Thanks, Joyce. It must frustrate you to no end that your Sec’y of State is such a bigoted louse. Happy that DOJ filed actions against him.

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Absolutely!! I, too, am so pleased to learn that the DOJ has filed actions against our (Alabama’s) Secretary of State. He pictures himself as a Trump Mimi-me. Thank you, Joyce, for highlighting that occurrence.

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Trump is like a rat in a corner - he's showing his desperation with all the nonsense he spews about illegal aliens voting and encouraging secretaries of state to kick as many people off the voting rolls as they can. Three cheers for the DOJ. With a Harris victory on November 5th the DOJ will be able to finish their probes into Trump's corruption - which would have happened already had AG Garland not "dragged his feet."

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Unfortunately, his allies Netanyahu and Putin are making life more miserable for everyone too, as they prolong wars to make Biden and Harris look weak. We know that neither plans to stop if Trump wins, just to engage his help in more viciously pursuing their goals.

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I’m so utterly sick of all of them. I truly hope the blue wave 🌊 washes them all into the cesspool they belong in, never to be heard from again! 💙💙💙VOTE BLUE up and down the ticket.

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Trump knows that if Republicans let all Americans vote freely, the game is over for the GOP. Their survival now depends on suppressing voters and feeding lies about election fraud. If his 2020 plan didn’t work, he’s simply looking for new ways to rig 2024 before it even starts. The fewer people who vote, the better his odds, and that’s the entire strategy in a nutshell.

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It would almost seem that the GOP would rather permit an abortion over permitting a vote for a Democrat.

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Yep. Or rape or kill a pet. It is their neurotic need for total control over others that drives individuals like Trump and his political and financial governing class. They can not bear to feel that they are beholden to or need any other. Their inner landscape is a barren cultural desert of violent abuses of power where they perceive only Masters or Slaves.

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Is it true he was booed by the crowd?

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I saw a few videos from his rally today, and I am horrified anyone can hear the malice and abject craziness he's spewing and want him to have any power.

He's absolutely bats**t.

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It's time to refuse to tolerate sane washing loser Donald. He is a serial predator.

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Thankfully the numbers of rally attendees appear to be dropping.

Still, even the smaller numbers can cause great damage when they return home.

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As far as proof of citizenship is concerned, many people have also pointed out that many women change their last name when they get married so that name wouldn't match their birth certificate. Many women also don't change their name back to their maiden name when they get divorced. And, most people don't have a passport, mine is expired. I'm 72 years old and I was married twice, took my husband's last name both times, but after the second divorce I had the divorce decree list that I'd changed my name back to my maiden name and now that name matches my birth certificate.

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Numbers of noncitizens Trump is targeting who actually vote: infinitesimal.

Numbers of women he's targeting by accusing noncitizens of voting: millions upon millions.

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True for me. I didn’t change my name

Back after my divorce. And I moved to France where women don’t ever take their husbands name. So the fact that my birth certificate is different confuses then. And then yes I have to bring name change and divorce certificates with certified translations. To complicate things I got married in China where no name change took place and it wasn’t until years later that I formally took my now ex’es last name. I sometimes wonder if I could change my name back to my maiden name (while not living in the US currently)… but then all my French IDs would be wrong, my passport would too. A mess of admin that I don’t relish. My message to women : keep your maiden names!!!

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Steve Bannon's Precinct Strategy is what Rs plan to execute.

I have been working with Melbourne, Australia based, TheJuiceMedia,

on their latest Honest Government Ad (HGA) TRUMP2024 (Stop the Steal). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHuMjIhS6t0

The goal of this HGA is to educate Americans about Steve Bannon’s “precinct strategy” and to encourage Americans to check their voter registration, register and vote!

Joyce - If you are not familiar with TheJuiceMedia, they did a HGA back in July 2022 about SCOTUS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jL5LaLT2BJM&t=2s

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

That is good stuff, Jason. I have the feeling though that we are missing something big. That is the complacency of the Democrat. We all seem to be accepting Trump's fucked up program. Trump says: "I won't accept a defeat". The Red legislatures (Alabama for one) simply break the 90 day law. Trump's stormtroopers threaten everyone except their own babies. Scrotus decides on laws that the majority don't support while collecting favors from the worst grifters this country has seen...I won't go on with all of the egregious transgressions currently taking place, nor list the coming ones. HOWEVER; we the Democrats stay within the bounds of the fucked up legal system, and take it up the proverbial keister. Where is our resistance? "They have the guns"...Why don't we. Who will stop the farce that is coming at us when the Mango Mussolini calls his minions to take over when he decides the time is right? Our current President? I don't think so!

