to read much of it, but it was obvious that it was written to sound reasonable and straightforward, when in fact, if you read between the lines, it obviously wasn't. I think trump was trying to distance himself from it so people wouldn't associate it with him, but that distancing was only in what he said to the public. Joyce, if we have to keep discussing Project 2025, could you please end it with a chicken photo? I know that we need to be aware of of what the project is going to do to us, but seeing a chicken would ease the pain a bit.
Heritage 2025 is old wine in new bottles. SCOTUS has empowered the dark side. As soon as Trump was elected, in 2017, he toyed with unitary executive (he lost on DACA but SCOTUS would apporove now) and started to install the spoils system, eliminating "merit selection" for my colleagues.
As to our current tactics, we need chess players. I'll take Gaetz, who is a dud, over Bondi, who is dangerous. Nikki Fried on Pam Bondi: “She was the ringleader in the attempt to sue the ACA out of existence and overturn the pre-existing conditions rule. She filed the original suit and was the lead plaintiff on the case. When Trump says he’s going to end the ACA, believe him now that he’s nominated Pam Bondi to finish the job.”
New subscriber here. I want to thank you, Joyce, for the chicken pics and stories. (And they made fun of support chickens on airplanes!) They are a welcome distraction when I can't take any more bad news. I also follow you on Instagram and I recommend that to everyone here.
Disagree. We need both, and we need to maintain an open and welcoming place for people who are at different places in the process. Grief is not a one and done deal.
Well, snark. She started with acts, and added prayer. Prayer can help us keep our focus and resolve. Trump's influence had intruded into our interactions with one another. We need to support and nourish each other, not lob pointless rebuke..
I disagree that prayer is useless. But, I do believe that faith without actions is. Pray first, then act.
James 2:14-26
"Can faith save him? If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, 'Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,' but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead".
I believe we have to try and stop them at every turn . I think there needs to be some bold executive action to usurp the Maga plan to destroy democracy .
These MAGAs raised by trump and taught by Putin still say their goal is democracy and to return the power to the people . Bull Shit , another damn lie .
We have no time to waste .
People need to recognize the serious danger that we are in right now .
Could Biden issue an Exec Order to demand a paper ballot recount in select states /select districts? Please see Dean Obeidallah’s most recent substack.
States still have power. Blue states are working together. Our state and local government became more blue in this election. Our state, WA, elected Bob Ferguson as governor. For twelve years he was our exemplary Attorney General and sued the Trump Administration 99 times, winning 97 of those cases. Governor Ferguson will be supported by all Democratic elected leaders. My point is that although everyday citizens will have a role, blue state and local governments will play a key role in defending democracy. We are not alone, and as Timothy Snyder says, the best times to resist an authoritarian takeover are when it’s starting and when it’s falling apart. Let’s continue holding our aspirations of a government by and for the people, where who you are or who you love is your own business.
A general strike coast to coast.........people need to get off their butts.....start hitting the streets to people to organize resistance....shut down Heritage HQ.........shut down Federaist HQ..........put up posters .........turn of the computer and do something!!
Protests will be put down in short order once he's inaugurated. The only "strike" that's going to be effective, is one where ALL of us stop going to work and stop spending our money. We'd have to shut down the capitalist economy ourselves, and make it hurt the obscenely wealthy people who are running our country. It would mean that we all vow to take care of one another by sharing every resource we have... in other words, not likely to happen. Human beings are too selfish by nature, and most wouldn't participate until they themselves were in dire need of basics.
A very defeatist attitude like that is what the GOP/2025/Christofascist Nationalist hate/contol based Orange Cult wants the poplulation to believe. Will the Trump Gestapo units actually open fire with live ammunition on US citizens is a big question mark.
The Orange cult wants a civil war........what will they do when democracy freedom fighters fire back with their own AR15s using the explosive ammunition???
Will they run back to their trailer parks and watch Fox?
You're writing to a person who is literally surrounded by AR gunfire every Sunday afternoon, in rural S.E. Texass. It's what families do for fun after church - take the kids and a case of beer out to the back forty. They all bought AR's, flack vests, night vision goggles, bump stocks, and cases of ammo with their Covid relief checks. (Can't afford gas or eggs, but I digress.) They are having wet dreams over shooting the "libs", "commies", "Marxists", or anyone representing the gubmint. So, no, I don't envision them running back to their trailers, lol! Not around here, anyway. I do see your point, though, and most of them think that liberals are afraid of guns.
These white men and some women, spent a great deal of time and money to drafting the overthrowing of our government by means of trying to invoke the will of God and Christianity. They haven’t mentioned the religious part yet because they plan to completely strip rules and regulations bare so that they can put their ideas into place. Thomas and Alito will retire so that the Senate which is now 53-47 in the R’s favor, can expand the court and put more Nazis, Christian nationalists on SCOTUS. It does not look good for us, especially when Roberts went right along with the other Injustices granting a president total immunity. Will we get another chance in two years or even in 2028 to get our act together and get rid of the regime? I just do not know. I really don’t.
What scares me the most is that Trump isn't the real driving force behind 2025. He likes the whole idea of the powerful executive, but he really couldn't care less about the rest of the agenda or what happens to it after he leaves office. If the agenda were really being driven by Trump, we could count on his incompetence and capriciousness to mitigate the potential damage and simply wait him out. But with him mostly just going along even the 25th amendment won't really help us.
Unfortunately, Project 2025 is actually the culmination of decades of effort by the Heritage Foundation, Federalist Society, etc. They know their agenda isn't popular with the majority of Americans. Now that they have control over all three branches of government are they really going to just give up that control and let anything they do in the next two to four years be immediately overturned?
It is the diabolical plan of Leonard Leo’s. He, with the financial backing of the Koch’s and the Mercer family, is the mastermind of his project. He has managed to launder money among his 40+ companies (shells) he owns with the help of the Russian Orthodox Church and many Russian oligarchs. T winning the election was a feather in his cap after he instructed Mitch McConnell what to do to place the three liars on the Court.
So Kevin, the answer to your question is that no, they will not graciously give up any control. We will fight tooth and nail and will hit brick walls, like usual. They will take credit for Biden’s Infrastructure Bill and anything else that is producing a positive in our nation. It will have to be infighting that might save the day. T may not live out his “term”. Then what? Good ole JD takes his place? Yep and we will be more screwed.
He will leave office within 4 years, of that I am pretty sure. Age, health, or malign actors will take their toll. If he survives, he'll be a blubbering mess. But it's all immaterial (though to get his face and voice out of our sight would be wonderful) because the chain of successors is deep and horrible. He is really a puppet now. Set up to get the public eye, and anger. The guys (all guys) under him, have the reins and are likely even writing a lot of his social messaging. This thing is really out of control.
