Joyce At 90 I am galvanized to energize my age group to join the Voters of Yesterday. I have been checking obituaries to make sure that my volunteer list is up to date. We have purchased oil for the wheel chairs and new rubber tips for the canes.

Unfortunately, we cannot assemble to proselytize at early morning commuting stations. Anything before 9 a. M. Is not possible. Also, with dinner @6 and darkness coming shortly thereafter, driving at night is verboten.

We have a slogan 90S FOR BIDEN and are galvanizing against Trump. Another slogan is DEMOCRACY NOW AND FOREVER.

We’re all in this together!

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Good for you, Keith.

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HA! Keith, you crack me up!🤣

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Marlene You are able to survive with your psychology foo foo dust. My salvation in this screwed up world is humor, which kept me relatively sane during my 1960-1966 Congo years. I never thought that anything would Trump that.

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I can only survive with people like yourself and my many friends who exhibit humor, Keith. Without it, we would be very dull and have grim outlooks. Sounds like Trump and Company, don’t you think?!

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Keith, I listen to the Osterholm Update for the latest on infectious diseases like COVID. There are still over 1,000 confirmed COVID deaths a week with > 90% being 65 and over. All old Ds need to make sure to have the latest COVID vaccine now so they can get the new version when it comes out just before the election and are alive to vote!

RShits are way less likely to be vaccinated.


This fact will help swing purple areas Blue.

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Jason We Voters of Yesterday, rejecting Trump’s Covid suggestions of bleach and other remedies, have formed a Pricks With Biden (PWB) brigade. Like Red Cross blood donation cards, we have a PWB card that records all of our Covid pricks.

Some of our younger cadre have formed a rogue group that they call Pricks Against Trump (PAT). The immutable bond between PWB and PAT is that we all agree that, as noted by Stormy Daniels, Trump has a tiny prick that should be vasectocized.

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I love everything about this. Thank you, Joyce, for bring Victor's voice to this community. Really enjoyed his advice on how to better engage with young voters and support their efforts. About to donate to Voters of Tomorrow.

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Apr 5·edited Apr 5Liked by Joyce Vance

Professor, thank you for another well timed 5Q's. As a follow-up I recommend Alex Wagner's 4/4 interview of STACEY ABRAMS on last night's show. In the aftermath of the 2016-18 elections Stacey created two Organizations:

1, FAIR FIGHT which focuses on the infrastructure of Voting in the real world like Georgia.

2. FAIR COUNT which has nothing to do with false "ninjas" but, focuses, year round on "connecting the dots" in Stacey's words & "building a representative democracy". Stacey's org works directly with people asking: Why don't you wan to vote? Anger? What would make you inspired ? Joyous?

There is a lot of protein here; this is not just "Get out the Vote". Stacey is building democratic citizens.

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Yes! Thank you for this. Stacey Abrams understands the challenges to the vote in the way only people who live in the epicenter of a problem can.

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Last night I rewatched Star Trek: Discovery S4:E13. I had forgotten that this is the episode where Stacey Abrams has a role as the president of United Earth!!! HUGE smiles!

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Stacey is John Lewis 2.0. Georgia has some real greats and some false electors (1 a lt gov)

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I listened to a podcast yesterday on X (I tried to download and share but couldn’t unless I paid X for being a special member (can’t think of what it’s called). Anyhow it was about all the accomplishments of Kamala Harris before and after she became VP - she is Impressive. But the media hasn’t covered most of this, leading a lot of voters thinking The VP isn’t doing anything and incapable of stepping into the presidency if need be. She’s totally capable!! She is @IAmPoliticsGirl on Twitter oops (“X”). This message of hers needs to be heard by as many people as possible. If you have access to X please take time to listen.

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The anti-Kamala narrative is really troubling. The coverage forces us to do a deeper dive and our own reading to get a true picture of her accomplishments.

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The Biden campaign must do more to make Vice President Kamala Harris much more visible. Biden did not give her many government assignments where she could shine by succeeding.

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Apr 6·edited Apr 6

I agree that she’s gone around the world many times as an envoy to hot spots and given some stirring speeches but not gotten much publicity and seemingly not solved big problems. Biden needs to publicize Kamala and the others in his administration who are doing their jobs expertly unlike the evil crew that tffg put together that were loyal to Don the con and not to the country. Who was the clown that asked for a zero budget?

