Watch EASY RIDER, a quintessential road movie from 1969. "Don't Bogart That Joint, My Friend" is on the soundtrack, and there are plenty of visual illustrations of what it's about.
You were a “square” boomer. Most were so your in the majority. I was a hippie. I sold weed on the street at the tender age of 14. You might say I developed my sense of business on the street. Now, would you like to buy some art. Or perhaps my book, “Donald’s Vanity Tantrums?”
You obviously have not “smoked.” Or, heard the song about “bogarting that….”
Smoked yes but still never heard the term referring to the joint I was enjoying and I’m a Boomer.
Watch EASY RIDER, a quintessential road movie from 1969. "Don't Bogart That Joint, My Friend" is on the soundtrack, and there are plenty of visual illustrations of what it's about.
Let's see. Google says song by Little Feat. Wish I could remember specifically but probably smoked too much dope.
That is also my situation! And I’m also a boomer.
You were a “square” boomer. Most were so your in the majority. I was a hippie. I sold weed on the street at the tender age of 14. You might say I developed my sense of business on the street. Now, would you like to buy some art. Or perhaps my book, “Donald’s Vanity Tantrums?”