Jul 6Liked by Joyce Vance

Three perfect fried eggs would do me a world of good right now. Just want to say Uncle Joe was great in Madison WI and just more proof that Trump can't withstand a united Democratic front. So let's unite.

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Got to unite. Got to get this silliness behind us and focus on defeating the orange menace.

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I've cancelled several writers that I used to enjoy. All this BS has to stop. Drumpf cannot take over our country.

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I'm seriously considering cancelling the Washington Post even though I'm paid up till next March. The last week has been appalling. I dropped the NY Times after the 2016 election. I might wind up relying on the Guardian (I get the US and UK editions) for daily news coverage.

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Same. I was so ticked off at the Post's initial headlines after the debate that I wrote in the comments I was going to cancel my subscription after 40 years. By morning the headline had changed and was marginally better; I hope my comment and many others like it had an influence.

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I've been dropping in and out of the comments sections from time to time. There's plenty of "resign resign resign" talk but there's at least as much "What is the matter with you? (polite version) talk.

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Tried that with NYT, work like a Fart!

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The Guardian's no better - they're running all sorts of "What do we do about Biden" bullshit.

All. Of. The Media. Is. THE ENEMY.

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I just got a substack post from Timothy Snyder that addresses this. I highly recommend it.



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It's one of the best commentaries I've read yet. Lucian Truscott's Substack from yesterday is also a keeper: "The Delaware River Is Not Running Backwards," https://luciantruscott.substack.com/p/the-delaware-river-is-not-running

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Excellent, thanks for the link and I second your recommendation.

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His piece begins,

"Mainstream media have treated President Biden with prejudice and arrogance. Quite a few Democrats, reacting to this, treat any mention of President Biden’s fitness as disloyalty. This is mistaken, if understandable."

Thanks for the link!

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You got that right! I’m really spitting mad at how so many have pounced on him, kicking him while he’s down. Despicable!

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Anything to get a viewer/ reader.

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I could not agree more! It makes my blood boil that the banner headlines about Biden are always negative.

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laine, that negativity when it comes to Biden is not new; it has been going on against Democrats for years which is one of the main reasons Gingrich, who had nothing positive to offer anyone got his congressional takeover in the 1994 election and Obama got slammed in 2010. Their opponents had nothing positive or honest to offer America, but the headlines constantly drove home some pretended inadequacy on the part of those presidents, and I do mean constant. They did it to Hillary Clinton in 2016 before she was even elected while Trump lied incessantly. They tried it again in 2020 but a lot of people stood up and said enough BS! Maybe that is what we have to do now, and there is a lot of Republican BS being tossed around and the media seem to love catching it and flinging it at the rest of us. It's time we are all in one Democratic/Independent voice yell back "We're not going to take your BS anymore; we want our nation to be a wonderful place of diversity, ideas, caring for those who are vulnerable, and working to end global warming, not the insane asylum Trump and Kump are planning for us all."

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Good on you, I cancelled Atlantic, NYT and rely on Guardian, Bloomberg, Spiegel, Le Figaro, WaPo, although WaPro and Spiegel are borderline right now, but I also want to maintain some objectivity.

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Guardian's just as bad as the NYT and the Bezos Bugle. And you wonm't get any "objectivity" from any of them.

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Only looking for some triangulation, TC. Not expecting "objectivity" from any single one of them.

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I don't think "objectivity" is possible or even desirable where humans are concerned. I'm looking for fairness, intelligence, and some awareness of context. (This last may be the scarcest in daily news coverage. It's why I've been relying on longform journalism for decades and, not to forget, books.)

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At least with the Guardian I learn something about what's going on in Europe, and the UK of course. I recently picked up Haaretz to get more perspective on Israel-Palestine, but so far I haven't had enough time to really read it.

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"Bezos Bugle" Ha! Nice.

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Respectfully, there are no both sides to a lie. WAPO is presenting a biased, distorted POV. They have a philosophy. Perhaps more subtle than some others.

When we give them money, we foster the philosophy and promote the bias.

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If memory serves me correctly, you can get a prorated fee returned.

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Do it. The Bezos Bugle is worse than the Times. Ask for a refund.

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Try the Christian Science Monitor. It's quite good.

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I was a regular CSM reader growing up in the Boston area, but I fell out of the habit once I moved to D.C. and have never got back into it. Will check it out. Thanks for the lead!

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You're very welcome!