Also, at least for me, very scary. I am not a person with lots of anything. I am on Medicare. I have a condition where one medication is over $3,000 a month. A program in my state helps pay for it. This medication keeps me alive. My husband and I are on Social Security. Right now we are ok. Any changes to Social Security and I won't make my monthly bills. I feel helpless and scared. I will go down fighting, though. Government is supposed to be for the people. Not to remake it in cruelty. Thanks for allowing me to vent a bit. Safe places.
I have read both that T had 'no coattails' in this election (in other words, that he didn't help down ballot races) and that he has no successor--MAGA loves Trump, but there is no one else who generates that devotion. Those two thoughts encourage me.
I am not sure JD would be worse. Although clearly more intelligent, it does not seem he could command the same insane devotion among MAGA that T does (and fear among more normal Republicans). No other politician has proved as teflon as T.
For months now I have said that Trump is only being used for getting the Project 2025 people into position and ready to roll. Then he will be removed and yes, God forbid, JD Vance will take over.... We are toast
I surmise “he won’t finish out his term” …but a natural cause of death, right? Sure. Vance , already bought and paid for gets 2 MORE terms to solidify the plan.
It was somewhere upwards of 15 years for Germany to come out from ‘under’. Others are in process near silently fighting. One only has to see the by chance ‘caught’ blank stares of the peasants or the veiled face eyes all telling.
I do hope 2026 , through clever sustaining, upsets the MAGA long sought destruction . That education becomes focus and equality rides supreme . Such folly is history repeated.
I agree. We can appeal to the insularity of the Senate and House, though--to their institutional loyalty--and remind them not to cede their power to the "unitary executive". Write and phone and email, whichever you prefer, but do it often no matter which state you live committee heads, to whole committees, or to Senator Thune.
Exactly. They will never leave. I’m quite sure we will no longer see midterm elections and if one is held in 4 years for the executive, it will be like Putin’s “elections.”
I suspect that Trump won't be allowed to serve out the next 4 years, weather he wants to or not. He may only be the pawn they have been hoping for to put their policies in place. He may be so blinded by the power he thinks he is about to have that he just doesn't think they would do that to him.
Trump is a tool. Everyone uses him. As long as he gets something he needs - money - protection from being thrown in jail - money - immunity from any kind of consequences - money - and, above all else, FAME! He’s so easy to use - and everyone knows it, even those who should know how dangerous that is. The word “stochastic” can also relate to a tool that suddenly starts doing something it isn’t designed to do. Hmmmmm.
It seems like the only rational thing to do is to deal with it now before Trump can take power. It sounds insane, but a Democratic coup is the only answer that I can see. No one will do it, but it’s the only logical thing to do.
I read a very compelling article on "bullet ballots" that I would love to have Joyce's opinion on. According to the author, the swing states had a higher than normal percentage of bullet ballots, ballots on which only the presidential box was checked. Apparently, the percentage was way out of the typically very low percentage. Is anyone looking back at these ballots? At the very minimum, a sampling of the ballots and checking with the voter to verify their vote would be a starting place. This anomoly should be studied NOW.... I, to be perfectly honest, don't trust this election.
Please look this up on Snopes and see Robert Hubbell's excellent critique. The conspiracy's author has a history of making theoretical but unfounded claims like this in the past. We cannot afford to be drawn into useless and rine-wasting conspiracy theories.
I thought the author and his article very credible. I think the Dems are too afraid of questioning the election results or just don't know about the bullet ballots...go figure
Biden has the power now that Trump will soon have. Isnt anybody thinking about how to use it wisely to protect us in some way from whats coming?
I fear that Biden's desire for purity is more important to him than using these now-legal rights, which may break some norms, on behalf of protecting democracy. Having moral superiority is nice, but we need more.
Given all his new presidential powers, why doesn't Biden do something? Now is the last chance for Congress to do something, will they? NO! I ask the same question you ask -- over and over again. Why can't something be done now but I think we walk on thin ice to suggest such....
The Supremes reserved to themselves the right to decide which actions of a President are 'official'. It is unlikely that if Biden acted illegally, the Court would back him up.
I'm curious about this. Are Biden/Harris going to do anything at all to say least make it more obvious to the Maga folks who this new govt is or just politely hand over the reigns? Remember T dropped a bunch of pardons before he got kicked out. At least he'd be on record overturning things right away that people could understand quickly ?
Hard agree, Gail.. While we must recognize and plan for the worst that may come- which could be either a banana republic neutering of next scheduled election or outright cancellation a la his nauseating "beautiful Christians" riff- neither can we surrender in advance. Not our right to vote, nor our expectation to vote, according to the Constitution. If he and his clown minions defy both the Constitution *and* the people to do this, they will have earned the accusation of treason.
But tRump already committed treason a few times (Jan 6, stolen documents) and yet he was voted back in. There is something truly broken, irretrievably broken, in this country. Is there ANYTHING we can actually do to try to fix it?? sorry but writing or calling our senators accomplishes exactly nothing. ACLU donations, not going to move the needle. What to DO?
Nor I, Marlene. There will be no law to hold them. The SCOTUS & other “Originalists” will rely on what? Clearly not what the founders wanted except greater segregation by where and how we pee. This week personally and with “more of all this” has me sobbing.
I am SO tired about those who just say I'm tired or I'm scared. Of course you are, as I am. But the only thing that matters is what YOU will do besides being cowered.
Look! Anything short of assassination is fully acceptable. Protest, March, Write, Organize, Call, Text, Email, Fax, ... whatever. Just devote some time to tell others, NOT Joyce's readers, what you plan to do.
Meanwhile, no one who LOVES Trump will read these Vance posts. This presents a conundrum. We can feel better and keep advancing the anti-Trump messaging, or we can just keep chanting to one another.
The written word is no longer working!!!!! And yet here I am.
It's past time to hit the streets to tell America -- "TRUMP IS NOT THE ANSWER; HE IS THE PROBLEM"
The thing is, we may need to create a demonstration and risk trumps henchmen doing their version of Tienenmen Square. Isn’t That what the far right folks mean by “if the left lets it happen?”
Agreed, it needs to be weekly like Tuesdays against tRump. And what else? blocking roads, tax revolt, etc. I fear what's going to happen is that the tRump voters take at least 2-3 years of self-inflicted suffering before they maybe start to figure it out. Good communicators need to get onto the sites that are feeding disinformation to these sheep as well. I certainly was shocked at the numbers of Americans who have no idea what is actually going on.
Imagine if Putin was assassinated at the beginning of his attack on Ukraine. It seems like assassinations are called for at times, for the betterment of the world.
I get your strong call to action, but to disregard the “feelings” people are experiencing is less than effective. People are trying to process what is happening in this country, while at the same time, dealing with the very real emotional impact of it all. We are all searching for action and knowing most of it will fall on deaf ears. We don’t even have the highest court to rely on to support the constitution.
Perhaps the ACLU, Meidas Touch, or similar groups could run brief ads during FOX News explaining the real effects of T's and Project 2025's policies - (at least until they are shut down). Bring a brief dose of reality to places that MAGA inhabits.
