My heart is so full of gratitude for your generous sharing of your hard work. I know enough about the law from 30 years of bringing environmental lawsuits in local (circuit), state and federal courts to realize how much work it is to do what you are doing for us. You and Heather are my lifeline to sanity. What if either of you weren’t there to keep us informed? And then to contemplate all the people in this country who are walking around totally clueless, or worse, totally brainwashed. It’s mind boggling. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Linda Young

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Can I hear an AMEN!!!?

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Funny thing, I came here to say a big thank you Joyce for all you bring to me. As a non-attorney, I've learned so much about our legal system from you. But Linda Young's post says it so eloquently. Keep writing!!! You're making a difference!!!

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Thank you Nancy. Joyce inspires all of us and many more. She and Heather have created a community that stretches far and wide, populated by hungry minds and open hearts that are fed and comforted by their patient, truthful and brilliant writings.

The ability to inspire and uplift so many people with information that could just as easily bring on deep depression, is truly a gift. How did we get so fortunate?

As Joyce always says, “We’re in this together,” and we are. I want Joyce and HCR to both know how deep our appreciation runs for their commitments to our awareness.

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We are halfway through Heather's new book which includes Reagan's AG's moves to expand presidential powers over the other two branches. Ugh!

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just got the book and eagerly looking forward to reading it....I'm reading "They Want to Kill Americans" by Malcolm Nance, it's a real eye opener too.

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Absolutely agree with every word! Amen!

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Thank you, Linda. Very well said, we are thankful for Joyces’ knowledge of the subject (it is outstandingly important) I don’t know how she manages all this work so graciously, we all are very grateful to her for this. 🇺🇸

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A disturbing thought, however, is the thousands of MAGAs who DON'T get this point if view, and lumber on [and vote] in darkness.

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He blabbed about our nuclear submarine capabilities? Good God. Shouldn’t that be treason?

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One would think, but he clearly acts as if he has lifelong immunity from everything. I remain hopeful he is proved wrong in many venues in the coming year.

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Interesting!? Treason implies formerly having loyalty to our country! The amoral fraud is ONLY loyal to himself!

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“Delay” is Fake 45’s middle name. Joyce, you sure tackled a load of issues that happened today! Trying to keep a positive attitude is sure difficult when dealing with the all of the tricks from Trump and his team. Of course, that’s what they want to do...wear us down. We aren’t going anywhere. The plan is to make certain that we place Trump and Company right into jail cells. We have excellently seasoned attorneys, doing their jobs to prevent this screaming maniac from committing yet another disaster.

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023

Marlene thanks for the reminder that wearing us down is what they want to do and remaining positive can be difficult.

Earlier I wrote (below) about feeling a bit worn down. But also expressed concerns (fears?) about steps they are using that may very well allow him (and them) to “get away with it”.


Will it ever end?! I am so tired of this clown’s delay delay delay tactics and his intent to subvert justice and the rule of law. And with each step, each delay tactic, each off the wall motion, argument, etc etc…All of it has become old, very very old. There seem to be loopholes in the very rule of law meant to hold him accountable that is allowing him to never be held accountable. I hope I’m wrong about this last sentence.

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Hi George T, Perhaps keep in mind that Merrick Garland (who has taken undeserved hits for being careful), (a) chose Jack Smith to lead the charge; (b) made sure he went through every possible step to get the wrongly removed classified documents back from Trump, including an opinion letter from the Acting Director of the National Archives who had previously warned Trump that she was notifying DOJ (Merrick Garland then very likely started the paper trail chain of custody search and knew exactly which documents Trump had taken) - and Merrick Garland did this to ensure Trump could not cry 'unfair' (which he did anyway), but Garland dotted the i's and crossed the t's as he built his case; (c) ordered the FBI to go to Mara Lardo to gain the proof of the classified documents and found empty files with Top Secret markings on the floor of the bathroom near to the public entrance at the pool; (d) called in Jack Smith to run the show from Smith's assignment at The Hague where he had indicted and was bringing alleged war criminal former Kosovo president Thaci accused of selling harvested organs from innocent civilians, and ready to work-a-deal with Trump buddy to trial; (e) had a case that had built on the January 6 Committee ready to hand to Smith with i's dotted and t's crossed. So we have that careful, painstaking and what seems like 'slow' but actually well prepared work done. We have incredibly experienced and passionate prosecutors with Jack Smith and Fani Willis. Jack Smith, on September 22, 2023. Whiting is familiar with mob boss behavior from years as a prosecutor against that element before taking on war criminals. The FBI knows that Trump has organized the MAGA like international terrorists and there is no sugar-coating that Trump has to be brought to justice as quickly as possible. But a single misstep could lead to a mistrial. So the carefulness of Merrick Garland in dotting the i to get the opinion from the National Archives telling Trump he had no right to the documents he took; waiting until then to conduct the FBI raid, turning the case over to Jack Smith with Alex Whiting adding his expertise to the case strengthens it. I want it to happen fast as well. But the bar is high in criminal cases: and with a former president involved, it has to be higher. The judges, and Jack Smith and Fani Willis have had to deal with the side show of Trump sending threats in code to MAGA. I know it seems to you that there are 'loopholes' in the law. I have read the indictments: I don't think what Jack Smith and Fani Willis are bringing to court have loopholes - but I'm not an attorney. But Trump tried to take away our votes - and both the Georgia case and Jack Smith's DC case are charging that and they can work together. Trump can bleat on his social media and organize his mafia like minions but it's worthless blatherskite when the cases gets to court. So it takes time, but what you want is the kind of attorney that has the highest integrity, and not just the skill but the will to bring the criminal to full justice. We have that with Jack Smith and Fani Willis - and not Letitia James. They all have track records, courage, integrity and they are laser focused. I also think it is powerful to remember that you are not alone. We have Joyce and we are in this together.