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Actually, I think we can say the Guardian, PBS News Hour, Reuters Heather Cox-Richardson, Joyce Vance, and Robert Hubbell will serve me just fine. My plan is to continue monitor and speak to the Times outrageous journalism until November 6. Whatever happens then, they are welcome to seek other subscribers.

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I did, xl'd WAPO about the same time as NYT.

If these Plutocrat-puppet-publications can't just report facts accurately, they are failures in their duties and don't deserve our money or respect.

Even NPR's website has turned into a clickbait tabloid.

For me, Guardian is readable; France 24 is pretty good on the TV side, BBC sometimes. None of the US-based outlets are reaching the bar.

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Good on you Susanna, you know how to stand up for your beliefs, we all need to do that, plus support President Biden thru this difficult time. The Democrats in the Senate & Congress should be united in their loyalty to him, show the Orange Menace and his minions how real Democrats get behind their leader, united in their loyalty.

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Susanna, my sister is considering dropping her "Post" subscription as am I. I generally only read the headlines anyway because it is so complicated to get into it with my screen reader, and when every day is another cut at Biden while Trumpitydoodah gets a pass. Now, I just have to figure out how to do it.

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I did too! Glad I'm not the only one.

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I did also.

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Looks like Easter has arrived early. What beautiful eggs. As a 4/5 yea old my first real job when we busted my grandma in waycross ga was to collect the eggs. I was scared to death of those hens. They would fly in my face and land on my head and peck me but I soldiered thru and got those eggs. Find memory now some79 years ago.

I feel like what we need to do now is soldier thru and get out and vote no matter WHAT pecking and all and vote for all democrats running for all offices. And for a Democrat president no matter who it is!!!!!!!!!!

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I had the same egg experience 70 years ago. Ellabelle, GA.

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I stopped watching CNN.

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Agree. Their debate hosts (certainly not moderators!) were useful idiots.

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The Cretin News Network.

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I moved to YouTube news a few years ago so I can watch news from UK/EU in particular. TimesRadio and Channel 4 (a UK public station) and Sky News and DW.org (German) all seem to have better readers/reporters than the US and all report US news as well as covering world news the US mostly ignores. (I confess to liking some of MSNBC.)

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So did I. There is so much at stake in this election, and the press seems determined to direct the outcome in Trump's favor.

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Yes. Now is when you pull a page out of the GOP handbook and hype up whatever is going on. Matt Goetz is being investigated, right? I did not see much about Guiliani. Or Bannon. No big splashy headlines on anything about the GOP, because "...her emails!!!...he's old!" is dominating the news. The Southern Poverty Law Center is filing some lawsuits. I just got their newsletter. These things need to be seen everywhere with crazy, clickbait headlines. That's all most people read anyway.

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I agree but how do we make it happen?

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idk. Maybe we should protest in front of WAPO and NYT, and FOX to demand real news. Have big signs that demand to know stuff, no more propaganda etc.

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My mouth started watering when the eggs popped up!

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If I could, I would have everyone over for fresh eggs. It really does do one a world of good.

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With a side of bacon, please.

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Those eggs looked amazing. Do you usually eat them sunny side up? I do mine in butter and eat over arugula greens and let that yolk be the dressing. Oh my!

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I would be there with bells on.

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Jul 6Liked by Joyce Vance

I’m a lawyer who deeply appreciates your legal and political analysis of current events. I equally, deeply, appreciate your sharing of the day to day of your life with the feathered companions! Thank you!🥰

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Jul 6Liked by Joyce Vance

It’s refreshing to see an attorney who wants to help others, not just himself. John Grisham is another.

Usually attorneys tend to be Republicans. My mother’s neighbors were. They were out to make as much money as they could at others expense, including my mother’s.

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In my family, the lawyers were all Democrats, on both Bob's side and mine. Lots of civil rights work in the DNA. I was rereading some old accounts of my Father-in-Law's work at the 1968 Democratic Party convention, and it really underscored what an important role we can play if we choose to.

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In the 1980s, for 10 years, I was the secretary to an attorney in Oklahoma City who was definitely a Democrat. The most brilliant person I have ever known; I always wished that I could do a mind-meld and learn what he knew. Unfortunately, he is no longer alive. He did his best for all his clients, many of whom could not pay much. Whether Democrat or Republican, I hope there are many more like him in the US, fighting the good fight and helping folks when they need it the most.

