I needed a chicken story tonight. Thank you. You need to write a book! Wayward chickens. Hurricane. Blue eggs. Oh, my. I'd buy it for my grandkids.

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When the election is over, perhaps she can be pressured to do the book. An MTV Chicken Dance video would work too.

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I’m reminded of Harry the Rooster, named for my Uncle Harry, who I cared for one blessed spring and summer once upon a time.

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I once had a cow named after me - but the farmer had to sell her because she wasn't a good mama. I could have told them that would happen! (Lol - I'm one of them childless cat ladies...)

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Linda, a bedtime chicken story is just what I needed too. Oh Joyce. Could you leave this someplace we can watch this as needed???

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I'm going to try saving the email to one of my folders, so I can watch it whenever I need a few big smiles!

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I also needed that story. This week has not been that great, either. As for "Wayward Chickens", I'd buy that book for myself!

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Yes, Dianne, me too!

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I volunteer to illustrate the book! In watercolor...


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If you're really serious, I volunteer to write the words.

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i'd buy it for me!

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Esther is now the official poster hen for reproductive rights.

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T-shirts & hats!

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"We will be known by our colors" (my version of Matthew 7....)

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You, Patricia, are too funny! 😂

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Your chickens are fascinating. Reading your stuff is an education. Thank you.

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Sally, yes it has been very educational. And sweet!!!

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When we were first married, decades ago, we rented a small house on 4 acres, with a barn and fenced pasture. We were city kids who knew nothing. Our neighbors thought we were cute, so we wound up with two horses fresh off the Montana range, a goat, a whole bunch of chickens, a turkey, and uncounted rabbits - none of which we paid for. Our neighbor was president of the Minnesota Rabbit Breeders' Association. He would give us his culls that weren't show quality, and like a good little mad scientist, I set out to cross-breed them in an insane attempt (hey - I was 21!) to create a really colorful rabbit. My chickens, meanwhile, were out doing it all on their own! We incubated a clutch of Black Langshank chickens, and one of the roosters from that batch imprinted on me. That damned bird rode on my shoulder and pooped down my back for years!

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Great story! 😁

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Deb Jensen, you and Joyce along with other responders much get together and write a book or several children’s books.

I appreciated each comment!!!!

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After fake feline fricassee fabrications and Victor Orban fanboyism, your chickens are such a calming dose of reality. I wish Esther the best with her brood.

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I know so little about chickens - love the info & the photos. Never realized how beautiful and varied they are! Stay dry!

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Years ago, I loved going to the county fair... mostly to see all the different chickens and rabbits. I was amazed that there were so many varieties of chickens. Who would have imagined! This was true of the rabbits too. It boggles the mind. A very fond memory.

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I really needed a little break from all the serious stuff in our lives. Thanks for giving us great information and an update on the chickens. Stay safe.

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I was just thinking: the only thing I want tonight is a good chicken story. No politics, not the weather, and especially not the fires we have going on. Only chickens. Thank you!

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LOL it's a chicken soap opera! I love it. Please let us know how the saga turns out :-)

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Don't know if it's still on any longer (I used to record "Guiding Light" so I could binge-watch on the weekends), but there was a soap called "All My Children." Joyce, you might borrow from that title and call it "All My Chickens." Actually, contacting someone at PBS miight not be a bad idea. They have a long list of shows for young children now. I wonder how many of them might benefit from learning about chickens???

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Oh wow


ALL MY CHICKENS is hysterical! 🤣

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Sherry, can't you picture Joyce walking up on stage to accept her Emmy for "Best New Program?"

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I wanna know who the baby-daddy is!

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That naughty little hen not's saying. Either she's protecting his identity, or is not too sure? No matter what she's been up to, she has a wonderful "mother" and dog name Bella who are happy for her. What kind of "little chick" shower snacks might be appropriate? Cornbread, instead of cake?

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Yes, me too!

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Beautiful! I am longing for the time when we will have more pics and stories about chicks and less about political turkeys and weasels (no offense to turkeys and weasels).

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At some point I hope the producers at MSNBC have sense enough to ask you to expound upon all the wisdom you have gained from living with chickens. It would be a great relief from much of the dreadful political theater we have to deal with (as important as that is) and reacquaint us with some of the joys of ordinary life.

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Richard! Please! MSNBC is not, to my knowledge, partnering with the an Alabama Grange.

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Stay safe and hope all goes well for you and the whole family, and the storm leaves you all together and well.

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So nice to see & read about chickens. I’m so sick & tired of trump.

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Such a fresh escape, thank you Joyce!

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So sweet. A lovely respite. Wishing you good luck with the storm!

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It's nice to have something else to anticipate. Crossing my fingers for a healthy brood.

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