Mick Mulvaney


Don the con screwed up the EPA


Why can’t msm focus on actual facts? 🎃💩🤡Unfit for command

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She’s got it rough. Between being female and a POC, there are a whole lot of people who simply just won’t give her a chance.

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They should face her in court! Man oh man. I wouldn’t-want to be on her bad side. Having to do the ‘VP’ thing has taken her out of her true calling IMHO

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Sadly, Judy, I feel like you are correct…

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As I said in my reply above to Francine, I do agree that there is a lack of information or there is false information floating around out there. I live here in California and it seems to be either people either loved her or hated her (similar to how it was with Hillary RC) and there doesn’t feel like there’s much in between. I would love to figure out how to get that word out about her positive accomplishments and I will make that my task over the next week or so! I will share links here as I find them.

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Thank you for your comment about our VP. She is much more capable than the media portrays her.

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It's actually a plus that Gen-Z and other young(er) people don't rely on the MSM (looking at you in particular, NY Times) for their news. At 72, I don't either, so I've been assuming that much of the anti-Kamala sentiment among my news-reading peers was about racism and/or sexism. Now I'm thinking that simple ignorance is a factor as well.

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Yes, Susanna, I’m with you on that! Although I do listen to certain MSM news, I of course mix it with many other sources. I’m really enjoying listening to some of The Lincoln Project Republicans and getting their take on all of this! Rick Wilson, George Conway, Tim Miller all have podcasts that are very enlightening in a good way!

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I meant the speaker is @IAmPoliticsGirl on X

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Is it Leigh McGowan? She has a YouTube Channel:


I think this is what you are talking about:

How Well Do you Know the VP


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Yes! Thank you for the link. 💕💕

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Didn't realize she was on YouTube.

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That's how I know her work - I'm not on Tiktok or X. And of course YouTube is accessible to everyone. If you like something, just subscribe to the channel.

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Politics Girl has UTube videos too! Shes really good.

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That was Politics Girl and I think its on her Tik Tok. I saw it too. It was great. She is great. I am planning to send it to my brother and cousin who are concerned with Biden's age and Kamala's ability. They are democrats but watch too much CNN. Anyway check her out on TikTok. She has many other great videos.

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Being from CA I have always followed her and her rulings, etc. she is one Kick As* lady! And talk about brains. I sometimes wish she had been given the AGO position-not always. She is one wise woman.

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I couldn’t agree more, Francine! I feel like she has been misunderstood by so many people, many of whom live here in California where I live. It feels like people here either loved her or hated her during her tenure as AG, both sides passionate about how they feel. But I feel like the haters don’t have all the information and I would love to get a hold of this video that you watched. Let us all know if you find a way to share the link! Without, of course, happy to pay for it! I will search around on YouTube and see if I can find it or at least a clip of it!

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Joyce, I had hoped that Victor would focus on specific issues such as abortion, guns and climate and how those important issues play out in various states, particularly the key battleground states? Could you invite him back to talk about that and how we could help mobilize them to register as well as to turnout? Many thanks; he will be an extraordinary leader of our country!

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This is a great idea! I absolutely will.

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Many thanks. There are youth voting issues in 13 truly competitive Senate elections. Also Zev Shapiro who is the young manager of Harvard students encouraging voter registration and turnout would be a great guest see www.TurnUp.US

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In 2008 we had a small group of mostly retirees who showed up at UCSD weekly to register students to vote. Sometimes each of us was able to register 50 plus new voters each day! Now UCSD has a young Democrats club. If a university doesn’t have a civics club or an organized political party club I think volunteers helping with voter registration will have the added benefit of promoting organized involvement of students in the future.

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Please describe in a little greater detail how an adult positioned on a college campus actually gets 50 signups; would be very helpful for this audience? Thanks

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We got permission to set up a table in the campus food court during lunch hours - I think it was 10-2. We had all the information they needed to register in san Diego plus info for outside the county of San Diego and students from other states. We had our clipboards filled with registration forms and we checked each one to be sure all boxes were properly filled. We registered all parties and declined to states. The large majority registering were always Democrats. Some said they would register online and we gave them a flyer with sdvote.com so they would remember when they got home.