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Cindy, I am a Norman OK Democrat and I am betting I kno that atty you worked for…

I appreciate the kind words for him

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As the retired Ex. Dir. of a Bar Association, I know that "most" attorneys fall into split camps... like the rest of us. There are charlatans among them, of course, but in the main, they are doing meaningful work that gets tougher (and more expensive) over the years. Some of my best friends.... 😉

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As to Republican--not the ones I know. There are certainly shysters out there. They are found everywhere, of course.

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We do have everyday lives, family & friends. These are the very things we must keep focused on while singularly committing to the Democratic leaders that can preserve our very freedoms that we took for granted until we could not. Joyce you are a voice of reason & you are one of the handful of Substack writers I go to for news. All the while, I fully understand that heavy load. Thank you! I also am grateful for Heather Cox Richardson, Robert Hubble, Mary L Trump (talk about a heavy load!), Jay Kuo. I must keep reminding myself that we get what we think about whether we want it or not. So I must focus on what our goal is - electing those that are calm, those that are knowledgeable, those that can point us in the direction that is inclusive, kind and freedom loving. Remember our joy at the results of 2020 and 2022. We can do this. Keep the chicken photos coming please. One last thought- there is no shortcut to experience. That is how I view our President, not old, not weak. We need to stand by him and all the accomplishments he and those he’s chosen to serve in so many roles that have aided in those accomplishments. We can and must do this

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What is it about Democrats that we can’t seem to present a united front under stress? The Republicans sure do( sadly). This “sky is falling” mentality is really frustrating and annoying. ( apologies to Henny Penny)

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Exactly a topic between husband and I after yesterday’s interview. WTH is it with the ‘blue’ side. Love, respect, being polite and deferential doesn’t automatically mean wringing your hands “woe is me”. Where the heck is the backbone?

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It is there. The ones with the backbone aren't running around gabbing woe is me and practicing the art of hand wringing.

I feel this in my 75 year old bones. There are massive numbers of fed up, disgusted and turned off by the media voters who are going to show up on November 5 and sweep the MAGA off the political map. I think President Biden knows this as well.

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From your lips to Gods ears🙏🏼

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I so hope you're right! MAGA/Trump needs to be swept completely away!

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To sweep register more Democrats.

FT 6. Text Arcades every Thursday 3pm PT/6pm ET

The next training will be on Thursday 07/11 at 3pm PT at our Text Arcade, which requires a $25 donation and you get 1400 texts.


or Saturday Textbanks with the Union starting at 11am PT/ 2pm ET

The next training will be on Saturday 07/13 at 11am PT and it will be HUGE.


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And after people are registered take them to vote. And everyone make sure to check your voter registration from time to time. Registered voters are being purged. Closer to election we need to educate people about their rights at the polling place. Republicans are making no secret they will be out in force at polling places. There have been threats of violence and voter intimidation.

1. Learn what people can and can't do within so many feet of a polling place.

2. Know the rules in your State. For example, you can't hand out water in Georgia. (Is this still in effect?)

3. Know your rights

4. Have the number of the media handy on your phone

5. Go in groups if you are worried about any hassles

6. Have the required ID

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Yesterday we made 200,000 texts into GA. I made over 1000 myself. Only had 6 opt outs.

All Dem groups will be involved in GOTV.


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I really hope you are right.

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The Retrumplicans are hard on nonconformity and quickly get their ducks in line. Meanwhile, for us, nonconformity is a sacrament.

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In times like these, I'm always put in mind of that quote from Will Rogers, "I belong to no organized party. I am a Democrat."

True then, true now.

We always seem to have our collective hair on fire. One distraction after another.

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Haha. Could be said of Quakers! I believe my to no organized religion. I’m a Quaker.

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Friend speaks my mind!

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That’s why we’re not big on authoritarianism.

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Dangit! I thought I could leave that Will Rogers quote as a comment. Just have to settle for being so jealous of Joyce's hatfull of eggs. The coyotes got all my hens except one.

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And that is not a bad thing. It's too bad so many "journalists" are too quick to jump on the latest bandwagon, when instead they could be covering the amazing things that emerge when a bunch of people get together and share ideas and then get to work.

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I am so disgusted by the bilge pouring out of WaPo these days. I used to respect several of those writers. I wish I could blame it all on the new CEO-publisher William Lewis, but that's not the way it works. (It's good that Robert Winnett's appointment got aborted, however.)

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You mean The Bezos Bugle?

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Bezos obviously orchestrates the changes at the top, but I don't know how involved he is in day-to-day operations. Has that been discussed somewhere?

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He came out and said without saying it that the newsroom needed to shut up since the changes were now made.

