Wish someone would flush that sugar-honey-iced-tea (that what we kids would say, to keep from getting our mouths washed out with soap) down a toilet, if they can find one that wouldn't get clogged by all the stuff.
However, I am reading he still has the majority votes in the electoral college, so that is what is worrisome. I don't see him getting the popular vote, but he does not need to.
Hopeful scenario notwithstanding, maga2025 billionaires, after decades of expense and organizing, aren't about to abandon their chance at hegemony. The desperation and situational momentum are palpable. In an upcoming political intrigue novel, a mid-October brutal, criminal false-flag dark op is in the works which will strongly affect gullible voters' decisions. Follow the dancing acronyms: FBO, JDV, USSS, IED, FBI, NTSB, FAA, MSM, MSM, MSM. It plays to the candidates strength (publicity mendacity) and agencys' protocol inertia. Opposition can only blubber innocence. It must be stopped. Insiders, patsies and contractors very likely are already in place...the election must proceed, swing voters flop, a vp filler, DJr?, installed, all without a disruptive civil war. People are outraged, but still shop. IT MUST BE STOPPED. (buy the book)
And this morning during the moment of silence he was photographed staring up at the freedom tower ..my read is that he was admiring the building and wondering how it was that he was not the creator..look at the pic..
I was astonished- no appalled- listening to the post ABC panel processing the debate and discussing- oh yes- Harris did a great job- but at the same time seeming to normalize what we had just all seen as being a debate between 2 “normal” people. One just did (mostly) better than the other!! Huh??!! How about calling out the crazy one the lie after effing lie- the rage- the danger- right there in front of everyone’s eyes. How about let’s get the media to stop normalizing him as just a candidate… Mr president- you must be kidding!
Bill, I think you tried a while back to give me the courage to say it, so here goes:
Trump is full of shit. No doubt in my mind. Perhaps what's why a lot of people have mentioned a rather unpleasant odor when they're within 100 feet from him, even if they're all outside. [Still can't unsee that picture of him at his golf course in at Lansdowne, VA, when his back was to the camera.]
Wow, what a weight is off my shoulders now! Thank you!
I apologize to Joyce, because she's a lot nicer than I could ever be.
And you can say it too, Trump is SHIT. And one day in the future, since I intend to outlive him, I will crap on his grave even if I am arrested. My only desire is to be the first and I had better not wait long. In fact where ever he is laid to rest, a fence is likely to be erected around the mausoleum so I will likely have to fling it from a distance.
Bill (and Jeanne), could I please join y'all in the flinging contest? If they install a moat around his gaudy mausoleum, or an electrified fence with concertina wire (like around jails), if someone you know has a drone with "dropping" equipment, that might work! Let me know when and where.
Speaking of that brown pile that Maria (above your comment) added, I wish I had the capability to email readers here. As it happened, I had received TWO letters with the return address 'PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP," which made my breakfast cereal start saying hello again. How they got my name scares me, but I figured out what to do with those envelopes.
I was about to change the cat box, which was full of surprises.
This sounds nasty, but I was wearing gloves. I put one of the envelopes down on the kitty litter and accidentally dropped a few of Petey's "droppings" over the envelope. Since his wimpy supporters didn't include an actual address for THE lifelong POTUS, I couldn't wrap the whole thing up and mail it back.
It grosses me out to think that the GQP has my name and address, because only Blue blood runs through my veins.
Oooh, I left out the most important part! I took a picture of my creative artwork. Thought I typed that already but I proofread this after the fact and realized I must have deleted that sentence?!?
Yeah, just like he did a thumbs up and big smile at Arlington National Cemetery. I am sorry, but in this regard, he is a piece of 💩.
We had a saying on the wall when I was a Zoo Keeper. “shit washes off”.
There isn’t enough water or disinfectant on our planet to clean Trump up.
Big well-deserved smile emoji!
Wish someone would flush that sugar-honey-iced-tea (that what we kids would say, to keep from getting our mouths washed out with soap) down a toilet, if they can find one that wouldn't get clogged by all the stuff.
I hope it was framed. I own a framing business if it isn’t, lol.