I am very engaged (including still curing ballots in CA) but need guidance from people like Joyce as to what to”do” in addition to calling my elected representatives every day (thank you Jessica Craven).
Vought's role in Project 2025 underscores how deeply this plan is woven into Trump's vision for unchecked power. But its impacts go far beyond restructuring government--rolling back child labor protections is just one example. My recent post, 'Exploiting the Innocent,' uses powerful images to show how history could repeat itself. Let's not ignore the warning signs.
Powerful article and pictures! Memory of our US past is so short, of course none of these children are from white, Christian Supremacist parents. Don't they compose the "Untouchable Class" of our country?
Thank you for your thoughtful response and for reading my article. You’re absolutely right—those most impacted by exploitative policies often belong to marginalized groups, historically excluded from the protections afforded to others. It’s heartbreaking to see echoes of that inequality in today’s efforts to weaken child labor protections.
Your mention of the ‘Untouchable Class’ is powerful and reminds us of the deep intersections between race, class, and systemic injustice. It’s a stark reminder that these policies aren’t just historical relics; they’re tools of power that continue to shape who is considered worthy of protection in our society.
Russ Vought! (Apparently Josef Goebbels was unavailable due to death.) He will return power back to America’s families (heterosexual only), faith communities (white Christians only), local and state governments (Red states only). Loyalty and fealty are to be the only currency acceptable.
It's all an elaborate distraction, this "returning power to the people," when they simply have a plan to consolidate power with the least possible oversight FROM the people or from Congress. Are the far right's goals easier to implement if they have total control? Well, yes, one would think so. But millions will contest their arrogant attempts to impose total control without following the rules.
It really makes you aware of exactly how stupid they think Americans are when they say that they're taking the reins of power so they can return that power to the people. Yeah. That's where we are now. The people who voted them in, want a better pay situation so they're better able to pay yheir living expenses or a lowering of all their monthly expenses - they care about how high their rent, food and electricity costs are, not whether they can intimidate masses of people.
Well, sadly, Americans are that stupid. See election results as your proof. Now the suffering must occur because how else to ever break the Faux News hold on the sheeple?
According to numbers orange Julius did not win a mandate. Not enough foresight on the part of Congress to get rid of the electoral college. R play a better long game of chess.
He certainly did not win a majority of the adult US population. By my calculation, Trump received 31.3% and Harris received 30.3% of the total eligible to vote population. According to published stats, there were 245 million eligible voters for the 2024 election. We forget to talk about all people who did not vote. Thus, HE DOES NOT HAVE A MANDATE and secondly, there are a whole bunch of people out there who are in for a rude awakening.
We have ignored our Constitution more than once which has played a big part in landing us where we are today. It was written to give us guidance in how to handle situations, but it can only help us if it is honored and used whenever it is needed
I remember having to memorize the Preamble to the Constitution and all of the US presidents. I still remember them. It would be such a positive addition so that when students graduate, they are aware of the Constitution and it's importance.
Holy smoke, Joyce. Knowing about this is so frightening. We need leadership in how to fight back before it's too late. We all knew Trump was lying when he said he knew nothing about it. It always does that. If anything in this Project 2025 fails, he will blame the authors. The people who voted for him think they are going to get lower gas prices and cheaper eggs. Boy, are they in for a surprise!
Joyce; we all appreciate your calm, persistent witness now and through the past months. For me, resisting fear and frustration, and praying to sustain strong faith in the Truth and in our democratic community feels like my rock. In each day, may we each bring what light we can to help defuse, dispel, and destroy the idea that fascism has a home in our United States.
The “press” are owned by very wealthy people who will benefit from 2025 and do not want to run afoul of the 2025 President - especially given his personality type.
MSNBC shows like Nicolle Wallace, Joy Reid and Rachel Maddow DID discuss it and tried but the MAGA faux news and lies on social media outweighed these efforts.
Project 2025 was shouted by many. The cult replied with their propaganda which they listen to. The Propaganda had a louder bigger more insistent voice. Unless u deprogram the cult and they become disillusioned by orange Julius they will not heed the warning. The long game is to keep resisting, not obeying until that happens.
The Cult didn't care, and don't realize what P2025 will mean. The big problem was that so many people who are NOT in the cult but just trying to get through life felt so overwhelmed that they didn't vote.
It may also be that the Putin propaganda machine was so clever at figuring out the biases of everyone on social media that they "persuaded" some intelligent people that the democrats were more "evil" than the Republicans.
The Dems did. Or tried. Much of the press was asleep or following the horse race. Most people ignored the part of the "press" who covered P2015. So it was up to us to let each other know where to learn about it and what it could mean. It was front and center on substack, and in many of the more responsible news sources. We talked about those too. But not everybody noticed.
I agree that much of the press followed the horse race. Headlines about Biden's age and "deterioration", allowing Trump to broadcast lies without questioning. His recent rallies, dancing, mimicking masturbation with a microphone did not earn headlines in traditional press. It's easy to blame it all on right-wing press but when did the NYT criticize T until the last minute? Trump rode the wave they provided.
It was a huge deal in liberal media. But the right wing media dominates the infosphere. As the post-election analysis continues, its beginning to look like a very significant factor in voting for Trump v. Harris was amount of political news the voter consumed. Period. Low info =Trump. Hi info = Harris.
It does doesn’t it ? I am now questioning just how much of Nixon’s summary demise was really to do with his criminal abuse of power and how much to do with his proposition % Daniel Moynihan, to introduce a Guaranteed universal Income to mitigate the economic iniquities at home of the ‘70s US global fiat money project. With hindsight, Cui Bono ?
Joyce, thank you for all you do to inform and explain the important news of each day. Please tell us how we can continue to use our resources - financial or otherwise - to curb this heresy. I am elderly and absolutely resent that any of the remaining grains of sand in the hourglass of my life will be spent under this horrific cloud, but I have plenty of energy. Trump and COVID destroyed four good years already. I can only be thankful I am not starving, on the street, an immigrant, or live under the daily threat of being bombed. Please tell the folks at MSNBC that I will be back as soon as I can stomach the news it reports. I have lived in the SF Bay Area all my life and cannot come to grips with the insanity that abounds beyond my bubble.
You sound like a "force to be reckoned with "! I too,am in my 7th decade of life. On the opposite coast from you, but, thankfully I live in MA.,where we have some insulation from T and his band of unthinkable. I grew up outside of Seattle, lived in Wales, and, never thought I would see our country in such turmoil! You are not alone in your feelings. We must keep like-minded people motivated to do what we can.
Nobody’s insulated from any of this. Because in the end with Trump and his heritage foundation cronies or after is the complete destruction of the neo liberal American democratic process, to be replaced by dictate Of the all powerful leader. Welcome to 1933 America.