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RShits are GREAT at pounding their talking points. Ds? Not so much. For instance, Roe: I loved Joyce's Roe, Roe, Roe the VOTE! That is one of the messages that Ds need to pound!

A female RShit is like Jews for Hitler! A female RShit is a future Handmaid!

Roe, Roe, ROE THE VOTE!!!

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I find myself referring to "Justice" Amy Coney Barret as The Handmaid. Especially when my organic memory bank slips and I can't think of her name.

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I've been calling her Amy Coney Rabbit since she was confirmed. I forget her real name a lot. (You mean her real name *isn't* Amy Coney Rabbit??)

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It's so true! And such a dichotomy that they've spent decades selling their rhetoric via mythical cowboys like the Marlboro Man - rugged individualists who want nothing from the government except to be left alone.

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Could it be that Dems are just not authoritarian? That we live in a world that weighs and thinks and waffles. Is that really so bad? I guess it is bad when the oppposition is the opposite. Black and white, simplistic, salute and grovel authoritarianism. It seems easy and powerful and strong. But what they are not seeing, because they don't look, is that there are no easy answers. The sky WILL fall. And they will not foresee it.

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It's not bad, but it's like playing cards by the rules when you are sitting at a table with people who have cards up their sleeves, marked decks, mirrors behind your back and all of the cheats, and then if you still win, are going to pull a gun as you try to leave the table. It's not bad, but sometimes you just have to have a little back up, a few folks at corner tables who aren't going to run away. It also helps not to have a peanut gallery accusing you of cheating and dragging your chances down even more.

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Well said!!!

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You're right, of course. I just hate that they are the ones making the rules and setting the standards.

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Kim, I love these fairly limited forums. We're NOT #tagging our brains out trying to get followers. We are doing exactly what you say. But, when I am talking to my MAGIDIOT friends I use a set of talking points that target each of their areas of concern; eg, my 81-year-old MAGA friend HATES the idea of religious nut jobs; therefore, my talking points for him are targeted at how the Christofascists are trying to take over. He's 81 so I also point out how his investments will tank if the Tariff King takes office and point out how GREAT Bidenomics has been for his portfolio!

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Safe to assume he doesn't need soc secu ?

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Patricia - Like most of the Right Wing Nut Jobs (RWNJ) I know he doesn't want to lose it! He earned it! But you are correct, he doesn't need it! Same with Medicare!

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I've never forgotten the signs displayed at some right-wing rally years ago: KEEP YOUR GOVERNMENT HANDS OFF MY MEDICARE. We're talking about low-information voters here.

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Susanna - Re: RWNJs: KEEP YOUR GOVERNMENT HANDS OFF MY MEDICARE: I chuckle thinking of them getting their first Medicare bill and then realizing that there's no dental or vision coverage! What? It's not FREE? #FreeDUMB

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He sounds like he's not as knee jerk as some. Great you can discuss this stuff.

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Kim - It's fun when he sends me RWNJ propaganda; eg, my Bidenomics response: "I also point out how his investments will tank if the Tariff King takes office and point out how GREAT Bidenomics has been for his portfolio!" was in response to a RWNJ rant he sent me about how Bidenomics is destroying our economy and destroying America that he sent me. He couldn't argue with his returns and he gets that tariffs are really taxes on Americans.

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We think about things. You know, like a herd of cats. I don't even know what they actually call a herd of cats, but it's not that.

Maybe a murder of crows would be more appropriate.

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I’ve heard several words for a group of cats: a clowder of cats, a pounce of cats, a clutter of cats, a glaring of cats. The R’s might best be characterized as a destruction of feral cats.

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A destruction of feral cats it is

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I've always heard it is a clowder of cats.

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A ‘false pride’ comes to mind.😻

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A herd of cats is called a loaf

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Tina, your comment reminds me of my favorite cartoon by B. Kliban: how to tell the difference between a cat and a meatloaf. The picture shows basically two meatloaf shapes on a table, one has ears and a tail.

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I loved B.Kliban, i wish I had my old set of sheets with his cats on it. His dtr is a very cool person who is a wood turner. Her bowls are so cool

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Kliban definitely knew cats. I'm very glad to know that you liked him, too.

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That's hysterical

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Really? I love it!

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No, sadly not really!

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What do they call my herd of cats? (Only four at the moment.) Don't hold your breaths.

They usually call me: 10:30PM, time for walk. Any other time day or night: recreation time, brushing hour, or dinner time.

Exotic chickens would be a nice respite.

