I just had to tell you I so admire you for your kindliness toward the better creatures of this world. I only had a rooster I named Harry after my uncle when I was about 4 years old. My folks took Harry from me toward the end of that summer to a farm they said. I repeatedly asked if we could visit Harry and they always told me later. My early introduction to adult lies.
I now rescue cats and have 7 of them. I should have 8 but donтАЩt ask why not 8 today. Someone remarked how my house doesnтАЩt smell of cat. Hello. I clean house thatтАЩs why. I have a profound soft spot in my heart at this point. If I see a cat killed on the road I must stop and pick it up and bring it to a dignified resting place. I would like to live with a woman friend but she doesnтАЩt like cats. ThatтАЩs a deal breaker.
Thank you for your kindness, Bill. Cats are wonderful and fascinating creatures. Thank you for rescuing them, and respecting them at all stages of their life and beyond.
I have a friend who thought that she hated cats until her daughter insisted that she bring a pet cat into their home. Once my friend got to know the cat she changed her tune 100%. She became a cat rescuer and organized the best tour I ever took. It was to Italy to see cats as working cats, sanctuary cats and other cat related occasions, sponsored by her group Friends of Roman Cats. There is no zealot like a convert.
Perhaps your lady friend has never known a cat? There is no good reason not to love and respect them, IMO. BTW, I didn't know that Joyce had an indoor cat Juliet.
My husband said he didn't care for cats when I first met him. That was until I brought my big tabby, Jake, to live with us. We laugh about how Jake would follow Jim around in our yard when he worked outside. My husband is now a proud "Cat Mandoo"and is in love with our current 2 boys.
My husband never had any pets in his life. He and our now 2 yr old Felix is his best friend. They nap together every day...with Felix sleeping draped over my husband's side. Tried to include the photo but somehow couldn't do it. It's very cute.
Do you suppose I could get my pick of the litter? And yes, I wrote a song about that, too. t. тАЬTheyтАЩre Eating Cats and Dogs Says J.D. Vance.тАЭ IтАЩll attach it later.
No I would have had them build a rooster and chicken house so I could have continued the relationship. It was terribly short-sided on their part to introduce a pet then remove it.
AI says "Certain portions of the site may be temporarily degraded during maintenance" apparently scheduled for 5AM - 4PM flock time ... er ... Eastern.
Thank you Professor; take a breather on the 11th Circuit: "PACER & CM/ECF are unavailable on Sunday, January 12, 2025. "
Oh no! I just refreshed and saw that. Whatever are we going to do?
I just had to tell you I so admire you for your kindliness toward the better creatures of this world. I only had a rooster I named Harry after my uncle when I was about 4 years old. My folks took Harry from me toward the end of that summer to a farm they said. I repeatedly asked if we could visit Harry and they always told me later. My early introduction to adult lies.
I now rescue cats and have 7 of them. I should have 8 but donтАЩt ask why not 8 today. Someone remarked how my house doesnтАЩt smell of cat. Hello. I clean house thatтАЩs why. I have a profound soft spot in my heart at this point. If I see a cat killed on the road I must stop and pick it up and bring it to a dignified resting place. I would like to live with a woman friend but she doesnтАЩt like cats. ThatтАЩs a deal breaker.
Thank you for your kindness, Bill. Cats are wonderful and fascinating creatures. Thank you for rescuing them, and respecting them at all stages of their life and beyond.
I have a friend who thought that she hated cats until her daughter insisted that she bring a pet cat into their home. Once my friend got to know the cat she changed her tune 100%. She became a cat rescuer and organized the best tour I ever took. It was to Italy to see cats as working cats, sanctuary cats and other cat related occasions, sponsored by her group Friends of Roman Cats. There is no zealot like a convert.
Perhaps your lady friend has never known a cat? There is no good reason not to love and respect them, IMO. BTW, I didn't know that Joyce had an indoor cat Juliet.
My husband said he didn't care for cats when I first met him. That was until I brought my big tabby, Jake, to live with us. We laugh about how Jake would follow Jim around in our yard when he worked outside. My husband is now a proud "Cat Mandoo"and is in love with our current 2 boys.
My husband never had any pets in his life. He and our now 2 yr old Felix is his best friend. They nap together every day...with Felix sleeping draped over my husband's side. Tried to include the photo but somehow couldn't do it. It's very cute.
Dear Bill, you just might qualify for an honorary membership in the Childless Cat Ladies Club!!!
Do you suppose I could get my pick of the litter? And yes, I wrote a song about that, too. t. тАЬTheyтАЩre Eating Cats and Dogs Says J.D. Vance.тАЭ IтАЩll attach it later.
We had a rooster named Atticus - he was so protective of his ladies but he scared the ever-lovin' crap out of me!
Come on, Bill. Would you rather your folks traumatized you at 4 years old by telling you Harry was killed and cooked?
No I would have had them build a rooster and chicken house so I could have continued the relationship. It was terribly short-sided on their part to introduce a pet then remove it.
Do chickens get cold feet in snow?
I'd like to see what snowshoes shaped like chicken feet look like on these folks,
In San Francisco a man takes his pet duck out for dailhy walks. He has duck shoes for the creature, I think.
No they're scared of stepping out -- Bada-Boom.
Per "AI Overview":
AI says "Certain portions of the site may be temporarily degraded during maintenance" apparently scheduled for 5AM - 4PM flock time ... er ... Eastern.