But it will be globally, too, and certainly it will push the climate crisis over the edge. I wanted to leave the world a better place for my grandchildren and others.
In Vermont (where I also live), it's still possible and essential to work locally and join up with others, which helps.
I think that's possible in some sense everywhere. You are fortunate that you live in a place in Vermont where it is. I don't, and I am hindered by health and a lack of transportation that keeps me from joining in other places that feel safer. Zoom keeps me sane and functioning but it's not enough.
Sally, I, too wanted to leave the world a better place than I found it. I learned that i Girl Scouts that one should always leave a place better. I have worked with many students over the years and I have numerous nieces and nephews. I care what happenes to them and want a world where people are not starving, baking, and suffering from heat-related diseases. Trump and Kump care nothing for anything but themselves and this very moment and their anticipation of the harm they will be able to do to the American people and immigrants they don't like and Johnny Roberts and the other 5 are all OK with it, maybe hoping their pseudo-catholic faith and their obedience to Trump, perhaps, their anti-christ,, will be what bring about the apocalypse.
A 250 year old democracy, hopefully can not be destroyed in a couple of years.
They've been working on it since its inception, and Reagan was the author of the modern version.
It's a tug of war; we have to keep tugging.
I have heard from my Australian friends that their fear is that Trump's election will embolden China to take over are so right, the effects will be world wide and perhaps our greatest danger is from the incompetent and biased people Trump is placing in our military and intelligence positions. I ask the question, how many of these people are agents of Russia? But since they won't sign agreements, background checks are impossible. Go figure.... Why isn't Biden doing something????????
I don't think China will try to take over Australia, but I understand my Aussie friends' fears. I do think that given a chance, China might go for some other places (Taiwan, etc), and that will destabelize the region and impact Australia's economy at the very least. Having that kind of territorial aggression in your backyard would be scary, to say the least.
BTW, we aren't privy to what Biden is doing- that comes under National Security. And he can't control what Trump does, anyway. It's up to us, and it always has been.
You don't know if Biden is doing something. I think he probably is. He's a good, smart man and has good, smart people around him. My concern is that "we" are too polite and are afraid of offending the other side. T keeps talking about invoking the Insurrection Act , now would be the time for Biden to do that. I don't know enough to know if that is a possibility, but I'm relatively sure they are working on something.
Republicans and religious leaders have been working on this for decades.
They can kill neoliberalism for all I care, it's the fraud that's helped bring us here.
But I won't give up democracy to the kakistocracy.
… as the truth plays out, we will rally to obliterate this coup d’etat by coming out en masse to protect what we have built.
I have two questions that it would be interesting to hear what folks think: 1. Is it conceivable, given the relatively small margins Republicans have in House and Senate, that there won’t be a few who show enough spine to join with Dems and prevent some nominations once the true effect of 2025 begins to become all that people talk about? 2. Will John Robert’s be able to keep a straight face as he administers the oath of office on Jan. 20th? More seriously, What are the odds that SCOTUS will find all the planned “mischief” (I know that doesn’t capture it really but …) stand? Or said another way, have the 2025 people already gamed out all the ways SCOTUS could find that some of said “mischief” is unconstitutional? Joyce, if you’re listening, I’d really like your take.
Neither the Republicans or SCOTUS have any interest in saving our democracy. It’s all on us now.
Agreed. They are all completely soaking in MONEY. This is how our democracy fell. MONEY. Follow it. Or don't. It's freaking depressing.
So what do you suggest? Laying down and dying, I will continue to fight against this evil, until my time is up.
William: I dare say “not.” Our power has always been with the people. Our response will be crucial ready or not. When the overall majority experience and see the truth of the 2024 presidential campaign disinformation and lies
Well ladies, I live in deep red Indiana with a newly elected MAGA red governor elect Mike Braun, a super energetic Christian Nationalist Lieutenant Gov Micah Beckwith, and a relected AG Todd Rokita who is mighty EVIL. My state will not escape the horrible that is coming. Even though I live in a blue community university town, even our university has been infiltrated with MAGA hate with a dysfunctional president who continues in her post with a lack of confidence vote from faculty and staff. Life sucks right now.....
I also live in Indiana, however, at the northern end with Purdue. Daniels has done more harm to our state and university than anyone. He is still here!!! Will this peanut ever get on his “hog”. And go home (Pa)? He is not a Hoosier or a Boilrtmaker; GO!
Sending you an amber orb of peace around you and yours, Barbara.
I too am in my 7th decade and grateful that I live in NY where I should feel relatively safe but I’m fearful. I’m probably naive but I hope the justice system will stand up against Project 2025 initiatives - and Trump’s delay and appeal tactics will work against him.
I too am in Massachusetts, I too am in my seventh decade (albeit in the first half). I'm also a walking case study of pre-existing conditions and both RomneyCare and then ObamaCare have been continuously affirming of my health and physicak quality of life.
I fear, Margaret, that if Medicaid is decimated, not even Massachusetts can insulate me from a too-fast diminishment of my health, as well as my financial ability to maintain standards on my own.
And of course I'm not unique - but I don't know how I join the coming fight on this.
I ,too, depend on Medicare payments, as I have had MS for almost 40 years.i too, am at the beginning of my 7th decade. I have a RLM ,that
adds to my financial situation when necessary. I find it hard to believe that Medicare will be depleted in my lifetime. I will be watching.
I agree, Margaret. The Trump administration may help deplete SS sooner, though. I am concerned for my son who is on disability and depends on Medicare. However, I believe that all members of Congress enjoy their power and want to return. I think they know if they disturb Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security, it would be the end of their tenure. Remember the "outcry" when the Republicans tried to destroy the ACA? This is when we stand up!!! I have two Democratic Senators, but those who have Republican Senators need to make their feelings known on these programs - LOUD and CLEAR!
Ditto 7th decade pushing 8th. In what had been an oh-so-blue diverse place (once called “Chocolate City”) when I arrived nearly 47 years ago. My work has been with non-profits doing good. Like others, I confess to freaking out that my last years will be this.
Today is the wedding anniversary I’d hoped would be at home. Alas my spouse is in hospital - which may be better now than after 1/21 - & chosen family (who have a trans son living overseas) took me, a non-driver, to the hospital. I note this because every nurse who came in & all but one member of the staff (cleaning, reception, etc) spoke in an accent from outside the US. It’s tough to have “one greatest concern” tho immigrants - those with TPS or DACA status, green card holders, even naturalized citizens or those born here and first gen - are at risk. It stuns me that so many don’t know about WWII Japanese American internment.
If people refuse to see the human aspect of this, all the “economy first” voters are even more willfully ignorant than I thought. The economy will collapse. When those in charge of health at any level think bird flu is nbd, eggs, if available, will skyrocket in price.
Who was it during Bush II that said “talk me down”? To you, Nancy Bryant and Margaret Sears, what do we do for us and all?