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Joe Biden: Herding Cats!

Who knows someone at the Lincoln Project or something similar? They could adopt this EDS Super Bowl commercial: <https://youtu.be/m_MaJDK3VNE?si=XstVqqch6w_oJoHU>

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Speaking of cats, there are some hilarious memes out there about alley cats referring to Biden's alley cat observation about Trump's morals. Jay Kuo, The Status Kuo on substack, does a great Saturday morning round up of political memes and tweets. Thats where I saw them.

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The thing is, it doesn't seem to be that the GOP always held as one until the MAGA folks took over and the regular conservative Republicans fled. If they came back, all hell would break loose.

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Goal. Set it, unite in making it happen: we're in this together! If one Dem falls, there are many to take his place, follow in his footsteps, build on what previous Democratic presidents got started with respect to environmental protections, healthcare, infrastructure, civil rights, women's reproductive rights, LGBTQ right to dignity and inclusion, Social Security and Medicare, Head Start and childcare...feel free to add more to the list of meaningful accomplishments in favor of all Americans.

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It may not be true. None of us seem to be as freaked out as the media would have us. Yeah, he is old, but can trump ride a bike? Has he ever tried? But sure there are some people who are freaked out and their voices are really loud.

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Senator Fetterman said last night we need to take a page out of the MAGA playbook and stop being the Party of Bed Wetters,.

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Seeing the Democrats in disarray, seemingly all the time, reminds me of a quote attributed to Will Rogers: "I'm not a member of an organized political party. I'm a Democrat." Here's hoping we can coalesce around the unifying concept of keeping TFG out of the White House and not let the perfect stand in the way of the good. Biden is a good man. Let's not forget that.

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One party is unwavering in agreeing that the Big Lie of the election being stolen is the truth. The other party is unwavering on backing the actual truth. They just can’t decide what that is. Go Joe Biden!

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Totally agree.

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Is it the democrats that are not agreeing or is the corporate media and those of other camps trying to stir the pot! We have been surprisingly together since Trump arrived on our doorstep and this year will be no different! Vote💙

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the sky is falling. Biden's bad week just got worse after he said he was the 'first Black woman to serve with a Black president'

Hannah Abraham Jul 5, 2024, 8:53 AM EDT

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He was talking quickly, and quickly rephrased that to what he meant to say. Most of us do that sort of thing from time to time. We need to stop being so quick to judgement and actually listen- and think about what we hear.

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Exactly. Look at all the sh*t tfg says … we only know because someone posts it. But our President? Oh no, the media is all over him like flies on the same sh*t tfg says but they don’t report. Grrr.

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Trump just claimed he knows nothing about Project 2025..........almost every person working

to on putting the end of democracy knows or is part of the Orange cult.

What is more imortant? Being able to vote again after this November or a simple mistake. The President is up for and accepting the challenge..... I know where my priorities are.

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Me too, WJB.

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LOVE THOSE CHICKENS!! And Bob’s breakfast culinary skills. Those eggs are almost too pretty to eat! You are so levelheaded and laser focused on what’s most important. Can you please knock some sense into the folks at MSNBC who seem to have joined the propaganda machine and forgotten what’s at stake in this election? Same goes for some of their guests. Thankful for you. Until tomorrow. . .

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I am also disgusted with MSNBC, along with much of the media, so I am so grateful for Joyce and Heather. And I love the chickens; grew up on a farm.

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Lawrence O'Donnell is not part of that list. Take a good look at those who are - the are the "strivers;" they are more concerned with their ratings than they are with reality. As for media? The 4th estate is really hitting rock bottom and shouldn't be considered legitimate in any manner, shape, or form. It all began in 2016 and here we are.

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Nicolle Wallace, like Lawrence O'Donnell, is not part of that list.

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MSNBC just did a report on Project 2025. Apparently, along with Liberals being targetted for violence.....MSNBC anchors are now on that list..........that threat for sure is a wake up call for them. What they do about it is another question.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

It seems like their next best course of action is to make sure he never gets the chance by directing all reporting toward getting President Biden reelected. No more B bashing!! Not only will that save us and Democracy, it may save them too. Their choice is simple.

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No more B bashing! GOP elected members are taking credit for intrastucture projects that they voted against. The NYTimes or Fox would never report that.

It really is up to all of us on the street to get the job done.

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Couldn’t agree more. All the hysteria accomplishes is to fray nerves, fray the Democratic party & play into the MAGA narrative about President Biden. The tell is how quiet the orange psychopath has been since the debate—he knows we’re doing more damage to Biden than he could possibly do himself.