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Above should say "We have that with Jack Smith and Fani Willis, and *now* with Letitia James." And 18 lines above: "Jack Smith, on September 22, 2023, brought his war crimes deputy from The Hague, Alex Whiting, to work with him.

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Your comment “Loopholes” is all I have been able to (think or wonder) right now I am fearful of this “Making tfg Speaker of the House” he should not be EVER allowed inside “Our” Government again.

Just the fact that he has (allegedly) done all that he is indicted for is reason enough. (Let alone, reasonable r’s did not follow their Oath on the Impeachment(s) (we have video for J6) so much undeniable evidence. “We The People” should have the right to demand they follow their Oath or get voted OUT. So much wrong with all of this. Be well. 🇺🇸

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Blessings to Joyce, Heather, and Robert who are leading us through this tangled mess! There is no way we ordinary citizens can make sense of of what's happening without their help. Their discussion forums on Substacks are a bonus. We share our opinions, observations, and concerns in a respectful way to the benefit of everyone. As Joyce reminds us "we're in this together."

My 2cents: I refuse to be worn down. Continuing to write postcards to get voters to the polls. Trump will continue to delay or request changes of venues. It is his right. Eventually the carousel stops and he'll have to move on. No brass ring for him; more likely cold steel cuffs.

I predict a massive blue wave that will render him totally insignificant now and his bizarre booking photo, his legacy in the history books.

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The law is incredible and so complex. That you translate it and provide ramifications for us such that we can understand it is remarkable. Thank you.

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What a mighty piece of analysis. Can AI replace Joyce Vance? Somehow, I'm doubtful.

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No way, JV OI 'organic intelligence' is much more powerful than AI.

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OI ✅

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Should the six unsupreme justices of the Unsupreme Corrupt Court adopt the Trump argument about presidential immunity, this will be the pin that gets pulled on the grenade embedded in the heart of out system. In one act, these six traitors would destroy the basis of our consitutional democratic republic.

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I don't think it is fair to call them traitors. It is fair to point out the corruption of Thomas that was known before he was confirmed. Don't forget Biden did not let the other women testify against him with Anita Hill. Every decision counts and we can see that now. We should be asking and are asking: Where is the code of ethics the rest of us must comply with or get disbarred? What they are is intellectual ideologs where several are bent on codifying their conservative beliefs into rule of law which often looks like they are not supporting a free and just society where individuals are people and corporations are not. Sad state but the traitors are trumpers in power who helped him in January 2021, not the Court. The Supreme Court unanimously dismissed ALL of Trump's consolidated bs election challenges (at the pleading stage) so they are not traitors! They are people in power with views that may harm the progression of society but they are not traitors. I doubt they are going to expand presidential power, given the state of what that power has been used for by Trump and given the facts of the matter. Let's be more objective in our labels. I think the Justices will honor the Constitution as they see it, whether that agrees with how we see it or not, but they will not legalize Trump's conduct.

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They definitely should not expand presidential powers.

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Vote Blue💙 That is our strength. We now have a wake-up call.

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Hi Joyce, just watched my taped Alex Wagner from today. Liked your segment. Will you comment on the elephant in the room regarding the supreme court’s possibility of expanding presidential powers? What elephant, you ask? If they do ANY DAMN THING before the 2024 elections President Joe Biden can thereafter use those very same powers to reinforce democracy. I’m saddened that no one ever comments about how these decisions can be used for GOOD before the thugs can abuse the people further. Thanks.

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The only problem with your argument is that is premised on consistency and the far right, which now controls the Court, is never consistent. They truly do believe that there are different rules for the right wing and the leftists.

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They don’t actually believe it. They impose it.

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Actually it is premised on their stupidity to believe that it can’t be used by someone other than their favored orange turd.