Maybe a lot of rattling of cages in that direction would do us some good. This election needs to be fought, no matter what. We need to fight for our right to live freely, at the polls, against the electoral fuck up, against a corrupt Scrotus. If the German democrats had been willing to get of their arses to fight the Nazi's much earlier than 1933, I submit that Hitler would not have happened, and those democrats wouldn't have been the first to populate the Concentration camps and ovens. If the democrats had been as effective as Goebbels' propaganda machine to get their people marching in the streets, then Hitler would not have happened. Does the Lincoln Project or HGA call for us to take up our guns to protect our freedom? For our government to outlaw by executive order what the MAGAts are perpetrating in broad "judicial daylight"? No, of course not...We would not think of it...'How nicely we do lose'...and they just walked into the "showers"...how could they? I am extremely concerned that we will not be prepared to wrest our freedom from the dirty, greedy hands of what will be our oppressors "They have told us what they are going to do to us in Project 2025". Don't we believe them, do we think they are just joking? Even if Trump somehow "legally" wins, he is not getting there by legal means, and we need to stop him, or my beautiful, changing, growing USA is going to die.

As people my age (71) are doing in Ukraine, I would be prepared to stop him before he 'takes' our country by his villainous machinations and with the help of those greedy fat cats who support him in order to line their own pockets (as German Industrialists did). HGA and Lincoln project could become a lot more aggressive if we had a real Propagandist...but then again, we are just too smart and nice for that. History will tell if we actually had the necessary IQ to THRIVE in our Ecosystem as it changed, or whether we will become extinct at the hands and minds of those we look down upon Intellectually. The big mistake Hillary made by calling MAGAts "deplorables"...pitiful and sad...well they are not; they are THE clear and present danger to our evolution as a nation. "The people get the leaders they vote for" IS NO LONGER TRUE!

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The only reason he is running is to keep his fat ass out of jail.he and his enablers will do any and everything to see this doesn’t happen thus needs to be president.glad DOJ stepped in.

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Don’t count on it. Trump

Is poor loser and a poor winner.

What more troubling than non citizens trying to vote, are all of the American citizens who don’t or won’t vote.

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The 2024 election may break that tradition. Many recognize they've lost a lot of real-time rights since 2020.

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Yes, indeed!!

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My husband and I lived in Sweden for five years. We were not citizens but we were legal residents. We were not allowed to vote in National elections but we were allowed to vote in local elections.

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Sweden doesn't have as many Confederates in power as the United States does, is the thing

This isn't a matter of different nations' systems working differently.

This is a matter of one set of people in one country deliberately trying to break that country's system in order to actively disenfranchise voters who aren't likely to vote for them.


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MATSA: "Make America The South Again."

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This troubles me greatly. Probably about two months ago I was talking with someone who said that Biden was not doing anything about the borders so all those illegals would vote for Biden. I explained how people who came in illegally are not able to vote. I told her it is against the law and that they would be deported. She said she heard from more than one source. My fear is that even those that have citizenship are going to be too afraid to vote. I remember how trump had poll watchers that were very intimidating. If those people are afraid to vote, it will be a big loss for democrats.

He is pure evil. I hope DOJ is up to the task.

Please continue to do whatever you can to help out to make sure that Harris-Walz wins by a landslide. It is important now, more than ever, for all of us to fight the good fight. “When we fight, we win.”

Thanks, Joyce for this important update. trump is not an honorable man. His legacy will be one of hatefulness…

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Brilliant timing for this!!! I'm adding this to my one-on-one discussions with the uninformed. I meet many young folks who don't know about how elections work....their schools failed to teach Civics!! As a retired educator, I need to educate our young voters!!!

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On a lighter note: love the “They’re eating the dawgs” graphic!

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Joyce, thank you for this piece on the truth about voter suppression, all facts about laws I had no idea. I wonder what relief the lawsuits might bring, especially injunctive relief with so little time to reverse illegal activities before the election. Can offending officials lose their jobs?

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Let us hope that the DOJ vigorously enforces the 1993 Voting Rights Act. well in advance.

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Had Trump been properly dealt with over the past four years and more recourses went to dealing with this voter suppression issue, we would not be having this conversation.

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