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👏Fabulous, Deborah! This is the activism that is so needed to educate young voters so, thank you!

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Joyce, I just adore Victor! I follow him on X and the amount of people who like his posts are in the thousands, sometimes in the tens of thousands. This means young people are listening intently. Between Victor and David Hogg, they are the biggest Biden-Harris cheerleaders. I would also like to suggest, if you can, ask the 5 Questions also to Maxwell Frost. I am so very much in awe of him too! Thx

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I will contact the UCSD Young Democrats to find out if they need help registering voters on campus. I would be happy to help. Thank you for your post. Diana Rathbun

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Diana: May I suggest that getting registered voters at Community Colleges is much more important as they will stay on the local community while students at Major universities may not! There are 350 Community Colleges in truly “competitive” congressional district elections! Respectively, that’s where we need to register one million new voters!Yes, we can do that as there are about 3.5 Million students at those same Community Colleges. Folks, Do you want to hear more about how we (you) can help register more Democrats in competitive congressional elections, please “like” this and I’ll follow up? Thanks

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Ira, thank you. I am glad you mentioned the community colleges. San Diego County has a number of them. I look forward to more of your suggestions. Diana

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DianaR: Let’s work together w CCs in CA! I am working on a plan where we get friends to volunteer to go to specific Community Colleges (CCs) and stand or sit at a card table in a public entry place for two or three hours with their cell set up on California’s Register ONLINE link and have a small homemade sign which says: REGISTER TO VOTE ONLINE HERE IN 2 MINUTES! Or have that same message on paper printed out at home with the registration link! And give it out to whoever will take it?

What do you think? Betcha we could register 1,000 over the next few months at EACH CC?

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Will give it a try! D

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Love the Community Collège idea!

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I think the Community Colleges are a good place to reach young voters. D

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In San Diego we were able to set up our table outside. We chose a spot near the food court and at a crossroads of walking paths that was very busy during class changes. We had enough volunteers to talk to and help six or seven students at once since most were hurrying to their next class. Outside the library was a good spot too. Love the CC idea.

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I would also check with Swing Left and/or Indivisible to see if they have a chapter near you. I'm in NC but participate in a weekly virtual letter and postcard writing party with Swing Left Inland Valley (https://www.mobilize.us/mobilize/event/602312/). This has put me on their email list for their newsletter and I know they do a lot of local in-person voter drives -especially at community colleges.

Another good group to hook up with is Field Team 6 (www.fieldteam6.org) which has the tagline "Register Democrats, Save The World!" they do in-person registration training plus offer opportunities to phone- and text-bank and write postcards. BTW, you don't actually use your mobile phone to text for their BYOP program- they adapted their phone bank platform to send out texts. They offer Zoom training every Thursday (https://www.mobilize.us/mobilize/event/405150/)

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Cheryl, Thank you, I will check out these groups. Diana

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Yes, Deborah! Years ago I used to work with Rock the Vote and it was so encouraging to see how many students really truly wanted to register to vote but just didn’t know how to get started. That of course was back when we used clipboards and pencils! Thank goodness now there’s so much online that we can help them with!

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Great to hear from Victor Shi. Great to see his picture with Royce Hall and Powell Library in the background. I got my B.S. and Ph.D. from UCLA, some years ago. Registering and rallying the youth vote will be crucial in this most crucial of elections. Democracy versus fascism, once again.

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I've been following Victor Shi for a good while now--his enthusiasm is contagious! It gives me so much hope to see young people involved and engaged. So grateful he gave the name of Voters of Tomorrow--I just donated to them. Great to see his voice here! 🙏🏼

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I'm a Baby Boomer (that means I'm old...) and will start following him. If Biden wins in November, it will be because of youth turnout. I worked on the campus of a major university for 30+ years and noticed over the last 7 or 8 years a significant increase in the enthusiasm for better political leadership (NOT Tump or his cronies). I am hopeful.

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We're baby boomers as well! So glad to hear the significant increase in the enthusiasm on your campus! HOPE is important!

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Voters of Tomorrow impact: "Contacted over 8.4 million young voters

Reached over 100 million young users on social media

Organized in over 20 states and 40 target campuses

Click here to read our full 2022 Impact Review." From votersoftomorrow.org

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Thank you for the link. I’ve donated.

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You're welcome, Cassandra!