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I was having a similar thought as read today’s blog. As the saying goes, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

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Joyce, wow. A textbook you’ve written. Impressive. I suppose Trump’s lawyers are doing what they’re paid well to do, but I couldn’t do it and I feel like they’re aiding and abetting. Oops, but there’s that pesky assumption of innocence. But really they’re not arguing his innocence but trying to get him off. Thank you for the excellent essay,

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"But really they’re not arguing his innocence but trying to get him off." Good point!

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Are they getting paid? He has stiffed dozens of legal lap dogs in the past!

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TRUMP: Mar-a-Lago is worth AT LEAST a Billion Dollars.


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👍👍 My first thought when I heard Trump state this in one of his NY court hallway media events. Truly hope an enterprising reporter reveals or Letitia James enters into evidence itemized property tax paid by Trump, et.al. on their properties.

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Joyce, it's rather late, but I always choose to read your late night pieces even with drooping eyelids. LONG one tonight. I'm going back to my statement that the ONLY WAY TO KEEP OUR NATIONAL SECURITY SAFE IS TO CONVICT TRUMP AND GIVE HIM A LOBOTOMY SO HE CAN'T BLATHER ON ABOUT THINGS LIKE NUCLEAR CAPIBILITIES OF OUR FLEET OF SUBMARINES. I realize he's just so damned proud of having his KFC sticky paws on classified documents but we can't allow it, plus we really don't know where else he has some squirrelled away, do we? A LOBOTOMY seals his lips and may even cure his old bone spurs. Who knows? Carry on.

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Mention KFC to Joyce and you have her attention straight away.

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🤣🤣🤣 Love this, thanks for some light to be injected here.

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Give him something more permanent than a lobotomy. A stretched and snapped neck, broken on the third vertebra, known as "the hangman's vertebra."

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Unfortunately, you, William McGuire (above), and others echo the implicit threats of violence that Trump, DeSantis, and other right-wingers frequently invoke against people they don't like. Please don't normalize violence or threats of violence as a regular part of American politics or civil discourse. It's a slippery slope for this to become actual violence.

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This needed to be said. Thanks.

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Oh my, this one woke you up TC!!! Wow. Let's have adaptogens and hibiscus tea. It's true that we are under extreme danger and Jack Smith truly gets it. He recently brought on his deputy from The Hague - and as I'm having my late night hibiscus tea, I'm pondering: 'There can't be a lot of reasons for dragging someone from the Netherlands, who is smack in the middle of a war crimes trial for an ex-president alleged criminal, clear across the ocean, unless one needed extra muscle to help with...what?' A war crimes case? By now Jack Smith has every prosecutor from DC to Cali raising their hands to go help him, and he's bringing an attorney from across the ocean who's in the middle of a major war crimes trial, and with having a war crimes specialty. Back to bed.

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Wow Valerie, that was news (to me) but encouraging. Thank you. Above, LaurieOregon said (not to normalize violence or threats of violence as a regular part of American politics or civil discourse...while that is true...don’t (we deserve a little laugh?) we here appreciate Joyces’ “chicks” feels good to be here with so many that care ...we “are) in this together.♥️

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It was on September 22, 2022. Alex Whiting. Jack Smith, and Whiting work together for three years at The Hague, prosecuting est criminals for crimes against humanity that occurred in Kosovo in the late 1990s. Prior to working with Jack Smith, Alex Whiting worked as a prosecutor with the international criminal court from 2013 to 2013. And since 2007, he has been a visiting professor at Harvard hired by then dean Elana Kagan (now Supreme Court justice). He is super smart and super qualified. He also spent seven years prosecuting organized crime in Boston for the Justice Department from 1995 to 2002. Please know that I am conjecturing about why Jack Smith brought him on. Maybe it was always his plan to have him join his team. But: Trump has organized his MAGA followers into violent practitioners of destroying our democracy by coup. We are in extreme danger. Trump’s aim is to strike such fear in the potential jury members, they won’t serve in grand juries or trial juries. One of his followers showed up to blast his way into an FBI office in Cincinnati. Another MAGA (wearing his hat with an AR gun but had written he planned to kill Biden with an M24 sniper rifle. He was killed in an FBI standoff as he prepared to execute his plans on the morning Biden arrived in SLC. He knew Biden’s route in Salt Lake City. His family, friends and neighbors called his dozens of explicite threats an ‘exercise of his first amendment rights. The MAGA immediately called him a ‘hero.’ Trump does nothing to temper this kind of violence from radicalized followers. Instead he praises it fosters it with Mafia like code messages. So Alex Whiting could be on Jack Smith’s team for his experience in dealing with criminal ex-presidents like Kosovo’s ex-president, awaiting trial for crimes in Kosovo as he was the elected president, including harvesting organs for sale from innocent citizens. And/or his experience prosecuting mob bosses, such as connecting Trump’s code messages to MAGA to individuals acting on them.