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Yes!!! The silence from the R camp speaks volumes! The Dems are doing the work for them. Wake up, folks!!

p.s. I don’t mean Joyce’s tribe, who are the enlightened ones for the most part.

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I agree. It's like they are giving faux a run for its money for the one and only top spot in case tfg wins.

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I've stepped away from the news (mental health) but I will always read you.

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Pretty much ditto

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Thank you Joyce. It is always nice to see your girls. Makes my heart feel open.

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Same here - those personalities shine

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That exactly what I feel too.

Almost makes me want to build a coop.


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I'm in for Biden all the way, even with one foot in the grave. He has competent and committed people surrounding him. He's entitled to one bad night as I think he is currently doing an outstanding job. I do worry about his age, but that's his only drawback; many other positive qualities that outweight his age.

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I'd vote for Biden if he was on a ventilator over Trump

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Post-debate a GOP voter said he'd vote for a corpse over Trump and another said he'd vote for "Biden's brain in a bottle" over Trump. Maybe there's hope.

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TEAM Biden: a beautiful rainbow of American competence and integrity.


Team Trump: white males (many are skinheads), felons, Handmaids and Oreos.

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I somewhat understand the issue of age, but the fact is that many if not most of us in Biden's age group are mentally very competent. That seems to be the big issue here, and I have no doubt about his mental competence. I agree with you that his many other positive qualities outweigh his age.

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I am 74; my husband is 85. We are healthy and mentally fit. Regardless: for the past year or so, must husband requires daily naps. He was a marathon runner but is slow moving and sometimes halting on rough terrain (gravel, stones, woody trails).

He could not effectively have the stamina or consistent, durable mental focus every day that is required of presidents.

Every voter has a family member or close friend who is “of a certain age.”

We all know what that looks like. Age cannot be reversed.

Of course we would all chose Biden over Trump; the question is not that he deserves to keep going in his job. The focus is: can he really win over independents, moderate Republicans and younger voters? His abysmal polling over the past year and the campaign’s tepid strategies— as well as Biden’s inability to campaign at an effective level — are huge red flags. If enough disaffected and undecided voters simply stay home, we are done.

About a third of Biden supporters are like the folks who read Joyce. Biden: no matter what. Interestingly, about a third of Republican voters (super MAGA cultists who would vote Trump even if he killed someone in broad daylight) are equally firm

In their allegiance. There is precious little time to effectively convince those people to vote against Trump.

I think Biden is doing an RBG, a disservice to this country. Massive hubris bordering on deception. That said: if he remains the candidate I will vote, not for Biden, but against Trump.

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Okay, I've been wanting to address this for a long time, whenever I see this particular accusation. I think folks who think RBG refusing to step down was a matter of hubris are doing a grave disservice to her memory. She saw what McConnell did to keep Scalia's seat open so a Republican president could choose the nominee, denying Obama his right to fill the seat. Like everyone else, she was expecting Hillary to be the next president, hoping we'd also get that needed senate majority, and she would have stepped down with a sigh of relief. But that didn't happen. She did her best to hang on long enough to keep from handing her seat over to a rightwing extremist. Unfortunately, she couldn't hang on until she got what she (and we!) needed: a Democratic president and a majority senate. I have no doubt that she would have preferred to step down years ago, as sick as she was, but she held on, for US. Her last dying wish was that her seat be left unfilled until at least Jan 20. But Trump and McConnell wasted no time getting The Handmaid pushed through and sworn in before the election.

So please, don't attribute her decision to hang on as a matter of hubris. Hubris was never a part of her makeup. It was a matter of sacrifice.

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Debra, thank you for your comment. I agree with you about sacrifice. That makes way more sense, given who we knew her to be. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Biden is running as a sacrifice also, because he knows what the stakes are.

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Exactly this! Remember he waited quite awhile before throwing his hat into the ring last time . I think he was waiting for a younger candidate who could win. We had a lot of candidates to choose from but none of them had what was needed for success in beating Trump. Trump’s team knew that Biden was the most dangerous candidate to beat, which is why T pulled the stunt with Ukraine that got him impeached. We still don’t have a candidate who has a chance as good as or better than Biden to win this election. (Phew- I should know better than to try and type a long post on my phone. Lol)

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I agree with you completely. IMO, if people wanted a different candidate they should have started a year ago. BTW, you type much better on your phone than I do!