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I am glad to learn, Susan, about Voters of Tomorrow. I will also contribute! Thanks for the extra push to action. My friend Jane's daughter, just getting her Masters May 22 from John's Hopkins, and her 5 good friends, in their mid 20s, are not at all interested in Pres Biden and all the old white men in power including Congress.

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I can understand them not being interested in Pres. Biden--but, unfortunately, the alternative--the end of democracy--is completely not acceptable. Is that not understood by them? My husband and I talk a lot about when we were growing up with the fear of Russia 🫣(yeah -- we're old! :D) and how it's crazy unbelievable to us that people even think about embracing Russia and Putin. 😖 We definitely need some new young faces in Congress. People like Maxwell Alejandro Frost (FL10) and TN State Reps Justin Jones & Justin Pearson are stepping forward and doing great things! Victor Shi will be right there with them!

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Thanks, Susan T. Add the young Congresswoman from Texas, Jasmine Crockett, to your list; there may be others. More are coming (thank God!), but it will take time

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OMG! How could I have not included Jasmine! I hang on her everyone word. She's amazing!

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Im 79 so old as well! Yes I'd forgotten Justin and Justin; thanks for the reminder!

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We live in NH. My daughter will be 30 soon. We frequently talk about the current political climate. She and her fiancé have both said more than once that although they are not excited to vote for President Biden, they will absolutely vote for him, as will their friends. They know what is at stake.

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I’m going to head there now and look for the donation button!

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At a recent family event celebrating the birthday of my oldest grandson (age 20), my husband and I took the opportunity to talk to him and our granddaughter (turning 18 in September) about the upcoming election. They were both very open to having this discussion. My grandson's step-father is a MAGA Trump supporter and my granddaughter's soon to be step-father is a Trump Supporter. They both expressed they don't like the choices of the two candidates we will be voting for in November. We asked questions and listened to their responses. They had questions for us as well. We did the best we could to answer their questions without any bias to a particular candidate. We did dig into the issues their generation cares about. We stressed the importance of participating in democracy. Don't sit this election out because you don't like to choices. We found that both children think highly of Vice President Kamala Harris. Joyce, you have been encouraging us to talk to the young people in our lives. We did just that. It has been on my mind. They know that their grandparents are always open to having these conversations with them. Your conversation with Victor Shi is timely. I will share this conversation with my grandchildren. Thank you for all you do to inform and educate.

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Joyce, this article is helpful and hopeful. I would love to see another such discussion with a member of Generation Z who will articulate for us "elder" voters what the issues are that are most likely to affect their votes. I suspect that they may be, without limitation{ the cost of higher education; the existential fear they have had to grow up with regarding madmen with guns; the collapsing environment; and... Israel. My son is not planning to vote for POTUS, simply but firmly, because his distance from WW!! guilt allows him to question the elder generations' loyalty to the idea of Israel. I am not planning to do battle with him about it. After all, we are in a hopelessly Red state. But dammit.

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Ask your son to check out Simon Rosenberg's Substack "Hopium Chronicles" which clearly explains the compelling economic reasons to vote for 4 more years of Joe Biden. Foreign policy issues come and go. The economy is with us every hour of every day.

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Thanks, Merrill, but alas, he also has a theory that my generation-- I could almost be his grandmother-- robbed his of the opportunity for prosperity. I have to admit his generation is struggling with child care costs, housing costs, student loans, etc. (He is 35, I had him when I was 35). I haven't quite glommed onto the theory, I just remind him that I didn't have an easy path, and do not now.

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I have a 41 year old son who just had hi second child yesterday. He's struggling and very anxious about the future. Fortunately, it's clear to him, regardless of our slow to respond political system, his future looks immeasurably better with Democrats in power and Biden in the White House.

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Honestly, I believe my son would agree with yours, and he is very proud to be a Union member, and he has said he will vote the Democratic ticket, just not for Biden, because he is so angry about his support of Israel. As long as he casts a vote AGAINST Cruz, I'll leave him alone about this.

