Thanks for this column, Joyce. I hope these drop box attacks mean more people realize what's at stake and will vote.
Coming to terms with the embrace of authoritarianism and bigotry by 1/3-1/2 of the population is really hard. There will always be wannabe and actual tyrants like Trump, Putin, and many others. But I really struggle to understand why ordinary people like/admire/worship them.
Thanks for this column, Joyce. I hope these drop box attacks mean more people realize what's at stake and will vote.
Coming to terms with the embrace of authoritarianism and bigotry by 1/3-1/2 of the population is really hard. There will always be wannabe and actual tyrants like Trump, Putin, and many others. But I really struggle to understand why ordinary people like/admire/worship them.
The clingers to religion got their panties in a wad about what he said, but note he said "guns and religion"because to some they're the same thing, their god by force.
People of faith believe others have a right to choose, not be forced with a gun.
But sadly, they are. Freud had to come to terms with the breadth of the Nazi movement, and he formed a very pessimistic view on human aggression. They are not sick in ways to treat with a pill or therapy.
Laurie, In my view, many of us have difficulty internalizing how TrumpтАЩs politics of grievance cunningly, and I dare say effectively, links immigrants and Democrats and others to the economic pain and other problems that his supporters are experiencing. This stratagem includes reinforcing their worldview that they have been left behind, that they have been shut out of the political conversations by so-called elites, a cleverly contrived scheme, in my view, that not only is incredibly effective but that also is key to TrumpтАЩs staying power and the explanation, regardless of the election outcome, as to why Trumpism will continue beyond Trump.
Annie, Clearly, youтАЩre right, and I would add they also believe, whether rightly or wrongly, they would be able to control Trump to ensure that their self-serving impulses were satisfied. That said, I would ask that you note that my comment was a reply to LaurieтАЩs struggle over why тАЬordinary people like /admire /worshipтАжtyrants like Trump.тАЭ
Daniel, While IтАЩm aware the oligarchs have hitched their wagon to Trump, rightly or wrongly presuming they can control him and thus advance their personal self-serving impulses, I donтАЩt regard the rest of the cult nearly as monolithic. Hence, why I wrote тАЬeconomic pain and other problems [Trump]тАжsupporters are experiencing,тАЭ Additionally, while I would grant racism is a key underlying factor, I would submit itтАЩs not the sole factor.
Consider the irony of a SSI recipient who votes Republican. People who need SSA, Medicare, VA, etc. People on food stamps.
Still time to flip 2020 Trump voters. Please repeatedly post "not suckers or losers" comments in social media. According to Facebook, there are 4 million veterans and active duty members on Facebook, as well as 12.5 million family members and 242 million friends with veterans or active duty members. Military sites, veterans' organizations, historical sites. Vote vets has already flipped many 2016 and 2020 Trump voters. It's up to people like you who are on social media.... when you comment you'll see what I mean. Many of the people involved are dependents, family members, friends and neighbors who are interested in the military and or national security and for whom this is news. Takes repetition and substantiation by people they trust.
Daniel, While I subscribe to Substacks, IтАЩm not on social media. Hence I pass on your posts to those who are, while I hone my phone banking and canvassing acumen.
Income inequality is a huge part of the problem here. The trumpers think he can fix for them what they cannot fix themselves. They are desperate and they see him as their saviour...he will of course be their further demise.
"Trump supporters" come in at least two varieties. There's the so-called "base," the MAGAts, the true believers. They are overwhelmingly white. They aren't wealthy, but in general they're not poor either. Then there's the much smaller group that has been using the GOP all along and is still supporting and bankrolling Trump. This group doesn't have nearly enough votes to win an election, so, at least since Nixon's "southern strategy," they've been courting white people who believe in white supremacy. After Roe v. Wade, they added conservative Christians -- Evangelicals and Catholics, again overwhelmingly white -- to the coalition. The "politics of grievance" does target elites, but it focuses primarily on people of color and "uppity" women.
Worship is the right word here. Check out тАЬBuilding GodтАЩs KingdomтАЭ by Julia Ingersoll. The MAGA core are doing what they are doing out of religious zeal. We, the world, must be ruled by Biblical Law as defined by them. Trump was chosen by God. Seriously.
Thanks for this column, Joyce. I hope these drop box attacks mean more people realize what's at stake and will vote.
Coming to terms with the embrace of authoritarianism and bigotry by 1/3-1/2 of the population is really hard. There will always be wannabe and actual tyrants like Trump, Putin, and many others. But I really struggle to understand why ordinary people like/admire/worship them.
