In addition to Trump, we also need to hold all of his Republican cronies accountable for this horrendous policy and the great harm it's done. This is a first step but Congress needs to get its act together and work on immigration solutions. Of course, nothing can be done since the Republicans can't even elect a Speaker. People need to stop voting for these people since they are incapable of governing, and they only want chaos and destruction of our institutions.

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Yes, and we begin holding people accountable, please start Stephen Miller, the architect of this horrendous program.

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This pursuit cannot happen soon enough or forcefully enough. No one other self-hating Jew — indeed, no other modern American Nazi — deserves to be held to account for his evil, un-Democratic, anti-American work than this man. A modern Haman whose name should be vilified and thus amplified for all to know his poisonous, immoral work.

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When I saw a picture of Miller with his new baby I felt a chill and nausea. He has no business holding innocence, much less parenting.

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I still am struck by how callous and evil an aide, stephen Miller was/is to Trump. The drunkeness to cling to power at all costs and acts is mind boggling. The lack of empathy for others is difficult to understand. Coming from a guy whose own ancestors were tortured and killed. It is Miller and Trump who made me believe that there is a concrete thing called "evil" in our times. Sociopathy is still difficult to fully comprehend.

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Don’t forget jeff sessions, who was the AG and implemented this demonic policy, together with the insipid one they all have a reservation in hell with their names on it. They are below loathing, we don’t have an English word that adequately describes how I feel about them.

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Robert, spot on.

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Can't stand that man ! He loves the cruelty! I'm sure he gets off on the misery of others ! Why would they not get the information needed to keep the families together ? Why would you not want to keep families together? Why would you " foster " the children into American families when these children already have families and Why would you not have the information to connect the families back together ? Stephen Miller is a cruel and vile nazi !!

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Yes, Robert - couldnt remember his name! Hes now involved with some other kind of organization - still at the same game I believe. I seem to remember he married one of the women involved in that "policy". Like attracts like!

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If the Republicans actually work to create and implement a humane, reasonable immigration policy, then they won't be able to blame Dems or immigrants for America's problems. Without such a policy, they can keep firing up their voters and raking in campaign donations.

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Taking children from their families is, according to the ICC prosecutor, a crime against humanity when Putin does it. It's the "missing indictment" against the Defendant.

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Among the 2nd round 22 "No" R votes against seditionist, Jim Jordan, are I Latina & 3 Latino "No" votes based in-part on the horrific "border" policy. I expect more "No" Today ... hopefully.

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Donald Trump has NEVER shown ANY remorse for his many crimes whether it be separating children from their families at the border, politicizing the coronavirus and killing millions of people, inflating his assets, refusing to pay businesses that did work for him. His list of crimes covers his entire life.

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Trump is a sociopath. He cannot feel remorse.

Thank you for the succinct update.

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"Trump is a sociopath. He cannot feel remorse." I think you mean he doesn't feel remorse. His lack of empathy is my definition of a sociopath. I have great empathy for the children, because I was separated from my parents, for I assume two weeks, when I was two. When my mother visited the nunnery she saw how disturbed and regressed (wearing a diaper) I was, she tried to take me home, but the mother superior required a permit from the mayor of our arrondissement. When stressed I occasionally wet my bed until the fifth grade. I did not significantly heal until I was very fortunate to be the nanny for a psychiatrist's children.

There was a further, fortunately minor, separation from my father, because being French could not join us for a year. I remember his walking up the street, as if it were yesterday when he arrived. This was just a few months before Pearl harbor. I am so fortunate compared to those children.

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This was one of the heinous tragedies of our country. It was never right in any way. It wasn’t right when we did it to indigenous people over 150 years ago, and it is in no way right now. So so glad about this ruling.

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Nor other eras in European centered history of USA: children born into slavery, immigrants from the waves of immigration in the late 1800s through the 1920s, and more. Social justice is fragile and systems do not protect children and families. Very disturbing for the 21st Century to continue these inhumane practices.

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I have wondered and worried about these children for so long. Thank you for this good news. We must never allow a tyrant to occupy the White House again.