I also think TC uses his own vernacular to express himself about Trump and Alabama politicians. I don’t think the TC or members of this forum are falling off the slippery slope cliff to violence. I sense anxiety in and we all need to adhere to Joyce’s message of following the path of law and order. We have absolutely phenomenal prosecutors, and I have 100% confidence in them.

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I love your lobotomy idea although it would be “somewhat” unconstitutional. But it would be best for our national security. Seriously, there is something fundamentally wrong with him that compromises everything he does. He can be told not to do something & he genuinely thinks it doesn’t apply to him. There’s a vacancy in his eyes that does not indicate his comprehension of the statement. This alone makes him unfit to be President or hold any type of office. At his age, I do believe that he wants to delay things long enough until he dies. He wants to postpone everything so he doesn’t go to jail. Prison is what scares him. Just wait, if & when he is convicted on the charges that can land him in the slammer he’s going to pull a Weinstein & show up in a wheelchair, unkept & feeble, wearing house slippers, claiming need of medical treatment, begging for house arrest. He is the epitome of con. Lord help us all.

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I cannot fathom why you would declare a medical procedure as unconstitutional. Maybe they don't call it that, maybe they make up a simple procedure, but then as Charlie Rich used to sing, "but when we get behind closed doors..." hey mistakes happen, just a little nip and tuck and all is well again!

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Fact is 45 still has unclassified docs floating around who knows where and with whom.

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100% as his properties go into receivership, they are ABSOLUTELY going to find more documents. MANY more...

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Lobotomy - He's already had one?

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Thank you, Joyce for explaining these confusing actions of the part of Trump's lawyers. I know he is "innocent" until proven guilty, but for an attorney to claim that any person who ever help the Presidency is immune forever just boggles the mind. Let's imagine for a horrible moment, that Trump regains the Presidency, declares himself dictator for life, dissolves the Department of Justice including the FBI, dismisses all the career diplomats and replaces them with Trump loyalists, and burns the Constitution - all of which he has publicly at one time or another stated. According to his lawyers he is allowed to do so because from nowhere he has been endowed with absolute immunity. Who the hell, do the think he is? Louis the fourteenth? Or maybe Vladimir Putin?

As to electing him to be Speaker of the House: I image for functional dunces like Jim Jordan, and Matt Gaetz that seems like a great idea. Besides being Unconstitutional [that is not what Article 1, Section 2, paragraph 5 says] how could that possibly work? Not being an elected Congress person, such a speaker would have no right to vote, write legislation, or sit on a Committee. Oh, I suppose he could spend 6 hours a day ragging about how great he is.

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Also eating Big Macs!

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Louis, Only a matter of time before metabolic syndrome related conditions begin manifesting. My guess is before or at trial. He looks terrible.

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Ability to function is one thing. The possibility of becoming president while the American Taliban is screaming for murder (of Biden and 2nd-in-line Harris) is another.

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So what you’re saying basically, no matter how much trump’s nickel and dime store lawyers try to slather lipstick on all their pigs, they’re still gonna be pigs with some delay tied to a couple of their screwy little tails. SMH 🤦‍♀️. Unbelievable!

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Exactly. I hadn't read this when I posted my question a few minutes ago. But putting lipstick on a pig, still makes it a pig.

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True, but comparing pigs to Trump is insulting to pigs.

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Pigs have more empathy than cheetolini

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I’ll be drawing up a petition to keep a Trump portrait out of the White House.

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Just use his mug shot, no better reminder than that.

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Or else put it in a special place where one can go to learn about how to lose our democracy.

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I’ll second that petition and raise ya one.

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I intend (I think) to pass it around at the anti Trump symposium in New York on Wednesday at Cooper’s Union. Well known speakers all day long including Mary Trump. I don’t know if tickets are still available probably not but they were only $25 for the day.

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Wow!!! That seems to be all I can say after reading this extensive report of Tuesdays legal maneuvers by the former guy. Yet, let me try in one brief observation: It appears that there are numerous parties (The Federalist Society) who are openly attempt to move away from “democracy and justice for all.”

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No wonder my head hurts.

I always appreciate your explanations that dive deep on the law in these cases because it's all over my fake blond head.

The times we find ourselves in make me realize that " ignorance is bliss" is dangerous to our democracy. We ALL need to be well informed and understand what is happening so we are moved to ACT in anyway we can to assure our democracy stands.

trump as House Speaker is laughable to me, but so was the idea of him being President,.

The jokes on me.

He is a raging bull right now,. Having sat in court for a few days probably drives home just how out of his control this all is.


He's made us all feel out of control for years now.

I shudder to think what Friday brings when Thursday dumped so much in our laps.

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Hallelujah and Amen to everything you wrote. I thank God for you and Heather and other sane voices who can explain in plain terms what is going on.

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