However, I am reading he still has the majority votes in the electoral college, so that is what is worrisome. I don't see him getting the popular vote, but he does not need to.
Desperado has 2 more cards to play. No oligarchic demographic has had 20m armed cult to mobilize, but there is another move. Mid-October.
Maga billionaires won't risk all their decades of efforts on the slim margins of a flawed electoral system.
What's mid-October?
jeffrey snyder
just now
Hopeful scenario notwithstanding, maga2025 billionaires, after decades of expense and organizing, aren't about to abandon their chance at hegemony. The desperation and situational momentum are palpable. In an upcoming political intrigue novel, a mid-October brutal, criminal false-flag dark op is in the works which will strongly affect gullible voters' decisions. Follow the dancing acronyms: FBO, JDV, USSS, IED, FBI, NTSB, FAA, MSM, MSM, MSM. It plays to the candidates strength (publicity mendacity) and agencys' protocol inertia. Opposition can only blubber innocence. It must be stopped. Insiders, patsies and contractors very likely are already in place...the election must proceed, swing voters flop, a vp filler, DJr?, installed, all without a disruptive civil war. People are outraged, but still shop. IT MUST BE STOPPED. (buy the book)
I don't have time for BS. None of us do. Either say it or don't say it. Not buying.
Thx for taking time to respond. Some people read things like this out loud.
Remember that the polls can reflect a two week delay.
And this morning during the moment of silence he was photographed staring up at the freedom tower ..my read is that he was admiring the building and wondering how it was that he was not the creator..look at the pic..
I was astonished- no appalled- listening to the post ABC panel processing the debate and discussing- oh yes- Harris did a great job- but at the same time seeming to normalize what we had just all seen as being a debate between 2 “normal” people. One just did (mostly) better than the other!! Huh??!! How about calling out the crazy one the lie after effing lie- the rage- the danger- right there in front of everyone’s eyes. How about let’s get the media to stop normalizing him as just a candidate… Mr president- you must be kidding!
Your observations are probably spot-on.
However, I don't trust him. Call me the worst cynical person on Joyce's substack, but I think he also had nefarious things on his mind.
You can say shit here.
Bill, I think you tried a while back to give me the courage to say it, so here goes:
Trump is full of shit. No doubt in my mind. Perhaps what's why a lot of people have mentioned a rather unpleasant odor when they're within 100 feet from him, even if they're all outside. [Still can't unsee that picture of him at his golf course in at Lansdowne, VA, when his back was to the camera.]
Wow, what a weight is off my shoulders now! Thank you!
I apologize to Joyce, because she's a lot nicer than I could ever be.
In all regards, he is a piece of 💩
And you can say it too, Trump is SHIT. And one day in the future, since I intend to outlive him, I will crap on his grave even if I am arrested. My only desire is to be the first and I had better not wait long. In fact where ever he is laid to rest, a fence is likely to be erected around the mausoleum so I will likely have to fling it from a distance.
Thanks for the laugh Bill. Let's have a shit flinging contest when the glorious time arrives.
Bill (and Jeanne), could I please join y'all in the flinging contest? If they install a moat around his gaudy mausoleum, or an electrified fence with concertina wire (like around jails), if someone you know has a drone with "dropping" equipment, that might work! Let me know when and where.
Speaking of that brown pile that Maria (above your comment) added, I wish I had the capability to email readers here. As it happened, I had received TWO letters with the return address 'PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP," which made my breakfast cereal start saying hello again. How they got my name scares me, but I figured out what to do with those envelopes.
I was about to change the cat box, which was full of surprises.
This sounds nasty, but I was wearing gloves. I put one of the envelopes down on the kitty litter and accidentally dropped a few of Petey's "droppings" over the envelope. Since his wimpy supporters didn't include an actual address for THE lifelong POTUS, I couldn't wrap the whole thing up and mail it back.
It grosses me out to think that the GQP has my name and address, because only Blue blood runs through my veins.
Thought this would make you smile!
Oooh, I left out the most important part! I took a picture of my creative artwork. Thought I typed that already but I proofread this after the fact and realized I must have deleted that sentence?!?
In all things he has not one redeeming anything!