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Please convey my heartiest congratulations to you and all the hard-working folks at the US Attorney's Office in the Northern District of Alabama for bringing Joran Van Der Sloot to justice. It must be gratifying after so long to hear the victim's mother say she got what she needed.

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Thank you Joyce for the good news which has been a long time coming. What happened to these children is appalling and it is so nice to know remedies are being implemented for justice to these families. Onward and upward.

Biden has been on a grueling schedule and relentless in his efforts to improve the lives of all Americans and especially to tackle the crisis at the border. Most appreciative of your reporting today. It gives me real hope after such a grueling week ✨🗽🌎🎉❤️☮️

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nice to have a bit of good news for a change. carry on, Joyce.

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Thank you, Joyce, for highlighting this particularly terrible period in our recent history. I can clearly recall feeling ill every time new reports and photos came out showing the detention centers, the cruelty unleashed on the children and in many cases on their guardians. It was something I can never forget. For this alone, Dump must never get into any office again. Terrific reporting today.

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Bless President Biden & the DOJ.

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Add acknowledgment for the ACLU , picking up the torch for CIVIL rights when governing bodies appeared helpless. The damages caused by the #45 administration exposed the underbelly of the USA stoked by hate, fear, and prejudice.

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wow...this takes me right back to the good old days of travel bans and "shit-hole countries". I remember the feeling I had upon reading the news about banning travelers from Muslim countries; sort of a combination of "I can't believe it" and a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. They were both accurate visceral responses and premonitions of what was to come, over and over and over. Putting kids in cages had a more blunted effect after all that came before it, but that doesn't diminish what a profound act of hatred it was by that Devil's spawn we allowed into the White House. In fact, it continues unabated even today, but thank God his finger is no longer on the nuclear launch button anymore. One doesn't ever truly get justice for being separated from family at such a tender age; the scars remain regardless of the "mea culpas". We stopped being a shining light on a hill and it's amazing that people still clamor to come here with all the overt xenophobia that continues to spew from the mouths of former presidents, current and former governors and other persons of notoriety in this nation.

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Not just banning travel by Muslims but reducing the number of annual slots for involuntary immigrants allowed from some 110000 that Obama had approved in 2016 (the number allowed is presidential discretion) to just 15,000 allowed by Trump in 2017. So Americans who wanted to host Syrian families, who simply wanted to have a better education in life for their own children were an able to do so. These are examples of the many ways Trump exerted his xenophobia through policy.

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*…unable to do so

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American Nativists have always wanted to "Build That Wall. Here's a powerful political cartoon from 1891, when they vowed that the Germans, English and Irish "will not replace us!" Some thing never change. https://forgottenfiles.substack.com/p/build-that-wall-1891

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I remember studying this period of history in public school as a child and being told it was our “past”. In truth it was still going on, even in our times. Forced sterilization of first generation Sicilian American mothers in 1949 who entered hospital simply to deliver their babies is something I just learned about in the past few years. This rabid sentiment against “others” has lurked amongst us as long as “we” have been here. A primitive barbaric impulse I have never understood. Nor do I expect to as it is more than anything, simply evil and inhumane in my eyes.

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I believe a "primitive barbaric impulse" against others is hard wired into humanity because it increased early human survival rates to be that wary. Civilization is all about us becoming "civil." We still have a long way to go.

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A need for nurturing and kindness is also wired into human beings. A sense of empathy perhaps is evolved but nonetheless real. On a rational level it is common sense to care for the "other"; as one day we may need the same. Humans are hardwired to be empathetic, not barbaric -- I believe.

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I read that Margret Mead was once asked what archeological evidence she’s look for to identify early signs of civilization. She replied something to the effect - “I’d look for a human remains with a broken femur that eventually healed. Meant someone had cared for them.” I may have quote and attribution wrong - but i like the message

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My grandparents all immigrated from Greece to US in 1900-1910. (Fun fact: both arranged marriages with brides chosen and sent later). In 1924, US cut yearly immigration for Greeks to 100. Quotas increased to 300 in 1952.

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Yes. Now let’s hope we can resolve DACA. Hard to claim we are any sort of moral authority or paragon of virtue with family separation, DACA, and razor wire in the Rio Grande.

Plus, it is inexcusable that Biden has started to build the wall, regardless of how the funding was set up.