Anyone who thinks that living in a blue state is going to insulate you from trump and P2025 is delusional. All it takes is a natural disaster or two and the collapse of our economy to make our lives hell.
I feel the same way - I am 73, almost 74. I live in NYC where people of all races, genders and ethnicities live (by and large) in peace and community. I've lived in London, Wales, LA and Florida. I am relieved to be in NYC now, though, if we could, we would probably return to London, where my husband was born, or Wales, where he grew up. But we are here and will work for the resistance in any way we can.
I’m 72 and have lived my whole life in getting-redder-all-the-time Texas. I’m in Dallas, also a multi-cultural, multi-everything city, vibrant, peaceful. The problem is our *+*+ state and national leaders! SO frustrating!
Nancy, I could have written this myself.
Nancy, I too share Your age & resentment living under fascism! I live in a red state & a scarlet red county. I have not been watching the news & looking for like minded people . I suggest wearing a white ribbon something like the Danes did by wearing a paper clip during WW2
Well said Nancy. I am 75 and feel exactly the same. Part of my efforts to regain emotional stability post election has been to avoid the news. I am reading more, especially high quality journalism such as with The Atlantic. I also am trying to formulate a Plan of what to do when the shit hits the fan, and it most certainly will. In trying to encourage family and friends to create a plan, I have meet with denialism. Like before the election, people continue to be clueless. I we do anything, it is my opinion we need a massive campaign to enlighten citizens to what is coming and what they should do.... we aren't doing that. I'm exhausted as all of us are. I now think that we will have to go through hell for people to finally get it.
To Joyce, Nancy, et al:
"May the Force Be With You." Princess Leia. Focus on the real issue:
Also, "Small is Beautiful," remember decency, compassion, and sharing. Cook soup for someone ill, give a coat to someone out in the cold.
And, "Beware of white guys wearing blue suits and red ties." Me
P.S. "Indigenous perspectives challenge us to shift our paradigm from one of dominance and exploitation to one of stewardship and reciprocity." Small Bear.
I'm 73 and truly exhausted. I worked hard with the League of Women Voters locally and was devastated by this turn of events. "I'm going to be okay" I keep telling people, "but it's my granddaughter that I fear most for." I am looking to work locally/statewide now. In Illinois we still have a lot of protections and Pritzker seems to want to keep that ball rolling.
Barbara, this is exactly me except in Texas, including LWV work! I truly was doing this almost full-time…it is SO hard to register and then vote here. I agree about the local races..,I want to keep the same momentum going into spring local elections here. This is where every vote truly does matter! I am writing and/or meeting with local officials to ask them what they are doing to protect the vulnerable, to fight extremism, to maintain local control, etc.
Nancy, for near-daily info on "how we can continue to use our resources - financial or otherwise - to curb this heresy" you should subscribe to Jess Craven's substack "Chop Wood, Carry Water" - and a bonus column of GOOD news on Sundays! (Joyce has her own lane of keeping us informed on the legal side of what's happening.) We can stay well informed here on substack (Robert Hubbell, Heather Cox Richardson, Jay Kuo, Joyce, etc) with no need for MSNBC or other (useless) legacy media. I'm also in my 70's.
And Nicholas Kristof has published his annual recommendations for high impact places to donate (2 international, 1 domestic), plus a way to donate your time.
That is exactly how I feel. I am 77 and mad as hell that the last few years of my so far wonderful life is to be spent under this horrific cloud of corruption and Un American activity. I am beyond horrified at the stupidity of half the people in this country. I wish Biden would take advantage of the immunity granted by a corrupt SCOTUS to get rid of the people involved in trying to destroy the constitution and this country.
I too am in my 70s and live in the Bay Area. I like to think that with governor Newsom, we Californians will be somewhat protected. But I fear that trump will do everything in his considerable power to make life difficult for renegade states, particularly California where the governor has presidential aspirations!
Thank you for saying everything I am feeling. 200% in agreement. I want to know exactly what we can do if anything to deter this awfulness that Erik be descending upon us.
I have never thought that Project 2025 would go away. I was not able to read much of it, but it was obvious that it was written to sound reasonable and straightforward, when in fact, if you read between the lines, it obviously wasn't. I think trump was trying to distance himself from it so people wouldn't associate it with him, but that distancing was only in what he said to the public. Joyce, if we have to keep discussing Project 2025, could you please end it with a chicken photo? I know that we need to be aware of of what the project is going to do to us, but seeing a chicken would ease the pain a bit.
Yes on both points. I think your analysis is solid and I think we're going to need more chickens.
Heritage 2025 is old wine in new bottles. SCOTUS has empowered the dark side. As soon as Trump was elected, in 2017, he toyed with unitary executive (he lost on DACA but SCOTUS would apporove now) and started to install the spoils system, eliminating "merit selection" for my colleagues.
As to our current tactics, we need chess players. I'll take Gaetz, who is a dud, over Bondi, who is dangerous. Nikki Fried on Pam Bondi: “She was the ringleader in the attempt to sue the ACA out of existence and overturn the pre-existing conditions rule. She filed the original suit and was the lead plaintiff on the case. When Trump says he’s going to end the ACA, believe him now that he’s nominated Pam Bondi to finish the job.”
So we should all call the senators and voice our concern over this ill advised appointment.
and knitting pictures, please
New subscriber here. I want to thank you, Joyce, for the chicken pics and stories. (And they made fun of support chickens on airplanes!) They are a welcome distraction when I can't take any more bad news. I also follow you on Instagram and I recommend that to everyone here.
Lots more
And dog pictures, please, with or without the chickens.
I am so scared Joyce, I really can’t believe this is actually happening to our beautiful country 😞💔
So, what are YOU going to do to combat these maniacally illegal ideas?
Do not obey, comply or collaborate. Stand up for our values. And pray
Praying is useless. Act
Yes, thoughts and prayers never saved a child from a shooting, nor did it save 6 million people from the gas chambers. We need ideas for action.
Yes, I would really like IDEAS please. It's good that we find each other for validation and comfort but now we need to shift to viable ideas.
Disagree. We need both, and we need to maintain an open and welcoming place for people who are at different places in the process. Grief is not a one and done deal.
Barbara - Yes ... Thank You ... May I ask what you taught at the University/College level?
Thanks ...
Sue - Thank you .. I agree ...
Well, snark. She started with acts, and added prayer. Prayer can help us keep our focus and resolve. Trump's influence had intruded into our interactions with one another. We need to support and nourish each other, not lob pointless rebuke..
I disagree that prayer is useless. But, I do believe that faith without actions is. Pray first, then act.
James 2:14-26
"Can faith save him? If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, 'Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,' but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead".
worse than useless!!!!
I believe we have to try and stop them at every turn . I think there needs to be some bold executive action to usurp the Maga plan to destroy democracy .
These MAGAs raised by trump and taught by Putin still say their goal is democracy and to return the power to the people . Bull Shit , another damn lie .