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You know, what I've seen of Biden campaigning seems quite energetic. I will add that he is used to the rigors of the office of President. So what if he needs a daily nap? I'm 79 and I need one most days. I've also slowed down my walking so I don't end up doing yet another face plant. I would also point out that polls taken a long way out from an election are not helpful - they don't reflect what will happen in an election (actually, these days they don't seem to even when they are close in to the elections). Before I wrote this, I read Debra's comment below, and I agree with her. I don't know that much about Biden's state of being, but I'm pretty sure he is not running because of ego. He understands the situation we are in. Being physically slower is not something I see as a problem. And if Biden gets to where he can't walk any more, remember FDR, who was a very effective president. I will be voting for Biden because I think he's the man for the job. I also have no clue how an unknown would fare against trump, and I personally don't want to take chances with losing. I think it's time that people let go of debating about Biden's age, and focus more on how bad trump and Project 2025 are.

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I would worry about his age, too. BUT we’ve got an excellent Vice President!

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Where were the competent and committed people surrounding him during debate prep? AWOL, that's where!

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Thanks for the chicken pics! Badly needed! Will check out the education page you mentioned as I am certain it has a Betsey DeVos ring to it. Have been wearing my Dark Brandon t-shirt and your Civil Discourse one as much as I can, but it’s been in the triple digits in CA. 🥵

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I am for Biden and team all the way. One thing I have mentioned which I see no one else talking about is that Biden in a second term has nothing to lose for being bold in his executive power for wonderful ends. Any new candidate no matter how wonderful they may be, will if only unconsciously, be holding back in order to be elected to a second term. We need a bold administration that can make lasting headway to dismantle as much as possible internal MAGA/extreme right toeholds. Biden IS the person, and team, to do this.

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He has until January 20 to do something fabulous. I hope he does it.

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Brilliant point. In a second term he will kick butt and take names and out-Roosevelt Roosevelt and out-Johnson Johnson!

What a vision!

Thank you for that thought.

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Such lovely chickens!!! And oh, those eggs!! And yes, Steven Beschloss' Substack today was excellent. In the comments several people were asking who could best interview Trump (not that he would ever agree to anything other than right-wing crapola) and I suggested our fellow traveller, Heather Cox Richardson, because a) Trump most likely has no idea who she is; and b) his pathological narcissism might be just enough to make him want to do it when he is told that HCR interviewed Biden last year and this would be a great chance for "revenge"! LOL. Of course, I wouldn't wish that on our beloved HCR, but still....it is an inspiring thought! Thanks for keeping us sane, Joyce. Love to you and the chickens from the Canadalands.

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I get your point, but I'd hate to see what that would do to HCR's life. Interviewing Trump would put her in the crosshairs. Last thing we (or she) needs. Plus, I'm not sure she would be the best person for the job, especially as we need her as the independent public fact-checker and guide to sanity. There are a number of tough, sharp, insightful women (yes, it should be a woman) who could interview him, who have both legal and historical creds, and don't back down. Though he might decline no matter who asks. However, if it does happen, now THAT one I'd watch.

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I'd be happy if Lucien Truscott interviewed Trump. or David Brooks. Or Nicholas Kristoff. Or Bret Stephens. Or just about anybody with integrity.

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Lucian would tear Trump a new asshole and I would so be there for that!

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Yes, I follow Steven Beschloss also and like you said, today’s column is really good.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

Dear Ms. Vance, I don't want to distract from the happiness of your beautiful holiday photos, but...

there's a question gnawing at me. Having read Justice Sotomayor's dissent, specifically about Justice Robert's reliance on nothing but invention (her excerpt below) to change the legal parameters of a president's vulnerability to our laws, has Roberts exceeded the limits of his power? I thought it Congress' responsibility to pass laws and the Judiciary's only to interpret them — not to alter them with specious, "a textual, ahistorical" suppositions, wishes and unsupportable opinions. So, in this context, is the majority's opinion illegal because it goes beyond the scope of the Judiciary's power to interpret laws, not to make or alter them?

Here is the relevant Sotomayor excerpt:

"Relying on little more than its own misguided wisdom about the need for 'bold and unhesitating action' by the President, the Court gives former President Trump all the immunity he asked for and more.

The Court now confronts a question it has never had to answer in the Nation’s history: Whether a former President enjoys immunity from federal criminal prosecution. The majority thinks he should, and so it invents an atextual, ahistorical, and unjustifiable immunity that puts the President above the law."

