No magic. Just an effective majority that could accomplish what we both want. NOTHING of the nature you describe will get out of a committee run by Republicons.
You are right. We should push our agenda of justice. But attempting anything meaningful in a House of Reps owned by MAGA maniacs is like bringing a tennis racket to a hockey game.
No magic. Just an effective majority that could accomplish what we both want. NOTHING of the nature you describe will get out of a committee run by Republicons.
You are right. We should push our agenda of justice. But attempting anything meaningful in a House of Reps owned by MAGA maniacs is like bringing a tennis racket to a hockey game.
No magic. Just an effective majority that could accomplish what we both want. NOTHING of the nature you describe will get out of a committee run by Republicons.
You are right. We should push our agenda of justice. But attempting anything meaningful in a House of Reps owned by MAGA maniacs is like bringing a tennis racket to a hockey game.