We have no time to waste .
People need to recognize the serious danger that we are in right now .
People want to fight this . But how other than financial , which is not always possible.
Joe Biden needs to stop being a nice guy and learn how he can upset the apple cart.
Democrats have thought because we ‘re more polite and tolerant things would be ok .
Absolute BS . Everyone says we have to fight . Tell me how , please?
Could Biden issue an Exec Order to demand a paper ballot recount in select states /select districts? Please see Dean Obeidallah’s most recent substack.
I'm fresh out of ideas .... Fresh Suggestions, please ..
States still have power. Blue states are working together. Our state and local government became more blue in this election. Our state, WA, elected Bob Ferguson as governor. For twelve years he was our exemplary Attorney General and sued the Trump Administration 99 times, winning 97 of those cases. Governor Ferguson will be supported by all Democratic elected leaders. My point is that although everyday citizens will have a role, blue state and local governments will play a key role in defending democracy. We are not alone, and as Timothy Snyder says, the best times to resist an authoritarian takeover are when it’s starting and when it’s falling apart. Let’s continue holding our aspirations of a government by and for the people, where who you are or who you love is your own business.
Read Jessica Craven’s Substack, join and donate to you local ACLU, join political organizations in your community…
A general strike coast to coast.........people need to get off their butts.....start hitting the streets to people to organize resistance....shut down Heritage HQ.........shut down Federaist HQ..........put up posters .........turn of the computer and do something!!
Protests will be put down in short order once he's inaugurated. The only "strike" that's going to be effective, is one where ALL of us stop going to work and stop spending our money. We'd have to shut down the capitalist economy ourselves, and make it hurt the obscenely wealthy people who are running our country. It would mean that we all vow to take care of one another by sharing every resource we have... in other words, not likely to happen. Human beings are too selfish by nature, and most wouldn't participate until they themselves were in dire need of basics.
A very defeatist attitude like that is what the GOP/2025/Christofascist Nationalist hate/contol based Orange Cult wants the poplulation to believe. Will the Trump Gestapo units actually open fire with live ammunition on US citizens is a big question mark.
The Orange cult wants a civil war........what will they do when democracy freedom fighters fire back with their own AR15s using the explosive ammunition???
Will they run back to their trailer parks and watch Fox?
You're writing to a person who is literally surrounded by AR gunfire every Sunday afternoon, in rural S.E. Texass. It's what families do for fun after church - take the kids and a case of beer out to the back forty. They all bought AR's, flack vests, night vision goggles, bump stocks, and cases of ammo with their Covid relief checks. (Can't afford gas or eggs, but I digress.) They are having wet dreams over shooting the "libs", "commies", "Marxists", or anyone representing the gubmint. So, no, I don't envision them running back to their trailers, lol! Not around here, anyway. I do see your point, though, and most of them think that liberals are afraid of guns.
I think we should have a HAND RECOUNT in the swing states, at least MI, WI, AZ & NC. Data scientists believe the election was hacked.
The explanation:
What to do:
These white men and some women, spent a great deal of time and money to drafting the overthrowing of our government by means of trying to invoke the will of God and Christianity. They haven’t mentioned the religious part yet because they plan to completely strip rules and regulations bare so that they can put their ideas into place. Thomas and Alito will retire so that the Senate which is now 53-47 in the R’s favor, can expand the court and put more Nazis, Christian nationalists on SCOTUS. It does not look good for us, especially when Roberts went right along with the other Injustices granting a president total immunity. Will we get another chance in two years or even in 2028 to get our act together and get rid of the regime? I just do not know. I really don’t.
What scares me the most is that Trump isn't the real driving force behind 2025. He likes the whole idea of the powerful executive, but he really couldn't care less about the rest of the agenda or what happens to it after he leaves office. If the agenda were really being driven by Trump, we could count on his incompetence and capriciousness to mitigate the potential damage and simply wait him out. But with him mostly just going along even the 25th amendment won't really help us.
Unfortunately, Project 2025 is actually the culmination of decades of effort by the Heritage Foundation, Federalist Society, etc. They know their agenda isn't popular with the majority of Americans. Now that they have control over all three branches of government are they really going to just give up that control and let anything they do in the next two to four years be immediately overturned?
“…Trump isn’t the real driving force behind Project 2025.”
Spot on. I’m certain he’s never read it, and I honestly doubt that he understands it. He’s just a puppet.
It is the diabolical plan of Leonard Leo’s. He, with the financial backing of the Koch’s and the Mercer family, is the mastermind of his project. He has managed to launder money among his 40+ companies (shells) he owns with the help of the Russian Orthodox Church and many Russian oligarchs. T winning the election was a feather in his cap after he instructed Mitch McConnell what to do to place the three liars on the Court.
So Kevin, the answer to your question is that no, they will not graciously give up any control. We will fight tooth and nail and will hit brick walls, like usual. They will take credit for Biden’s Infrastructure Bill and anything else that is producing a positive in our nation. It will have to be infighting that might save the day. T may not live out his “term”. Then what? Good ole JD takes his place? Yep and we will be more screwed.
I don't expect him to ever leave office. He already has permission by SCOTUS to do away with anyone who runs against him like in another country
He will leave office within 4 years, of that I am pretty sure. Age, health, or malign actors will take their toll. If he survives, he'll be a blubbering mess. But it's all immaterial (though to get his face and voice out of our sight would be wonderful) because the chain of successors is deep and horrible. He is really a puppet now. Set up to get the public eye, and anger. The guys (all guys) under him, have the reins and are likely even writing a lot of his social messaging. This thing is really out of control.
Also, at least for me, very scary. I am not a person with lots of anything. I am on Medicare. I have a condition where one medication is over $3,000 a month. A program in my state helps pay for it. This medication keeps me alive. My husband and I are on Social Security. Right now we are ok. Any changes to Social Security and I won't make my monthly bills. I feel helpless and scared. I will go down fighting, though. Government is supposed to be for the people. Not to remake it in cruelty. Thanks for allowing me to vent a bit. Safe places.
I have read both that T had 'no coattails' in this election (in other words, that he didn't help down ballot races) and that he has no successor--MAGA loves Trump, but there is no one else who generates that devotion. Those two thoughts encourage me.
I am not sure JD would be worse. Although clearly more intelligent, it does not seem he could command the same insane devotion among MAGA that T does (and fear among more normal Republicans). No other politician has proved as teflon as T.
For months now I have said that Trump is only being used for getting the Project 2025 people into position and ready to roll. Then he will be removed and yes, God forbid, JD Vance will take over.... We are toast
I surmise “he won’t finish out his term” …but a natural cause of death, right? Sure. Vance , already bought and paid for gets 2 MORE terms to solidify the plan.
It was somewhere upwards of 15 years for Germany to come out from ‘under’. Others are in process near silently fighting. One only has to see the by chance ‘caught’ blank stares of the peasants or the veiled face eyes all telling.