Probably because they are not тАЬordinaryтАЭ people. Freud would have a field day ЁЯзР
They're the "deplorables" that Hillary talked about! She was spot on.
Obama was right also when he described them as "clinging to guns and religion"
Guns, religion -- and race.
I keep thinking the same thing.
The clingers to religion got their panties in a wad about what he said, but note he said "guns and religion"because to some they're the same thing, their god by force.
People of faith believe others have a right to choose, not be forced with a gun.
But sadly, they are. Freud had to come to terms with the breadth of the Nazi movement, and he formed a very pessimistic view on human aggression. They are not sick in ways to treat with a pill or therapy.
Laurie, In my view, many of us have difficulty internalizing how TrumpтАЩs politics of grievance cunningly, and I dare say effectively, links immigrants and Democrats and others to the economic pain and other problems that his supporters are experiencing. This stratagem includes reinforcing their worldview that they have been left behind, that they have been shut out of the political conversations by so-called elites, a cleverly contrived scheme, in my view, that not only is incredibly effective but that also is key to TrumpтАЩs staying power and the explanation, regardless of the election outcome, as to why Trumpism will continue beyond Trump.
A lot of Trump supporters have no economic problems whatsoever. They are wealthy and greedy.
Annie, Clearly, youтАЩre right, and I would add they also believe, whether rightly or wrongly, they would be able to control Trump to ensure that their self-serving impulses were satisfied. That said, I would ask that you note that my comment was a reply to LaurieтАЩs struggle over why тАЬordinary people like /admire /worshipтАжtyrants like Trump.тАЭ
They also believe that their wealth entitles them to rule. That "economic racism" privilege is what binds them to the trump
@Barara Jo: In the cult "economics" is a pretext for racism.
At the end of the day, we're number 1. Best economy, least inflation.
In their guts, even the oligarchs know Trump is nuts.
Daniel, While IтАЩm aware the oligarchs have hitched their wagon to Trump, rightly or wrongly presuming they can control him and thus advance their personal self-serving impulses, I donтАЩt regard the rest of the cult nearly as monolithic. Hence, why I wrote тАЬeconomic pain and other problems [Trump]тАжsupporters are experiencing,тАЭ Additionally, while I would grant racism is a key underlying factor, I would submit itтАЩs not the sole factor.
The rabble vote AGAINST their own economic and physical health. Stats show at least 90%.
That's how we are able to flip some of them.
Consider the irony of a SSI recipient who votes Republican. People who need SSA, Medicare, VA, etc. People on food stamps.
Still time to flip 2020 Trump voters. Please repeatedly post "not suckers or losers" comments in social media. According to Facebook, there are 4 million veterans and active duty members on Facebook, as well as 12.5 million family members and 242 million friends with veterans or active duty members. Military sites, veterans' organizations, historical sites. Vote vets has already flipped many 2016 and 2020 Trump voters. It's up to people like you who are on social media.... when you comment you'll see what I mean. Many of the people involved are dependents, family members, friends and neighbors who are interested in the military and or national security and for whom this is news. Takes repetition and substantiation by people they trust.
Daniel, While I subscribe to Substacks, IтАЩm not on social media. Hence I pass on your posts to those who are, while I hone my phone banking and canvassing acumen.
And then the troops that don't seem troubled at all by trump's insults. They simply don't believe he really means what he says. Isn't that lying?
When you engage them, you can tell them how Trump empowered the Taliban.
Income inequality is a huge part of the problem here. The trumpers think he can fix for them what they cannot fix themselves. They are desperate and they see him as their saviour...he will of course be their further demise.
"Trump supporters" come in at least two varieties. There's the so-called "base," the MAGAts, the true believers. They are overwhelmingly white. They aren't wealthy, but in general they're not poor either. Then there's the much smaller group that has been using the GOP all along and is still supporting and bankrolling Trump. This group doesn't have nearly enough votes to win an election, so, at least since Nixon's "southern strategy," they've been courting white people who believe in white supremacy. After Roe v. Wade, they added conservative Christians -- Evangelicals and Catholics, again overwhelmingly white -- to the coalition. The "politics of grievance" does target elites, but it focuses primarily on people of color and "uppity" women.
Worship is the right word here. Check out тАЬBuilding GodтАЩs KingdomтАЭ by Julia Ingersoll. The MAGA core are doing what they are doing out of religious zeal. We, the world, must be ruled by Biblical Law as defined by them. Trump was chosen by God. Seriously.
They're batshit