Although there is an enormous amount going on right now, especially for the week leading into the holidays, I’m not going to write tonight. I’m in the throes of grading final exams before my kids get home for the holidays, and my head is too full of the issues my students are analyzing to break away.
But I wanted to share with you how much reading their thoughtful, smart exams reminds me that our future is in good hands. The next generation still cares about the rule of law. Getting it right matters to them.
Teaching always fills me with a sense of love and optimism, and never more so than in moments like these when I see a semester’s study come to fruition, and I see the progress these people who are going to commit their lives to law and justice are making with sheer grit and hard work. We owe it to them to get as much right as we possibly can before it’s their turn!
Bella is exhausted by all of the hard work I’m doing. I’m grateful for her support, if not the snores.
We’re in this together,
Thank you for the burst of optimism and reminder that those following in our footsteps are working hard to be able to carry on. And Bella, dear Bella, your support of Joyce is much appreciated. Dog love is an integral part of he process.
I taught U.S. history and high school civics for 30 years and not a day went by that I wasn't inspired and motivated by my students. I'm retired one year now but go back to my school to mentor students and consult on projects. More time to surf but I still crave the connection with these eager young people who always bring me hope :)