Yes and yes. Removal of Article III judges is by impeachment if I recall correctly and rarely used.
Trump and the senate republicans rammed through a number of judicial appointments that were very conservative and a number of whom were quite young. Look at Brett, Cavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett, young and right wing. Then extrapolate that…
Yes and yes. Removal of Article III judges is by impeachment if I recall correctly and rarely used.
Trump and the senate republicans rammed through a number of judicial appointments that were very conservative and a number of whom were quite young. Look at Brett, Cavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett, young and right wing. Then extrapolate that across numerous district court and circuit Court of Appeals appointments.
Mitch McConnell and the Senate republicans did a tremendous amount of damage to the concept of an independent article 3 Judiciary. In addition, then we have the fiascoand hypocrisy of McConnell in the timing of both the Gorsuch and Amy Coney Barrett appointments. Both of those should have been made by sitting democratic presidents in a timely manner.
Yes and yes. Removal of Article III judges is by impeachment if I recall correctly and rarely used.
Trump and the senate republicans rammed through a number of judicial appointments that were very conservative and a number of whom were quite young. Look at Brett, Cavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett, young and right wing. Then extrapolate that across numerous district court and circuit Court of Appeals appointments.
Mitch McConnell and the Senate republicans did a tremendous amount of damage to the concept of an independent article 3 Judiciary. In addition, then we have the fiascoand hypocrisy of McConnell in the timing of both the Gorsuch and Amy Coney Barrett appointments. Both of those should have been made by sitting democratic presidents in a timely manner.