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Please keep engaging your son over Biden/Israel. Remind him that we have treaty obligations that one just doesn’t wiggle out of willy-nilly. Also, we know very little about what is going on behind closed doors between countries. Israel has been a sore that the scab keeps coming off of because of zealots on both sides who, for reasons of their own, feel it’s in their best interest to keep fueling. We know Netanyahu is in legal trouble so he has very little reason to stop this but pressure is building now in his country. There are protests over his actions in this conflict. Don’t forget, warnings of the Oct.7 attack by Hamas were ignored. Now, check out this link and see if this information would help change his mind. https://youtu.be/pCa1pVQ8zbY?si=68ifyW0sNjFvinei

I don’t know where Beau gets his information, but he has been right on more than one occasion about a great many issues. I hope this helps. Not voting the top of the ticket is still a vote for devastation.

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I did watch Beau, and I'll continue my advocacy, but that son of mine is past thinking my opinions on politics should have any bearing on his opinions. But thanks for your encouragement!

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And how to heck did I leave out bodily autonomy?!?

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Excellent interview.

Now create bullet points and distribute to the mass media.

Biden and Dems across the country must now employ “ young “ surrogates to get the truth out vs the Trumph / Republican mind control propaganda! ; Mein Kampf, Manchurian Candidate etc.

Also ,to take on the Challenge of the Christian take over of the Republic and replace the rule of law with the Christian Bible !

Which was the Federalists greatest fear!

And why the separation of church and state was the most important provision of the Constitution!

We have already allowed for the erosion of the Separation which is the underpinning for much of the contemporary , dangerous divisiveness permeating politics today!

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Thank you Joyce and Victor, this was an inspiring and motivating discussion. I will be donating to Voters of Tomorrow and Maxwell Frost. Maxwell Frost is the first Gen Z representative in Congress from Florida and he is an amazing person. He gives me hope that maybe this state will survive the evil DeSatan.

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Thank you Joyce and Victor. Absolutely an excellent interview. Our youth will lead

the way and are our future.

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My granddaughter and her wife are very into getting rid of Trump as they fear for their marriage, but in their sense of what is going on in the economy it is not getting better. I have emailed them Biden's successes but they have been looking at RFK, Jr. as a difference. I have been mad at RFK, Jr. since he accepted the faux autism from vaccines report (that we all know now is NOT true). It scares me that we have thrown the vaccines, including the ones that have been highly successfully for polio, measles, and small pox, out with the bath water. I had measles and it was a very bad illness, two of my sisters went into convulsions and one even forgot her words and at the age of 4 was taught by mom how to speak again. I was 6 and remember my bout with the measles that was how bad it was on me. I have told many a person, I wouldn't wish measles on my worst enemy. I believe I can turn them around, but we will have to continue to discuss the truth of Biden's successes.

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It goes without saying (but I'll say it anyway...) the only real chance Victor and his young cohorts have to make an impact is with Joe Biden. Don't have to "like" him. Simply have to like having real opportunities down the road to make that contribution and live their lives as they see fit. Having been young once myself, I remember youthful myopia. Made life easier to deal with --- dealing with what was directly in front of you. The young today don't have that luxury, if they want a decent tomorrow.

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This is exactly what my 41 year old daughter has been saying to me, especially that the majority get their news from TikTok. She also stated that her 20- something black and LGBTQ employees do not believe Biden has done anything for them. The Biden administration must start posting these accomplishments on social media, maybe especially TIK TOK

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In my conversations with the kids, the number one issue for them is the genocide in Gaza. It completely overshadows Trump's threat to our democracy. Based on my small sample size, Biden is not going to see the youth voters turn out for him unless he does more than grumble about what Israel is doing while continuing to give them bombs and money to do it.

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if they hate the Genocide in Gaza, they need to understand that if they don't vote for Biden - it will happen here 😭 Netanyahu and tRump are one in the same.

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Gaza is the continuation of a 4000 year old biblical war premised on a promised land grant God made to Abraham. It won't be settled without a biblical compromise between the religious zealots in both sides.

Changing the US president won't help.

However, your kids can vote to continue the amazing direction of the US economy. Tell them to read Simon Rosenberg's blog Hopium Chronicles. They might a clearer picture of the stakes in 2024.

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I agree! I had dinner with my godkids last night and Gaza was a deal breaker for them and many of their friends. They will sit this election out and not be guilted into voting for Biden even knowing how devestating another Trump term would be.

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Michelle, Are these young people single issue voters? Is there some way that you can open their eyes to at least some of the other issues facing them?

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