Agree, why are animals so comforting and humans so despicable. I support several cat and other charities and was informed that New Zealand has cat hunts. Pictures of tabbies like my beautiful Reina hanging dead like fish made me physically ill. I visited NZ but never again.
Agree, why are animals so comforting and humans so despicable. I support several cat and other charities and was informed that New Zealand has cat hunts. Pictures of tabbies like my beautiful Reina hanging dead like fish made me physically ill. I visited NZ but never again.
Cats are not native to NZ are responsible for the near extinction of 33 species of birds and the total extinction of 9 birds! How do you justify that? Cats belong inside where they are safe themselves. Outside cats need to be eliminated by whatever means necessary. Birth control would help to eliminate this problem.
Agree, why are animals so comforting and humans so despicable. I support several cat and other charities and was informed that New Zealand has cat hunts. Pictures of tabbies like my beautiful Reina hanging dead like fish made me physically ill. I visited NZ but never again.
Cats are not native to NZ are responsible for the near extinction of 33 species of birds and the total extinction of 9 birds! How do you justify that? Cats belong inside where they are safe themselves. Outside cats need to be eliminated by whatever means necessary. Birth control would help to eliminate this problem.
I agree wholeheartedly about the birds, but cat hunts are downright cruel.