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I think you are right. I also think it is up to another Supreme Court, or a constitutional amendment, to reverse the Roberts court, and we need at least four reversals: Citizens United, Dobbs, Loper Bright, and now presidential immunity. This is a disaster, an actual coup. We are in for a long struggle.

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Really good question, Russell. I hadn't thought of the decision that way, but IMO you are right on! We definitely need accountability for them, because, as I see it, finding a way to declare their decision illegal is difficult, since they are the highest court in the land.

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Hoping, hoping for a reply from our wonderful Ms. Vance to learn if there's any validity to the proposition. In the meantime, I'll contact my Representative and Senators. It seems Congress needs to protect its turf as it challenges the Judiciary, impeding its attempt to expand its powers. And yes, it's a paradox that the Supreme Court is the ultimate arbiter of their own powers — but I thought the sole arbiter is the Constitution.

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I think you are right about the Constitution being the sole arbiter. Only problem is, these guys either don't know how to read, or they see the Constitution through very distorted glasses - kind of like a house of mirrors.

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I enjoyed the chicken pictures today. A very nice, much needed break from all the “heavy stuff” that has been coming at us — with more to come. Enjoy the remainder of the weekend… tomorrow will be an early morning walk through Denver Botanic Gardens for me. Peace. ✌️☮️

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Again, Joyce, I'm pullin' for the pullets. Don't forget to scratch those big furry ears too. Tofu is a serious sweetie.

I left Steve this, this morning :

"Well Steve, as they say in Vegas, "Journalism has left the building". MSM is only click bait anymore and they believe proffit margins, due to social media, will improve under Fascism by contract producing propaganda."

Thank you for showing us Mary's response to that question. I'll get right at it.

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Think Team Biden vs Team Trump. Voters are not picking one white male or the other, they are voting for a team!

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Love those chickens. Yes, I'm with you Joyce 100% behind Biden/Harris. I remember 1968 too well. We lost our only viable candidate, Robert Francis (Bobby) Kennedy, who was murdered in cold blood ON TV. The fiasco in Chicago and the total loss in November. For those still screaming he's too old (he isn't) Joe won both the popular vote, by nearly 8 million votes AND the electoral college. He can and will do it again IF he has our support. It's going to be difficult enough with the obvious control that obscene wealth has over both the National press, television and what passes for journalists who prostitute themselves for the almighty dollar, Project 2025, the still active ALEC and the unruly militants standing by to support the ventriloquist puppet they mistakenly believe is a brave leader

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Fay, I sure hope the Secret Service is up to the task with MAGA Mike Johnson second in line to be POTUS!

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Whatever! if you want fascism that badly I hope your wish comes true as they drag you off to the concentration camp

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I understood Jason to mean he hopes the Secret Service keeps Joe and Kamala alive and safe, so MAGA Mike never gets near to being POTUS.

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If that's what he meant, I apologize. But Johnson could only e ex in line if Trump wins. If, as I both expect and wish, Biden/Harris win. Harris is next in line - ok with me. None of the people I see mentioned are capable TODAY o running for President, With grooming in four years time, maybe. But on November 6 I expect to be cheering for Joe Biden to finish the job he so ably started. and NYT and WAPO can wallow in their filthy millions all they want, I am unimpressed by their "melarkey" as Joe so notably called it on June 27

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Fay - That was my fault for not being clear. I also clearly remember 1968 and I fear we will see assassinations this year.

Back in March I wrote POTUS and VPOTUS and my reps and asked them to immediately polygraph all Secret Service agents to make sure none are insurrectionists on Team Adolf Trumpler. They must not underestimate the threat with the insurrectionist MAGA Mike Johnson second in line to POTUS.

If these Christian Nationalists simultaneously assassinate POTUS & VPOTUS it’s Gilead time as insurrectionist MAGA Mike Johnson is sworn in as POTUS, pardons the assassins and hands the election to Don the Con.

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Thank you, Jason, I appreciate this clarification and applaud your reasoning. I would hope all Secret Service agents are properly vetted before being admitted to the Agency. They should have one purpose and one purpose only to protect and defend the person to whom they are assigned.

However, you are also correct that if the trumpster were able to have both Biden and Harris assassinated simultaneously Johnson would be next in line. Now that is a thought for nightmares

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EEEP! I hadn't considered that angle, but now that you mention it, good point!

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The chickens!!! And blue eggs!! Amazing. These chickens ALWAYS make my day.

I will vote for Joe and Kamala regardless of anything. Trump does NOT belong anywhere near the White House.

We need to “make it so!!”

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