Joyce, Your comments in this post seem especially important to me. Often, I suspect, many of us want to write or speak about the upcoming election in a persuasive manner, but we don't have handy the three to five items we can tick off that might be helpful. At this juncture, what are the main points you believe would serve us best in influencing voters to reject Trump/MAGA. You're a marvel! Thanks for all you are doing; I know it ain't easy!

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I wish we used the popular vote, we need to get rid of the Electoral College!

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I recently wrote a letter to the editor. Sweet and simple more people voted for Biden than trump in 2020. Trump would not accept the results and he will not accept the result of 2024. Unless he wins. Then I reminded people to check their registration and id was up to date and to vote in November. Maybe just the facts will be enough to change some minds. Thanks Joyce for your wisdom.

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Thank you, Joyce. And while you may be the 8th most popular stack in the politics category, for me, and I'm sure many, many others, you're number one at helping us keep hope alive!

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I’m someone who frequently uses ride sharing and I am making it my mission to discuss with the drivers the importance of voting. Most conversations have been positive.

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I always appreciate and enjoy your formidable acumen and thorough missives Joyce - but I am at a loss as to understand the notion that Trump even has a chance to win even without a conviction. He lost last time (fair and square) and his die-hard MAGA base has not grown (but louder maybe). Furthermore, a significant number of old-school (rational) GOP faithful folks who voted for him last time are not going to this time now that they have more clearly seen his malfeasance and his spouting Nazi-like rhetoric during his ongoing (and getting worse) legal liabilities death spiral. Mind you, do we need to be vigilant and "keep the pedal to the metal" about getting the vote out? yes. Bottom line: there will be an even bigger Blue Wave this time🌊🌊🌊.

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Toward the end of my weekly newspaper column, I wrote this:

The outcome of the 2024 election depends on the answer to this question: comes there a point when facts about President Biden’s and Democrats’ successes are so numerous and Trump’s lies so undeniable that even the fully Foxified will be unable to dismiss them? If they’re in the midst of a hundred sunny days, during which Fox “news” and the whole coterie of media liars, plus Trump, Speaker Mike, et al., tell them around the clock that it’s raining, will they finally notice they’re not getting wet and set aside their red umbrellas? It’s not impossible. But, dang: seeing interviews with them, it sure seems unlikely.

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Tfg’s Merry Christmas rant was a plea to find him unworthy of the presidency. He really just wants to spend the rest of his life cheating at golf and throwing food at the walls. Let’s arrange that for him.

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S straight forward facts. Simple respectful discussion together with "and" rather than "but' in order to voice a different view. Listening. Not dismissing. Hearing the things people want for their lives and knowing the accomplishments of the current administration can go a long way. Just offering someone a ride in the coming year, for ANY voting event. It can be very difficult to respond with non- damning words when you feel strongly that someone has missed the point which you see so clearly. Attitudes don't shift to the positive that way. I know when I feel someone has heard me, rather than dismissed me, I'd like to hear more from them.

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Leonard Katz


Recent polls indicate that there is a good chance that ex-President Donald Trump will lose the 2024 Presidential election by a substantial margin.

What is extremely concerning is how he will deal with the loss. The violence that he promoted after losing the 2020 election is nothing compared to what he and his criminal co-conspirators are already planning for 2024.

It is well documented that treasonous MAGA conspirators have infiltrated law enforcement and the military, and are prepared to take orders from Donald Trump and his lawless criminal friends in a final, violent attempt to take over our government and end democracy.

It is imperative that the Biden administration use the tools currently available to root out these treasonous criminals and put them in prison where they belong.

Many of them have gone far enough to warrant execution for their treasonous acts.

It is not enough that we simply sit back and ASSUME that the “good guys”will win as Trump and his criminal co-conspirators will tell the same or similar lies to those told after his loss of the 2020 election. THEY WILL DO ANYTHING TO ASSURE THAT DEMOCRACY IS DESTROYED AS A METHOD OF THEM STAYING IN POWER!

The only thing that matters to them is their own selfish goals.

We must not allow this to happen and must be prepared to fight for what we all know could be the last gasp of Democracy...ITS NOW OR NEVER!

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I really hope you're right that there is still hope. I worry if people don't see his absolute awfulness by now they are too lost ( or also too awful). They seem to be doing so well getting trials pushed back too 😭 Big love to you Joyce. You're the sanity in all this madness ❤️

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I am still astonished that anyone would consider TFG worthy of their vote. How can this be fixed? Logic does not prevail. I still think a little LSD in the water supply couldn't hurt...

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I always share your column and I am sorry, but I can’t share this one as I loathe the New York Times for their terrible political reporting since 2016. I do not read, subscribe or spread it’s words.

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"that’s why the January 6 hearings moved public opinion so significantly"

I don't recall any significant shift in public opinion following the hearings. Is there some data on this?

Trump has already been convicted in a couple of cases, but it didn't affect his polls in the least, in fact it might have helped him. I'm not sure why this would change with further convictions, which he will just label as political persecution.

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He can’t afford to lose any votes. Lots of factors between now and the next election will whittle away at that base.

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First, you assume Trump people are still in my life. Second, I'm wondering why you haven't spoken up about Substack allowing uncensored white supremacist speech on their site. This is Trump's base. And what Trump did more than anything is to legitimize white supremacist views. Isn't Substack doing the same? And wouldn't you standing up have an impact?

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