I do hope 2026 , through clever sustaining, upsets the MAGA long sought destruction . That education becomes focus and equality rides supreme . Such folly is history repeated.
Leonard Leo has deep ties with the Opus Die religous cult that is totlly satanic.
Do research on that....They had a part in gutting Roe.....Nov 20 is creeping up and now is the time to take action and stop feeling sorry.
I agree. We can appeal to the insularity of the Senate and House, though--to their institutional loyalty--and remind them not to cede their power to the "unitary executive". Write and phone and email, whichever you prefer, but do it often no matter which state you live committee heads, to whole committees, or to Senator Thune.
Exactly. They will never leave. I’m quite sure we will no longer see midterm elections and if one is held in 4 years for the executive, it will be like Putin’s “elections.”
I think this WAS a “Putin Election”.
We need a hand recount in MI, WI, NC & AZ if not all the swing states. Harris has to request it.
I suspect that Trump won't be allowed to serve out the next 4 years, weather he wants to or not. He may only be the pawn they have been hoping for to put their policies in place. He may be so blinded by the power he thinks he is about to have that he just doesn't think they would do that to him.
Trump is a tool. Everyone uses him. As long as he gets something he needs - money - protection from being thrown in jail - money - immunity from any kind of consequences - money - and, above all else, FAME! He’s so easy to use - and everyone knows it, even those who should know how dangerous that is. The word “stochastic” can also relate to a tool that suddenly starts doing something it isn’t designed to do. Hmmmmm.
It seems like the only rational thing to do is to deal with it now before Trump can take power. It sounds insane, but a Democratic coup is the only answer that I can see. No one will do it, but it’s the only logical thing to do.
I read a very compelling article on "bullet ballots" that I would love to have Joyce's opinion on. According to the author, the swing states had a higher than normal percentage of bullet ballots, ballots on which only the presidential box was checked. Apparently, the percentage was way out of the typically very low percentage. Is anyone looking back at these ballots? At the very minimum, a sampling of the ballots and checking with the voter to verify their vote would be a starting place. This anomoly should be studied NOW.... I, to be perfectly honest, don't trust this election.
Please look this up on Snopes and see Robert Hubbell's excellent critique. The conspiracy's author has a history of making theoretical but unfounded claims like this in the past. We cannot afford to be drawn into useless and rine-wasting conspiracy theories.
why is the MSM not talking about this and explaining why it is not true if in fact it is not. Very suspicious!
I thought the author and his article very credible. I think the Dems are too afraid of questioning the election results or just don't know about the bullet ballots...go figure
Biden has the power now that Trump will soon have. Isnt anybody thinking about how to use it wisely to protect us in some way from whats coming?
I fear that Biden's desire for purity is more important to him than using these now-legal rights, which may break some norms, on behalf of protecting democracy. Having moral superiority is nice, but we need more.
Given all his new presidential powers, why doesn't Biden do something? Now is the last chance for Congress to do something, will they? NO! I ask the same question you ask -- over and over again. Why can't something be done now but I think we walk on thin ice to suggest such....
The Supremes reserved to themselves the right to decide which actions of a President are 'official'. It is unlikely that if Biden acted illegally, the Court would back him up.
I'm curious about this. Are Biden/Harris going to do anything at all to say least make it more obvious to the Maga folks who this new govt is or just politely hand over the reigns? Remember T dropped a bunch of pardons before he got kicked out. At least he'd be on record overturning things right away that people could understand quickly ?
Hi Marlene, You are such an optimist... even to ask if we will get another HONEST election.
We must. Simply must
Hard agree, Gail.. While we must recognize and plan for the worst that may come- which could be either a banana republic neutering of next scheduled election or outright cancellation a la his nauseating "beautiful Christians" riff- neither can we surrender in advance. Not our right to vote, nor our expectation to vote, according to the Constitution. If he and his clown minions defy both the Constitution *and* the people to do this, they will have earned the accusation of treason.
But tRump already committed treason a few times (Jan 6, stolen documents) and yet he was voted back in. There is something truly broken, irretrievably broken, in this country. Is there ANYTHING we can actually do to try to fix it?? sorry but writing or calling our senators accomplishes exactly nothing. ACLU donations, not going to move the needle. What to DO?
Nor I, Marlene. There will be no law to hold them. The SCOTUS & other “Originalists” will rely on what? Clearly not what the founders wanted except greater segregation by where and how we pee. This week personally and with “more of all this” has me sobbing.
Oh boy, will I ever uncurl from this Trump-induced fetal position?
Take a deep breath, straighten up and go outside. Find a stranger to talk to. Or a friend
I understand.
I am SO tired about those who just say I'm tired or I'm scared. Of course you are, as I am. But the only thing that matters is what YOU will do besides being cowered.
Look! Anything short of assassination is fully acceptable. Protest, March, Write, Organize, Call, Text, Email, Fax, ... whatever. Just devote some time to tell others, NOT Joyce's readers, what you plan to do.
Meanwhile, no one who LOVES Trump will read these Vance posts. This presents a conundrum. We can feel better and keep advancing the anti-Trump messaging, or we can just keep chanting to one another.
The written word is no longer working!!!!! And yet here I am.
It's past time to hit the streets to tell America -- "TRUMP IS NOT THE ANSWER; HE IS THE PROBLEM"
The thing is, we may need to create a demonstration and risk trumps henchmen doing their version of Tienenmen Square. Isn’t That what the far right folks mean by “if the left lets it happen?”
Agreed, it needs to be weekly like Tuesdays against tRump. And what else? blocking roads, tax revolt, etc. I fear what's going to happen is that the tRump voters take at least 2-3 years of self-inflicted suffering before they maybe start to figure it out. Good communicators need to get onto the sites that are feeding disinformation to these sheep as well. I certainly was shocked at the numbers of Americans who have no idea what is actually going on.
Imagine if Putin was assassinated at the beginning of his attack on Ukraine. It seems like assassinations are called for at times, for the betterment of the world.
assuming Diet Coke, McDonalds and kfc should have significant life shortening impacts???
I agree with you.
I get your strong call to action, but to disregard the “feelings” people are experiencing is less than effective. People are trying to process what is happening in this country, while at the same time, dealing with the very real emotional impact of it all. We are all searching for action and knowing most of it will fall on deaf ears. We don’t even have the highest court to rely on to support the constitution.
Perhaps the ACLU, Meidas Touch, or similar groups could run brief ads during FOX News explaining the real effects of T's and Project 2025's policies - (at least until they are shut down). Bring a brief dose of reality to places that MAGA inhabits.
I am very engaged (including still curing ballots in CA) but need guidance from people like Joyce as to what to”do” in addition to calling my elected representatives every day (thank you Jessica Craven).
In Trump's first term, we joined ACLU and Southern Poverty Law Center, we did fundraising. Is that helpful?