My opinion.

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And mine!

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Thank you, Joyce. I had read this earlier today and am grateful for the DOJ, our AG, the ACLU and all who worked to bring this new policy into existence. In a land in which ever single Homo sapiens arrived here as an immigrant, how dare we treat immigrants as "enemies". Yes, I know the Indigenous Americans were here long before the Europeans arrived but they too immigrated. There are no scientific findings of any Hominids in the Americas prior to the arrival of the Indigenous people. Immigrants from the world over arrived here and are still arriving here. I have no objection to setting regulations that new immigrants should be able to support themselves and are not bringing dangerous diseases into the Country. Nor do I object to denying entry to proven criminals, we have more than enough of our own to deal with. As a one time immigrant myself, I had to prove, by taking medical tests that I did not have tuberculosis or any sexually transmitted disease. I had to have records for 24 and a half years (I was 25 at the time) that I had no criminal record from any place I lived from 6 months of age on. I had married an American citizen and he had to sign papers that he was able to and would support me. Six weeks later I received a green card and was admitted. From then, November 1958, until February 1967 when I became a citizen, I had to renew my green card every year. Very reasonable regulations. It wasn't until I started college in 1964 that I discovered how lucky I was to be a white Canadian who had priority clearance. Not fair.

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Trump is a xenophobic sociopath who is the most lacking in interpersonal awareness of any president on record. He is an outlier. If he had kept his bad behavior confined to the borders of the United States, it would have been simply. ‘our problem.’ But nearly from the minute of his election and taking office in 2018, he proceeded to spread his ill will and bad manners to our neighbors at G7 in Canada and he was a complete horror show at every subsequent G 20, including those he skipped attending or embarrassed our country by skipping meetings to golf. Perhaps that was better than having to read about him, blowing up during meetings and mortifying career diplomats (he could do less international damage on the golf course).. He knows nothing at all about the United States Constitution. That having been said, every single immigrant I know, corrects me on my own wrong statements about history and constitutional law. Citizens like you are the reason, our country is strong. So thank you for coming here. And hopefully after 2024 we can begin to put Trump behind us.

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Thank you Valere. BTW, Trump started January 20, 2017. He had 4 full years in which as you said he did nothing but destroy our reputation abroad, restoring the myth of the ugly American of the 1950's. It was even worse when he stayed home. He single handedly enabled the COVID-19 virus to cause more death and destruction in the United States than any other Country in the World. With a population of 332 million we suffered over 1 million Covid deaths, nearest to us was India with a population of 1.4 billion and 705 thousand deaths and no where near the resources we had available. Trump's bungling and lies caused the deaths. I sure hope the election of 2024 stamps "Finish" on trump.

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Fay, I was pointing to the horrid behavior he showed whenever he traveled, but I certainly didn’t mean to indicate that he did nothing harmful here in the United States. I was writing in the context of his knowing nothing about international relations, immigration on any level, whether involuntary immigrant from war are voluntarily coming here to join family members; or basically anything to do with interpersonal relationships because the subject was immigration. Speaking about his horrible behavior overseas does not exclude the mess he made of our country. It would take a many pages novel to capture the extent of his harm to our country.

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Sorry, Valere, I did understand your meaning. I was just adding that in addition to all you correctly said a reminder to others he was no better at home than abroad.

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Consider the current situation, Trump administration tied the hands of immigration with reduced funding across the board: agents, processors, judges, etc.... the stressed system was adjusted to fail as funds went into building a wall rather than updating the processing and distribution of applicants.

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That too. The trump administration built 52 miles of original primary walls. They also built 458 miles of replacement walls and secondary (behind the primary walls. The border between Mexico is 1,954 miles. And trump wants cheers?

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Thank you, Joyce, for letting us know this outcome. If the judge signs the agreement, we can know that families won’t be separated for at least eight years. I know if we have a blue house, Senate and presidency we can make this permanent. Thank you for everything you have done for this cause, and so many others.

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Joyce, now that so many children have been reunited, where exactly were they with? Do we know that yet? Were they placed in so-called Christian homes?

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And how many are there, to date, that their families cannot be found.

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I hadn't thought of that. Thanks.

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No conscience.

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