Vought's role in Project 2025 underscores how deeply this plan is woven into Trump's vision for unchecked power. But its impacts go far beyond restructuring government--rolling back child labor protections is just one example. My recent post, 'Exploiting the Innocent,' uses powerful images to show how history could repeat itself. Let's not ignore the warning signs.
Do you think Vought and Trump want to roll back to the dark factories of early industrialization which inspired Blake to write his poetry of protest?
Yes - that’s what they seem to be aiming for. A recreation of the “gilded age”.
Agreed. The techbros want to be masters of the universe (thus the rocket ships?)
tRump voters can't read and won't listen. So, how to get through to them?
Try comedy. Black Adder comes to mind. Monty Python also.
Powerful article and pictures! Memory of our US past is so short, of course none of these children are from white, Christian Supremacist parents. Don't they compose the "Untouchable Class" of our country?
Thank you for your thoughtful response and for reading my article. You’re absolutely right—those most impacted by exploitative policies often belong to marginalized groups, historically excluded from the protections afforded to others. It’s heartbreaking to see echoes of that inequality in today’s efforts to weaken child labor protections.
Your mention of the ‘Untouchable Class’ is powerful and reminds us of the deep intersections between race, class, and systemic injustice. It’s a stark reminder that these policies aren’t just historical relics; they’re tools of power that continue to shape who is considered worthy of protection in our society.
Russ Vought! (Apparently Josef Goebbels was unavailable due to death.) He will return power back to America’s families (heterosexual only), faith communities (white Christians only), local and state governments (Red states only). Loyalty and fealty are to be the only currency acceptable.
The reincarnated Goebbels is already serving in the incipient Trump administration, in the person of Stephen Miller.
Whoops just saw your comment..same page
s miller even looks like an SS officer.....reincarnateds often bear the look of who they were.
Central casting.. Meadows looked like one as well..
David, I don't think trump will return power to anyone. It's his and he isn't sharing.
Does reincarnation ring any bells?
If he can execute his plan.
It's all an elaborate distraction, this "returning power to the people," when they simply have a plan to consolidate power with the least possible oversight FROM the people or from Congress. Are the far right's goals easier to implement if they have total control? Well, yes, one would think so. But millions will contest their arrogant attempts to impose total control without following the rules.
It really makes you aware of exactly how stupid they think Americans are when they say that they're taking the reins of power so they can return that power to the people. Yeah. That's where we are now. The people who voted them in, want a better pay situation so they're better able to pay yheir living expenses or a lowering of all their monthly expenses - they care about how high their rent, food and electricity costs are, not whether they can intimidate masses of people.
Well, sadly, Americans are that stupid. See election results as your proof. Now the suffering must occur because how else to ever break the Faux News hold on the sheeple?
Not stupid, but gullible and fall easily for snake oil salesmen/grifters as long as they are entertained.
According to numbers orange Julius did not win a mandate. Not enough foresight on the part of Congress to get rid of the electoral college. R play a better long game of chess.
He certainly did not win a majority of the adult US population. By my calculation, Trump received 31.3% and Harris received 30.3% of the total eligible to vote population. According to published stats, there were 245 million eligible voters for the 2024 election. We forget to talk about all people who did not vote. Thus, HE DOES NOT HAVE A MANDATE and secondly, there are a whole bunch of people out there who are in for a rude awakening.
But they make up the rules or ignore existing rules because they can. There will be no negative consequences for them.
We have ignored our Constitution more than once which has played a big part in landing us where we are today. It was written to give us guidance in how to handle situations, but it can only help us if it is honored and used whenever it is needed
Perhaps some states can insist that the constitution be taught at all grade levels, and posted in all classrooms
I remember having to memorize the Preamble to the Constitution and all of the US presidents. I still remember them. It would be such a positive addition so that when students graduate, they are aware of the Constitution and it's importance.
Holy smoke, Joyce. Knowing about this is so frightening. We need leadership in how to fight back before it's too late. We all knew Trump was lying when he said he knew nothing about it. It always does that. If anything in this Project 2025 fails, he will blame the authors. The people who voted for him think they are going to get lower gas prices and cheaper eggs. Boy, are they in for a surprise!
Joyce; we all appreciate your calm, persistent witness now and through the past months. For me, resisting fear and frustration, and praying to sustain strong faith in the Truth and in our democratic community feels like my rock. In each day, may we each bring what light we can to help defuse, dispel, and destroy the idea that fascism has a home in our United States.
It's gonna get worse...
My burning question is - Why didn't the press and the Democrats make a bigger deal about Project 2025?
The “press” are owned by very wealthy people who will benefit from 2025 and do not want to run afoul of the 2025 President - especially given his personality type.
MSNBC shows like Nicolle Wallace, Joy Reid and Rachel Maddow DID discuss it and tried but the MAGA faux news and lies on social media outweighed these efforts.
Project 2025 was shouted by many. The cult replied with their propaganda which they listen to. The Propaganda had a louder bigger more insistent voice. Unless u deprogram the cult and they become disillusioned by orange Julius they will not heed the warning. The long game is to keep resisting, not obeying until that happens.
The Cult didn't care, and don't realize what P2025 will mean. The big problem was that so many people who are NOT in the cult but just trying to get through life felt so overwhelmed that they didn't vote.
It may also be that the Putin propaganda machine was so clever at figuring out the biases of everyone on social media that they "persuaded" some intelligent people that the democrats were more "evil" than the Republicans.
Yes. Isn't this really obvious. They hardly mentioned it!
The Dems did. Or tried. Much of the press was asleep or following the horse race. Most people ignored the part of the "press" who covered P2015. So it was up to us to let each other know where to learn about it and what it could mean. It was front and center on substack, and in many of the more responsible news sources. We talked about those too. But not everybody noticed.
I agree that much of the press followed the horse race. Headlines about Biden's age and "deterioration", allowing Trump to broadcast lies without questioning. His recent rallies, dancing, mimicking masturbation with a microphone did not earn headlines in traditional press. It's easy to blame it all on right-wing press but when did the NYT criticize T until the last minute? Trump rode the wave they provided.
It was a huge deal in liberal media. But the right wing media dominates the infosphere. As the post-election analysis continues, its beginning to look like a very significant factor in voting for Trump v. Harris was amount of political news the voter consumed. Period. Low info =Trump. Hi info = Harris.
Possibly across all other groups.
That would be pretty amazing.
“Don’t mourn - organize”
- Molly Ivins
Makes one rather nostalgic for the days of Nixon. That was child's play. This is worrying and scary.
It does doesn’t it ? I am now questioning just how much of Nixon’s summary demise was really to do with his criminal abuse of power and how much to do with his proposition % Daniel Moynihan, to introduce a Guaranteed universal Income to mitigate the economic iniquities at home of the ‘70s US global fiat money project. With hindsight, Cui Bono ?